Celine_ Offline

45 In a relationship Female from Las Vegas       591
abandoned soul
abandoned soul: … … twelve days & twelve Christmas wishes … …
MAY your love remain Precious , boundless , true
YOUR soul , a thing of beauty , shrinking infinity
YOUR joy , a thing found in a small flower amongst weeds
YOUR friendships , a thing of love , infectious laughter , endless joy
YOUR smile , a thing of freely given beauty
YOUR heart , a thing of bravery , never saying no to the good fight
YOUR understanding's , a thing of truths , empathy , contentment
YOUR loved ones , a group getting your very best , giving theirs
YOUR life , a thing of amazing wins , small and great
YOUR mind , a thing of constant wonder , endless discovery
YOUR love of people expand to generosity for the poorest
LASTLY may you KNOW your a loved soul
by Mick E.
2014 xmas poem
9 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (1)
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