cavailable2: The pastors wife and the pastors say "what's in a day"? But remembering Jesus was and is the expression of God, what day of the week was he concerned about? What day of the week did he say to pray for? Was not it the Sabbath that Adam was acquainted with in Eden? I will tell you something. Throughout Jewish culture and throughout the Bible whenever the weekly Sabbath is mentioned it is always mentioned in the singular and annual Sabbath are always mentioned in the plural. eg in Hebrews 4: 9 there remains a weekly Sabbath, not some, for the people of God .
Lazy and wicked stewards of the Bible Slow to pick up on the word of God, and accept it and act on it.
The weekly Sabbath is eternal, important to God and to his people.
cavailable2: The very name "sabbath" is God's mark or sign of authority.The Hebrew word is "Shabbath" . "Sha" means eternal One. "Ab" is the root word for Abba and means Father. "Bath" or "Beth" means "house" or "sign of" Thus we get from "shabbath or "sabbath".. "sign of the eternal Father."
Lazy and wicked stewards of the Bible Slow to pick up on the word of God, and accept it and act on it.
The weekly Sabbath is eternal, important to God and to his people.
Thus we get from "shabbath or "sabbath".. "sign of the eternal Father."