The Sabbath
All scripture is inspired by God 2 Tim 3: 16Without the fourth commandment, the one about the Sabbath, the Ten Commandments is incomplete.
Hebrews chapter 4 speaks of rest being found in Christ through our faith in him.. Mostly In this chapter the Greek word for rest is katepausen which means rest just as it does in Englsh. However there is an important exception in Hebrews 4: 9. In Hebrews 4: 9 the Greek word used for rest is sabbitmos means sabbath rest, sabbath observance, and sabbath keeping, all in one word.
Why is there a different word for rest? Why did God inspire the writer to put that there? Is Hebrews 4: 9 a summary of what has previously been written? Let us have a look.
Hebrews 4: 9 There remains a sabbitmos to the people of God. Does this imply that the sabbath of the OT was changed into meaning rest in Christ and Hebrews 4: 9 is proof of this? God says what he means and means what he says. Throughout Hebrews the word for rest in the Greek means the same as in English except for Hebrews 4: 9. God says there is peace in Christ through our faith in him but also there still remains a 7th day Sabbath for his people in honor of his creativity and sanctifying them. Keeping the sabbath fits within the context of the whole Bible. Jesus told us to pray about the Sabbath. He told us to pray about the winter too. This could be construed as praying for our safety and comfort. But having to pray for the Sabbath is very important too.
If we are to pray for it perhaps we should observe and keep it too.
We should pray for the Sabbath. Jesus said to.
The Lord said to keep the Sabbath
In Hebrews 4: 9 the word there for rest actually means weekly Sabbath in the Greek. It is Sabbitmos and in one word has the meaning of Sabbath rest, Sabbath observance, and Sabbath keeping. This is what remains for the people of God. Also the weekly Sabbath is always mentioned in the SINGULAR form not plural throughout the Bible. The annual Sabbath are always mentioned in the plural. Thus there remains A Sabbath for the people of God not "some Sabbaths" or "the Sabbaths" in this verse.
To repeat
The annually occurring Sabbaths were always mentioned in the plural throughout the Bible.
This also applies in Colossians where Paul states, "Let every man make up his own mind regarding the Sabbaths" plural.
Jesus spoke of himself as THE Son of Man which is one of the the titles for the messiah He said the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath thereby stating he is God because the Sabbath is for honoring God as Lord and Creator of everything.
In their culture to say A son of man merely means a descendent of a man in other words someone's son or a man . If Jesus had said A son of man is lord of the Sabbath it would have meant the Sabbath is free to be used or discarded just however anybody a son of man wants. However that is not what Jesus said
So you are free to make up your own mind but God said to do it this way.
What I have presented should not be believed or unbelieved according to my character or ability. Jesus said a prophet is not welcome in his own home
But go to the word of God and see if these things are true l am sure that you will find it as I have said.
Don't use the Bible as a wicked and lazy steward would but do the research
People believe they can go by tradition or culture in observing Sunday. However it is really the age old story of the Devil telling man he can do as he pleases but not mentioning he will have to do it in darkness. This is a darkness where man doesn't know the difference between good and evil and truth and lies.
What does the light that is the word of God say about God's appointed time that is the Sabbath? And what has man done with it?
God made it clear. The 7th day of the week was and is and will be the day of worship. But you have followed the popes who tried to change the ten commandments including the one about his appointment with us. jesus spoke well about tradition that it destroys the work of God because you keep Sunday out of your traditions and make the Sabbath void. But Paul and the Holy Spirit said should grace make the law void.? God forbid!
Fools! Slow of heart and mind to learn
There remains a sabbitmos for the people of God
Thank you