Cassandra37 Offline

42 Female from Chico       409

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Where are you right now? I don’t mean in the physical sense, but the mental, in life. Where are you in this journey we all engage in? So many I see seem lost. No real path, no real destination, like leaves in the wind, content to wander, no real plan. Then again not all who wander are lost. Sometimes one must wander and stumble upon their correct path. Yet again having a track set in stone, ridged and unchangeable creates its own issues as life will always send you the unexpected. You must be able to deviate from your track when necessary. We all have the same destination, the cold forever sleep, but the journey is really what matters. We are given no map, no campus, no GPS, we must find our own direction. Yes, at some points we have a guide, but how good is a guide when even they are not completely familiar with the trail you’re traveling. This expedition is full of twists and turns, some we are prepared for, even welcome. But the ones that mark your personal milestones are the surprises, the sharp turns, the washed-out roads, the hidden potholes hellbent on destroying your tires. No two journeys will ever be the same. They cross, converge, align, disrupted, aid, end, and alter the paths of those we travel with. Yet there is one part of this journey we all share, it is our choices, our ability to alter your course. Too many give in to fate convinced that nothing can change the trek they find themselves on. Yes, there are many bumps in the road, things beyond our control, but it is always up to you to decide where you plant that next footstep. Or even take a step at all. You chose whether to run, walk, jump, retreat or even fly as you navigate this life. So, grab your steering wheel, put on your captains’ hat and make the most out of your voyage. Whether fair weather or tempest the wheel is always in your hands. Wherever you go there you are, so go forth and leave your mark on the world for good or ill. Never be content with just “You are hear”. Always look to the horizon, go find out what’s over that next hill, brave that unexplored territory. We walk many roads over our time here it will always be the paths we forge for ourselves that make it journey worth taking.