Friends | The conditions of a solitary bird are five: The first, that it flies to the highest point; The second, that it does not suffer for company, not even of its own kind; The third, that it aims its beak to the skies; The fourth, that it does not have a definite color; The fifth, that it sings very softly calybonos: Well, given the infinite probabilities, who is to say that I am not one of those who still possess the ability to roll the dice? calybonos: Thanx boss, but next time do me a favor, wiil ya? Don't send me anything that sounds that close to cracklin. .... I almost pooped myself. View all 7 posts Zhya in reply to Kiss__: It you look at this page: You will see we also have Moderators from Canada, the UK, South Africa, and India. (Post deleted by Kiss__ ) calybonos: I found it in a subway restroom toilet. It's two sizes too small, got a few questionable stains, and I wouldn't be caught dead wearing it myself, but it's the thought that counts, right? ![]() View all 5 posts i am hatstand: Lord Calybonos of Wire, lives in the ancestral residence, Calybonos House....a Palladian palace completed in 1735, the house and gardens occupy 26.33 hectares, and were created mainly by architect and landscape designer William Kent, which included a 100 meter mud bath, adorned at each end with sculptures representing Venus in flagrante delicto with the first Duke Calybonos. During the 19th century the house fell into decline, and for a time was rented out by the Calybonos family. It was used as an asylum (mental hospital). Calybonos House retains a large live-in staff: a butler, under butler, groom of the chambers, valet, three footmen, a housekeeper, the Duchess's maid, 11 housemaids, two sewing women, a cook, two kitchen maids, a vegetable maid, two or three scullery maids, two stillroom maids, a dairy maid, six laundry maids and the Duchess's secretary. Alongside the live-in staff, there is a daily staff that includes: the odd man, upholsterer, scullery-maid, two scrubbing women, laundry porter, steam boiler man, coal man, two porter's lodge attendants, two night firemen, night porter, two window cleaners, and a team of joiners, plumbers and electricians. Recently, when asked for comment on how he manages to maintain such an opulent and remarkable residence, Lord Calybonos replied: "Who are you....who is this person that interrupts my morning ablutions...where is my arse man with my cotton wool....?" he then preceeded to bemoan his bad luck for being caught up in a "pissing contest between God and the devil"..... |
Susan down in Whitley Hall, Constance on the make...
Constance Fry, Constance Fry,
Anytime you call....
Constance will fulfill your needs,
Winter, Spring, or Fall....
Lookin Good Billy Ray