
Wisest of Us ALL, the TREE Stands TALL

I have always been amazed, inspired, awed, and drawn to trees. They are sooo beautiful, alive, wise, and always growing. The concept of a trees life, reflects in very spiritual ways for me. I connect how and masterful a tree lives as royals rich in ways we fail soo sadly in ridiculous variations, with meaningless levels of achievements we base the colors of our leafs dance in the exact same bowl of life such tree has mastered. I see it sad and un-just,.. yet forever suceeding in raising the heights of successful master-ly god-like attire of pimped out gold crowns we fantasize ans debut as living the meaning. A trees wisdom, runs great risk and and odds in which matters of their, forever un-fathomed, lengths of wisdom; can grow to not only touch but occupie and claim as now a part of them to live.
I can stare at the beauty of there souls halo footprint, spiralrolling the the events in in creatation of growing twigs into branches reaching from the truck of sprouted seeds…..
i can go- on and on and on how trees are a physical playhouse of my minds thoughts of life in heaven..

Egyptians should have build such gold palaces kingdoms to burn logs.. mummified in gold.
for purpose of recantation of souls,
sprouting stocks of rich crops,
seeded with the return of the soul,
now golden for sur.
hidden is the map, of maple trees delicious smokey sap..
a Trees Core holds the golden glory
of each tress halo spiral.
wait.. wood is very similar to the color gold…. and hold much value in the world we live… even built a vessel carting the chance for 2 forms of life to live…
ooooh tree
i wish to be
amoungst the breeze
your joyful leafs
to dance and play
a game i swim,
yet never win.

feed urcloud

make it RAin AKA MrRainMaker

provide many forms of entertainment threw the puddling rain drops of laughter , showered from the clouds in my brainstorms… For you SEA, it has been Me in the eye of the ALL SeYEing EyE… and I cast my sights on the lies sailing my SEA-z.. I Rain and shower now down on THEE, The OUTPOURING in overvacasted with lies sky. for no more cents can be sniffed, from the may flowers sense, that my 4th sisters showers spends.. FOR today We SAIL the SEAs, where the Masens MAY FLOWER bring, no matter, other than GREY MAY DAYS, SEIZE the SIGHTS of LIES GREY SHIPS FILLING THE SKIES WITH DISGUISED GREY SHIPS.!!

journaled free WRITE.. always is written from free MINDright

journaled free WRITE.. always is written from free MINDright…….. i need a speak to type device or better yet and minds thought—-> to type device… get one that apple.. perhaps we call it “ithought” …. —>with my “eYethought” I can write what was ment to been seen right with grammatical, correctly spelled, english typed words… ohhh i just might be able to show, the lands my knowledge stands. tidal waves and currents might just drift away, another ones toddlerd-mind riddles.. with universal rhythm and flow dangerous to center. your eyes will blind from the brightness words shine.. soooo i suggest reading the rest, under protected lenses, of my aviator glasses..,in fact it is strict uniform requirements to enter my classes..
studies: chapter one:
my understanding with the knowledge in understood geometric, cymatics, shapes formes in 2 dimensional structures ( rectangle, square, triangle,) found inside a circle, that is a 2d dimensional shape formed from the sound of of circles ! dimonseninal, feq hear in oam
that 2d shape formed from different frequencies in the first 1d dimission, that make up the teachings of cymanics… leads to the understanding of physics in creation of 2d structures, into the 3 dimension od 3d… showing sphere, cube. etc
which leads to quantum physics, tackin 3d spheres to 4d dimensions of planets, and sphere is really now a 4d octagon…of earth… example :soccer ball back and white shapes of all straight lines making round…
most things are complete in 6d…. where each n not pentagon inside galaxies
but i can go to 10 d man
because 6d is still only 4% of whats inside the holding of 10d’s dark matter that makes up 94% of the current known 10th dimension of 10d.
just my pausing in thoughts of my knowledge of understand hae to form these sooooo simple drawings of certain drawn letters, in certain drawn order, in drawn structure of sentence and grammatical english order
in order for you to see and understand my picture
misunderstood words read, show misunderstand ment of original drawn understood knowledge outside of simple line structure
the teachings in learning not to be taught
but learning in thought
are seen in every form of universe’s, sought desire, learn and understand the original knowledge showing art in the lands thought stands
i think man
the crayon box
needs more crayons
i require more color, ink, and literature in order to paint a picture for your eyes to discover as the picture my thoughts stand and deliver
my written scripture
left to read about the table in my minds kitchen
I cook not 3 course appitiecers,
but food for thought in unviseres meals
on does not eat bread, but is feed.
one does not drink wine, but divine..
bottled from the fruits my my mind vine.
grown for many learned forms of known
places the knowledegs tree holds branches..
Remeber seeds, you are what you eat,
so chosee where your food grows,
for theres not better source, than the gardens i left
fromy souls rested breaks in each walking day.
to sit eat the rest in bed.
sweet dreams my young pets.
tomorrow can be the your very best yet.

ohhh shit it said share my thoughts

my first thought is where to start the thought of thinking to begin. in means to share my thoughts. often wonder about the paper or forum or blog im writing on. have you ever had such a thought. chuw chuw trains dont actually chew. Id rather not chew bubble gum. for i dont think bubbles are ment to me in my mouth. and chewing a bubble is kinda likr poping the bubble. I like to think my mind thinks toughts in bubble never snap crackle or poping.. for must cant sallow the ballons of my thoughts. thats ok, it makes for less croward skies when looking down in in sight of so many thoughts lett to chew gum then pop. you seen mental, i climb, up over and beyond estienne, elevated heights times 9. bubble that yumm into gum and chew it.