Bridge_ Offline

50 In a relationship Female from Ottawa       1839
I work with children all day long so it's nice to have some adults to converse with while they are napping... no that does not mean I am looking for "adult chat"... just people with a bigger vocabulary than a toddler....
I do have a man in my life, so no I'm not interested in video chat, kik or skype nor am I looking to hook up. I'm on here because this is where I like to chat.
Just friendly conversation please.

If you're not the person you say you are or portray yourself to be in your photos, then please leave me alone. I have run into so many fake profiles on here that it makes me wonder why I even bother. I keep my friend list short and private because of this.

Just be your damn self.
There's nobody else out there you need to be...

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