Friends | /l、 (゚、 。 7 l、 ~ヽ じしf_, )ノ *meow* saeed87: This comment has been deleted 13 years ago • Report • Link 0 heart break kid: i sonar con algo A very true saying- No matter how much u "FLIRT" during the day,Bt at night u will always end up thinking about the one u "TRULY LOVE"..... heart break kid: A very true saying- No matter how much u "FLIRT" during the day,Bt at night u will always end up thinking about the one u "TRULY LOVE"..... PERT BOY: ______*_______** * ___________ ____________***__*_**** ___________ ____________**__**_____* __________ ___________***_*__*_____* _________ __________****_____**___****** ____ _________*****______**_*______** __ ________*****_______**________*_** ________*****_______*_______* _____ ________******_____*_______* ______ _________******____*______* _______ __________********_______* ________ __***_________**______** __________ *******__________** WHAT IS SWEET BUT _*******_________* NOT HONEY_______ __******_________*_* ______________ ___***___*_______** PRECIOUS BUT NOT ___________*_____*__*MONEY_________ _______****_*___* _________________ _____******__*_** BRIGHT BUT NOT... ____*******___** SUNSHINE__________ ____*****______* __________________ ____**_________* IMPROVE WITH TIME.. _____*_________* BUT NOT WINE???___ _____________*_* __________________ ______________** ITS FRIENDSHIP frNd 4 evea........--<3 kapilbohra_022: Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change. Play hard, forgive quickly, Take chances, Give everything and have NO regrets... Life is too short to be anything but happy praveen: before i sleep and after i wake up and all the hours in occupy my mind so, practically every moment of the day you are in my thoughts...... i miss u.............. praveen: before i sleep and after i wake up and all the hours in occupy my mind so, practically every moment of the day you are in my thoughts...... i miss u.............. |