BreAndYou2 Offline

34 Female from Manchester       356

BreAndYou2 added a new image to her album Profile Pictures 11 days ago Report
Cazutu2: woo hot dam, thats one fine sexy hot gorgeous women,
10 days ago Report
Pat13161: Part of this summer's vacation? I am sorry I missed you on here live.
9 days ago Report
Jolly jon
Jolly jon: What a beautiful smile! You look amazing!!
4 days ago Report
BreAndYou2 changed her profile picture: 11 days ago Report
BreAndYou2 to WhiteLash: Thank you
3 months ago Report Link
WhiteLash: Our society is sick and getting sicker. Be careful on these sites and never trust anyone. Jesus is the only cure.
3 months ago Report Link
BreAndYou2 added new images to her album Profile Pictures 4 years ago Report
guy54: beautiful pics
3 years ago Report
BreAndYou2 changed her profile picture: 4 years ago Report
View all 11 posts
soft_white_bunny: Rudolph the red nose. so cute.
2 years ago Report
jj936598: nice!!!
1 year ago Report
chap007: aww great pic
3 months ago Report
BreAndYou2 added a new image to her album Profile Pictures 2 years ago Report
View all 16 posts
jm3512143: beautiful, young lady!!!
5 months ago Report
hagenduz: such a lovely young woman
4 months ago Report
chap007: beautiful amazing eyes!
3 months ago Report
BreAndYou2 changed her profile picture: 2 years ago Report
BreAndYou2 added a new image to her album Profile Pictures 3 years ago Report
View all 14 posts
jj936598: really pretty!!
1 year ago Report
vikingodin29: Beautiful smile
1 year ago Report
Jolly jon
Jolly jon: So pretty with that amazing smile! You're beautiful!@
4 months ago Report
BreAndYou2 changed her profile picture: 3 years ago Report
BreAndYou2: I just would like to lay bare the level of abusive misogyny a lot of male chatters display on this site and in this world for all to see. This "man" spent hours of his "life" to attempt to bully me, demean me and abuse me because he was jealous of another and I refused to put up with his behavior.

Honestly, I'm not going to take it. This is why we don't trust you when you approach us, psychos like this:

BreAndYou2: Delusional
1 day ago

tonedarkman: after we talked today and you rejected yet again to add me I felt I did deserve it. I did some thinking and I know I rushed to blame things on parents and the past but I remembered I was a very fun guy to be with. easy going optimistic man untill the damn celibacy that I decided to stick with for 18 years. I am aching for sex, hungry for a woman's body and dying to give my passion to her. I know you would say then go have sex. I want it only with the one I find that she is very special, unique amazing woman. I found you to be that one at first.
some of your behavior and painful words has changed that somewhat.
I am trying to say stop telling me I am sick. I know what is wrong with me. no sex for all those years and not only the sex . the passion the love the sex with no boundaries, all that I have been missing so much.
you are so wrong with your analysis of me .
13 hours ago

tonedarkman: and stop being silly and add me please
13 hours ago

tonedarkman: ohhh wow I see you have been claimed and owned wow nice nice and very classy
and you call me sick.. YOu are trash I was right Fuck you and fuck what you are...…. I never thought I wo uld be so wrong abot a woman
YOU ARE TRASH. GO to fucking hell you dirty whore.
13 hours ago

tonedarkman: now I a free of you ………..never talk to me ever again you TRASH
13 hours ago

BreAndYou2: What a nice, stable guy throwing temper tantrums and constantly attempting to control and attack me.

You really are sick and you really are abusive. I know you have done this with others because you constantly repeat yourself.

Go to a therapist
13 hours ago

tonedarkman: and yea I am sick I am sick of you you trash. go ahead meet him you fucking judged me while you are nothing but a cheap whore. I hope god pay you back for what you put me thru.
13 hours ago

tonedarkman: go to fucking hell,. who are you to tell me to see a therapist you cheap bitch
13 hours ago

tonedarkman: I dont hate you I dispise you you are a low life C*&^%
13 hours ago

tonedarkman: Never done this with others. I stay away from trash but you tricked me into beleive you were a lady
13 hours ago

tonedarkman: Take it off right now that you are claimed
13 hours ago

tonedarkman: NOw Damn it now
13 hours ago

tonedarkman: thanks God I never met you . spitting on you now
13 hours ago

tonedarkman: such a fucking disappointment you are to me
13 hours ago

tonedarkman: first woman I thought I would fuck after 18 years turned out to be you. God must really hates me. ughhhhhhhh and yuk thats what I think of you now
13 hours ago

tonedarkman: your X was a smart man to dump your skinny ass
13 hours ago

tonedarkman: women like you always end up in the gutter. and here you are judging me. first time in my life I couldnt tell a lady froma whore. my mistake
13 hours ago

13 hours ago

tonedarkman: now I know why you wouldnt add me again. go ahead fuck every man you meet you are so disgusting and such damaged goods to me. I cared about you and was willing to do anything for you. but to brag and to want to be claimed and collard you are so fucking sick.
12 hours ago

BreAndYou2: Pathetic.
12 hours ago

tonedarkman: shut the fuck up
12 hours ago

tonedarkman: pathetic is a cheap woman who wants to be a whore
12 hours ago

tonedarkman: I fucking hate you
I hope god would punish you for what you have done to me
12 hours ago

tonedarkman: and he will
12 hours ago

tonedarkman: dont take it down ..I dont give a fuck anymore about you. You fucking crushed my heart God damn you .
12 hours ago

BreAndYou2: No, a whore would accept your abusivr behavior and let you continue you continue yiut psychotic rants and delusional jealousy.

The men tjat do not treat me well get banned. Guess what? Most men are polite, have lives and handle themselves with confidence.

You are not one of these men. You have had chance after chance and you have blown them all. So pleaee continue screaming like a child and ignoring your deeply obvious issues.
12 hours ago

tonedarkman: kiss my ass ………….do not talk about politeness and lives...……..go let him put you on a collar you cheap bitch. I hate you …I am done with you . ITS YOUR LOSS BELEIVE ME . you want to blame me for having a heart and feelings go ahead. I am human you are a creature.
12 hours ago

tonedarkman: I dont want to guess what . I am not guessing anymore I know what you are and I know your low life dickheads what they are . go fuck them doesnt matter to me .
12 hours ago

BreAndYou2: Good luck with your health care and recovery
11 hours ago

tonedarkman: shut up whore, you are at no position to judge me. you disgust me
11 hours ago

tonedarkman: I am done with you. you are the SICK One
11 hours ago

tonedarkman: claimed and owned and collard fuck you
11 hours ago

tonedarkman: I always steered clear from women like this. and wAHT DO YOU KNOW HAD TO BE FOOLED BY ONE
11 hours ago

tonedarkman: I am sick, SIck of you
11 hours ago

BreAndYou2: Jealous temper tantrums. Listen to your self and begin to understand why you are so lonely. Look in the mirror and take the time to examine why you cannot even have fun with me.

You're a sad,lonely, angry guy and its pathetic
11 hours ago

tonedarkman: listen, I am sorry I called you whore I am sorry I called you trash. YOu have crushed my heart when I read those words you put there something inside me died.
Maybe I shouldnt have loved you. its your life. you keep calling me sick and pathetic its ok. maybe I am for being such a fool.
I fucking cried when I wrote you and called you all those names I was crying like a damn pussy when I deleted your pics. few left and i stopped.
this profile pic I put there was for you then what do I read today when I tried to request to add me. I read all this shit about you being owned and claimed, so vile and disgusting.
its ok I deserve all this pain. I was hoping we would meet now all this gone. I want nothing to do with you anymore I will leave you alone.
I ask yoru forgiveness for calling you those names. a coward would do that. easy to call names. I am sorry. Not ask you to forgive me so we could talk again, that couldnt happen again. I want nothing to do with you.
10 hours ago

tonedarkman: what is and could be more disgusting that you are here chatting with your owner, so fucking disgusting, and at same time you are responding to me. I hope I am wrong otherwise you have reached new level of low class
10 hours ago

tonedarkman: and you still havent removed it from your profile.
10 hours ago

tonedarkman: I looked in the mirror and I saw a guy who was an idiot and for falling for you. do you know that is has been almost a year.. I should have left you when you blew that man on Valentine's day and you knew I was here hoping to meet you. so thats what I saw in the mirror. I am not going to tell you what to look for when you look in the mirror, you should see it easily but I know your pussy and sex got the best of you.
do you know that I seriously wanted to do things for you a father would do for his daughter? and no on the short term but long term.
but I know who you are and what type you are. so no foul no harm/
10 hours ago

tonedarkman: I gave you a silent chance to remove what you wrote in your profile about you being fucking claimed but you didnt
10 hours ago

tonedarkman: then I told you to remove it but you didnt. and you think I want to have fun with you??? fuck no. if you were one of those bimbos that I didnt care about then maybe.
10 hours ago

tonedarkman: Breanne I want you to take that note down now. it is fucking sick to keep it up there. you are not a fucking slave or a piece of ass to be claimed forever. take it down now
8 hours ago

tonedarkman: fine do not take it down once trash always trash ……. be owned and collard and call him your master you fucking slutty whore white trash bitch. YOU make me really sick I thougth by now you would have deleted it ………rott in hell you so fucking disgusting...……..I gave you few hours to take it down and you didnt...…
7 hours ago

tonedarkman: I know all those degrading names are a compliment to you thats how fucking sick YOU are
7 hours ago

tonedarkman: I just realized that yo accused me of being jealous. do you really think I would fuck you or touch you now?
low life trash you are . I remember I told you once that those men here were out of your league, I think a fucking pig, real pig an animal pig is in your league, a Hobo who h asnt taken a shower in years is in your leage, alll you want is a cock . such a whore. dont you ever say I am jealous I was sickened by what I found out about your character, and disgusted of the fact I thought you were a lady.
do not take it down, let every one who comes to your profile see what a cheap easy whore you are.
I hope you burn in hell.
and no I am not jealous I am sad to see what I thought was a lady and a princess is nothing but garbage. be collard and owned you damn whore.
good fucking bye filthy bitch. I think you should be a porn whore thats the profession that suits you.
now I feel free and at ease knowing my loss was only trash and garbage .
6 hours ago

tonedarkman: those men are so so so polite to you and nice because they would say anything to fuck you they would pretend to be nice and sweet to you but you are too dumb and too airhead to realize that. I dont fake ….. I tell as it is weather gonna cost me a good fuck or not . but you is not more good fuck you are a sick white trash woman.
6 hours ago

tonedarkman: I am sure too busy tonight fucking your garbage owner who owns his white trash whore/
You know what, your not worth my time anymore ……… I think I made it clear what you are. talking about delusional it YOU. degrading yourself and claiming you are the property of some piece of shit.
FUck you to hell Breanne, sorry,Trash.
6 hours ago

tonedarkman: thats all I had to say to you. now go and be what you do best
6 hours ago

tonedarkman: you showed me a pic of you and your guy that you like and whom you visited in CA this summer. I found it fine and nothing wrong with that, I wasnt jealous at all,
but when you do something DEGRADING to yourself it makes me sick. so no it is not its not jealousy it is a huge disappointment in you.
I do not get jealous when the woman is a whore and trash, an end to all my feelings towards you and yes some anger or a lot of it.
I proved you wrong about me again
5 hours ago
4 years ago Report Link
View all 7 posts
Risus Sardonicus
Risus Sardonicus: Ya this is toxic for sure big time. I had to stop reading it. So sorry you have to put up with this nonsense.
11 months ago Report
farmallfarms: You should have told him to beat it. lol
9 months ago Report
Jolly jon
Jolly jon: I'm afraid some people have nothing better to do than abuse!there only low life parasites preying on others! Rise above them!!
6 months ago Report
laskacraig: Hello look at Brite glow you hav
10 months ago Report Link
BreAndYou2 added a new image to her album Profile Pictures 3 years ago Report
View all 11 posts
jj936598: hot
1 year ago Report
vikingodin29: Lovely pic
1 year ago Report
Gerald01: Beautiful
10 months ago Report
BreAndYou2 changed her profile picture: 3 years ago Report
BreAndYou2 added a new image to her album Profile Pictures 3 years ago Report
View all 15 posts
nmlascm13: I think nothing could be as magical as your Super Tight Dripping Wet Pussy !
2 years ago Report
guyinaz42: Even with the mask can see the pretty smile and eyes
10 months ago Report
BreAndYou2: I try to smile often
10 months ago Report
BreAndYou2 added a new image to her album Sexist,bigot "liberal" 4 years ago Report
View all 8 posts
Isaac_isaac: Love it. Agree 💯
2 years ago Report
DarkKight_: I agree 💯 %

I've worked in multi national company my entire life. Working with people of all different backgrounds. The thing I've discovered is deep down we're all the same. We work to make our lives better not only for ourselves but for our families, our communities.
1 year ago Report
guyinaz42: Wow
10 months ago Report
vikingodin29: Good morning
11 months ago Report Link
BreAndYou2 11 months ago Report
BreAndYou2 added a new image to her album Profile Pictures 3 years ago Report
View all 6 posts
guy54: It is true. In most cases, if a guy doesnt like anything a woman says or does, he calls her names.
3 years ago Report
Louswa: Nothing is for free lol
3 years ago Report
Risus Sardonicus
Risus Sardonicus: This is good...very of the times.
11 months ago Report
BreAndYou2 added a new image to her album Profile Pictures 4 years ago Report
View all 8 posts
Louswa: 🤣🤣🤣
3 years ago Report
t701809: Omg, that's funny
2 years ago Report
jj936598: it
1 year ago Report
BreAndYou2 added a new image to her album Profile Pictures 4 years ago Report
View all 5 posts
VTinoo: U can call me Daddy
3 years ago Report
maple_man: never say no to you baby girl
3 years ago Report
cardo1013: Which daddy ? and what is daddy saying no to pretty babe ???
2 years ago Report
briguy2217: This comment has been deleted
2 years ago Report Link
Morgasoms: Am not Roman but love ice cream
2 years ago Report Link
eddiaz982: Hi
3 years ago Report Link
BreAndYou2 changed her profile picture: 2 years ago Report