bradforbradbury Offline

52 Single Male from Bilbao       0

August 31, 2009, Monday 8:55 am local time

I’m so looking forward for Wednesday. It’s been a very hard year at work. Being all the time with the same person at the same work space isn’t good, and if you don’t like your mate or if he’s a bullshiter it’s still worse. But thanks god I had a fight with this old man and I sorted out all my problems and fears. Alleluyah, he ain’t no more in me head! Boy, am I going to enjoy these five weeks.

Actually I don’t want to go anywhere ⎯ why should I go anywhere when I live in Barcelona. I’ll pay a visit to my parents and then I’ll stay in Bcn, at home, with the brand-new MacBook and connected all day now that I have internet for the first time ever. And if I go out, I’ll visit some of the places one must see in Barcelona and that I haven’t seen yet after eight years; or I’ll go and see Jack, help him with his next short film or have some cocktails in his bar.

And dates. Don’t forget the dates. Remember your doctor.