Friends | bored and looking for friends. Say hello if you looking for some company boredomalive: Happy new year all. Been a while since I logged in however wanted to let you know that you are special and I missed you all a lot !!! 7 years ago • Report • Link 0 boredomalive: Today I was able to break the secret code to happiness (not really sure if it fits in the eyes of the sophisticated society, but hey whatever works for you right !!!). If we stack al the people in the world, some will be having a better life, more success, more happiness, more money..whatever and some will have less of all those things as compared to you. When you are sad look at the other miserable people and be happy with the fact that life could have been worse. What a disgusting way to feel but as I said, whatever works for happy friends... boredomalive: Sometimes Life throws SHIT at you....and you fight to stay alive...not sure WTF the world wants....doe God (if he exists) wants to kick us, punch us to make sure we are alive...or is it just to play with seriously ...give me a break dude... boredomalive: life is like a swamp....more you try to pull yourself out..more it will suck you in.... Choice is yours..either stay put and enjoy the swamp or die trying... boredomalive in reply to Tatertot2u: I definitely want to have some serious discussion with Adam and Eve.....It explains my aversion to Apple till date boredomalive to emo_Jen: life is never perfect...we all live with what we got and try to make the best of it boredomalive: I hate summer...the heat...the sweat...phew just cant wait for it to get over..the suite is just killing me....but then I looked at the lovely ladies around me..walking all around me ...and man I am in love with Summer...I love it how it affects the ladies more than men....almost seems they want to shed every inch of clothes to make us lose concentration boredomalive: Why do I have to be an open book for my friends to read, why cant I be a fucking bunker hiding and protecting whats within ?? Why do people expect you to be open with them when you enjoy your solitude. Is there something wrong with me or the world expects you to be vulnerable? boredomalive: Was watching Animal Planet and they showed a bunch of Male Chimps beat up one of the females cause she went out of Line...then the reporter said "Only one other specie is known to hurt their own in a similar fashion..Humans"...not sure we should be happy to the selected Few or sad that dont even care about out Own Kind...!!! boredomalive: The Road Not Taken BY ROBERT FROST Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. boredomalive to TattooedHoney: where had you been? havent seen you on Kik for a while...hope all is good with you... boredomalive: the world is a strange place..when you are quite..they take you as meek and when you loud they take you as arrogant.....phew I miss my jungle.. bfederow: That why I wanna go get my own island. That way I came have true peace. No one to judge us! boredomalive: on my way to the gym realized how awesome I might I can burn my fat and how much muscles I might I should refrain from high calorie food and how great I might become... then realized....lots of uncertainty whereas if I pull my blanket now and sleep...I will definitely going to feel good... No one really likes uncertainty I guess boredomalive: Not sure why we all complicate things, principle of life is simple. Either Fuck or get fucked!!! boredomalive: at times life hurls one problem after other and you just want to give up....yet you have a feeling something good is about to happen.... Did it ever happen to you or am I living in denial? Tatertot2u: living in denial ![]() |