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56 In a relationship Female from Donnybrook       1573
silvertung56: yrour "what is love" is one of the most beautiful things i have or anywhere...i think you have captured in the 3 para. the essence of that most elusive feeling.."love"..I think u have captured the real meaning of that transcends the superficial and the transient sexuality that defines much of modern day conceptions of is a totality...a completeness, that encompasses all that a person is...not just small pieces of a whole that captivate for a few moments...its hard to describe how readint that made me feel...just know that i hope u find that 'friend"...ur words illuminate a beautiful soul the world needs more of.....i wish only happiness for u in the coming year and years to come.....
3 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (2)
shararae67: Where is this post “what is love”?
2 years ago ReplyReport
BlueSmiles in reply to shararae67: I don't know how to link to my original post, but since you asked, here is what silvertung56 is talking about (what I wrote):

What Is Love?
One of the things I have mused about a lot is the nature of love. The TYPES of love and how we can identify them. Sometimes I worry about people skimming along on the surface looking only at attraction in relationships, and missing the pure gold of real love.
I thought I would share with you something I jotted down a while ago when I was thinking about the kind of love that comes from really knowing a person.
Would love to know any thoughts you have about this and whether you agree.

"...I have discovered that when I really connect with a person, when I learn all about them and come to love them, I am also loving what has made them who they are. Loving their story.
That means I love their history and life experience, I love them as a child (as I imagine them), I love their family, their ancestors, the other significant people in their lives, I love the places they have travelled, the ideas and questions and battles they have had, what they have achieved, the hurts they have suffered, the pets they have had, their friends, their longings and everything which has made them smile.
This got me thinking about how real love is so much more than compatibility, chemistry, physical attraction, etc – but more like a web of fibres connecting two people, heart to heart, mind to mind.
The shared and valued memories make an unbreakable bond, so that even if that person leaves for some reason, your closeness to them continues. This can be painful of course. But our lives would be so much poorer without the kind of love which really connects people...."
I really hope one day to meet a man who 'gets' that and wants the same thing.
2 years ago ReplyReport