Friends | My NaMe Is AyUnSyAh ... JuSt CaLl Me SyAh Or AyUnz Like To KnOw MoRe AbOuT Me but not More Than Friends BeCouse noW iam In relaTion With SomE one .. DoNt FoRgEt To AdD Me ... My eMail : w DonT foRgeT to VisiT theRe .. sue_ann89: hye,.,......huhhu.. 14 years ago • Report • Link 0 PrinCe AyunSyaH to Tiffeh: There are 100 angels in this world!! 40 r sleeping!! 30 r working!! 20 r playing!! 9 r blessing!! And 1 is reading this message!! Send this to 10 people ~!~ including me If u get 1 reply ...u r poor in relation!! If u get 2...u need some one to support !! If u get 3..u r average in nature!! If u get 4 u r friend to many!! If u get 5 replies someone luvs u!! If u get 6 some one really wants u beyond love!! If u get 7 some one is praying GOD to get marry with u!! If u get 8 u r so mankind!! If u get 9 u r worthfull having friend like ME!! And if u get TEN replies ... I“m worthfull having friend like YOU!! I hope I'll get this back VERY SOON .... there are 100 angels in this world!!! KKAAlinda: There are 100 angels in this world!! 40 r sleeping!! 30 r working!! 20 r playing!! 9 r blessing!! And 1 is reading this message!! Send this to 10 people ~!~ including me If u get 1 reply ...u r poor in relation!! If u get 2...u need some one to support !! If u get 3..u r average in nature!! If u get 4 u r friend to many!! If u get 5 replies someone luvs u!! If u get 6 some one really wants u beyond love!! If u get 7 some one is praying GOD to get marry with u!! If u get 8 u r so mankind!! If u get 9 u r worthfull having friend like ME!! And if u get TEN replies ... I“m worthfull having friend like YOU!! I hope I'll get this back VERY SOON .... there are 100 angels in this world!!! deoraide: HI there, I haven't seen you for a while. Wishing you and your family every good wish for the new year. |