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China fate and faith

I get to go around the world, and I should take that as a gift from God who delivers me to go where I go. Now that I have the opportunity to write up my life journey, imagine it and write the path of life that I experience and the will for me and others in Christ.
For instance, I got to travel to China and I visited the center of China in famous places such as the Temple of Heaven, Wall of China, Summer Palaces, etc. By knowing the will of the people who live there, and the missing ingredient in the life of the people there such as no freedom of religions, human rights violation, and
no freedom at all. I can write about it as a resource for others to open up the world behind the closed doors. There are always people coming and going in the center of the country, and that the impact of their society influences others socially worldwide. But not necessarily their intentions are good for everyone throughout
the world. Their dictatorship leadership was so much drama for many people who are suffering under their authority. What's wrong with their society from the perspective of sainthood direction for the country of China? Who should I ask
for to fulfill my curiosity about the sainthood direction for the country of China? China isn't a freedom society, so what is wrong with the China society in their own astigmatism. The country put so many innocent life under their dictatorship leadership as prisoners that violate human rights. Who should be accountable
for their wrong doing? What is the fate of their country as their intention of leadership for the world.

Faith-base and Science Technology

I really think that there is a big gap between faith-base and science technology in today society that create a community of isolation, depression, etc. Eversince I was in college, I notice that when there two topics involve, often there always come friction between the community members and their experience that we are facing the conflict. The expansion of technology is purposely serve people and to make people life better, improve the quality of life to be more secure and peace of mind. However, not necessary everyone feels this way as technology introduce more stress and depression for people due to lack of understand of the purpose of technology in life. I look out to the community, and I see more people involved in technology than faith-base, in turn we live by driven force of technology, and we don’t really think about the purpose of technology to serve people and for people to live a happier life with peace of mind. Technology only give people a tool to make life better, but in turn, we often be driven by technology and that we forget about it purposes of life.

Million Air

I hope my message to China and India for air quality purpose.


How do you want the society to lead you?
How do you want to lead the society?

My website for song lyrics!my-songs/ck0q

Fate and Faith

My curiosity at this moment arise
I am interest in define "fate" and "faith"
Fate is define as the destiny of individual
For me I am interesting in knowing
Fate of each person in this world
I just wonder out of my own definition
How can I define the fate of a person
If oneself has fate different than another
Then we have fate path in this earthly world
As each person in this world is a fate path
That is interesting to write about
Fate of each person is a journal of his/her life
Imagine a collection of books define fate of each person
Being collect throughout the world
Then come to "faith"
Faith is the believe of a person in religions
My believe that faith is the path from God
One define the path in God to follow
It is not fate that determine destiny of oneself
But faith that determine the path to eternity
So one born with fate
Can fate change as she/he grows up in faith?
Because faith will define the path of fate
So confusion between the two.



The night comes, and I want to be beside you
The world between us getting hotter
Look at you in the eyes
I can see
The want from you
Give it all
Through the night
For you and me only
You and me only
In the night alone
Surround us with millions of stars
On the sky
Millions of stars passing by us
Darken everywhere except the light of stars
Holding you in my arms
I feel your heart beat faster
Warm me with your body
I must feel the care and love from you
To go through the night together
Give it all for me and you.
Every kiss make the night so special
Kisses on my body, kisses on my face
Look upon the night sky
I wish upon the stars
Our wings stress far
Toward new horizon
Like our love for the night
Take me to your paradise
Make it happen as you will
For you and me only.
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