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The Bride and the Seal

.let's talk about the "bride". In the Christian bible, the "bride" is supposed to be the church...those chosen through righteous living and blind belief(faith)
In earlier chats, I have talked about how Yeshua(Jesus) is an ascended master who's first incarnation was as a being known as Ningishzidda
Ningishzidda was one of the 3 creator "gods" that manipulated the DNA of early Earth hominids to create the first proto-humans
later, in his Thoth incarnation(or, just a name change due to status change) Ningishzidda was ordered by his King(Anu) to teach mankind in the ways of civilization
Thoth did as was ordered....and the humans loved/worshiped him for it...and he returned that love
fast forward to the time of Yeshua. Ningishzidda was the best candidate to come back to Earth(because of his ascended master ability) to assure when he comes back
without the sexual component, Ningishzidda loves mankind as a man would love a woman he intends to marry. Not just certain ones....ALL OF MANKIND
however, he knows that only a remnant can be saved, this is why it seems that so few will be saved in the Christian bible
nothing to do with righteousness or is my belief that those chosen have a particular genetic make up that will aid in repopulation when the time comes

and what about these "chosen"?
the Christian bible talks about a very specific number. No, not talking about the infamous "666"...talking about the 144,000
12,000 from each tribe of Israel
unless certain members of these "tribes" kept the bloodline pure(no interbreeding outside the "blood" WHATSOEVER) the "tribes" are all mixed together with each other and "gentiles"
now, it says that angels are to seal these 144,000 with the name of god on their this an actual mark, or something less conspicuous?
First, let us look at the angels. Are these actually "divine" beings of some sort? Or, are they emissaries from another world that primitive man seen as divine beings?
I have always seen divinity as a form of fairytale, so I will discount angels being classified in the same category as fairies and sprites. No, from a physical universe perspective, angels would make more sense
as being extra terrestrials.
lately, starting back to 2008, there has been an increase in UFO sightings of a specific configuration. The triple light in the sky...3 very bright(white to light blue colored) lights in the night sky...seen "flying"
in the formation of a triangle.
Some propose that these lights are not from a few ships, but are from the TR-3B craft which is thought to be a back engineered military craft...however, these lights don't stay in this formation....
they move and at times converge into a different form of triangular pattern.
Anyone that has studied Scientology(for knowledge and information purposes...not wanting to join) or has read Dianetics, we learn about memory engrams
now, in Dianetics, we learn that these engrams can be the causes of some of our psycho-somatic ills...but, what if these engrams can do something else...something beneficial to those who have them?
when someone experiences something, an engram is say, someone has a CE2 or above(Close Encounter of the second kind), the engram created of this encounter becomes the "seal"
think about it..first, why would these ETs show themselves AT ALL? they have the technology to go completely silent and invisible....why would they need to run with lights?
And why does not everyone get to see them? I know the planet is huge and there are billions of people...but its seems that they only show themselves to select few
and maybe it's not just SEEING...maybe the lights themselves give off some kind of "marker" to the minds of those who PHYSICALLY witness them(YouTube and similar videos do not count)
have you ever met a person who has had an actual encounter? notice how they can't stop talking about it? It's like it takes over as the most prominent memory in their minds
seems to me like a pretty strong "mark"