
One of the most relaxing things I ever did...

One of the most relaxing things I ever did was to just lay in the grass and look up at the sky. And as I looked up at the sky, I just watched the clouds move by. Just slowly passing overhead, in all their different forms... and I've found that my mind begin to drift along with these clouds. It would just follow them, be taken far away... And the interesting part was that as that happened, I could feel my body heavier, I could feel sinking down into the grass, into the earth. I could notice my breathing beginning to slow down, the muscles of my stomach relaxing and letting go... And as that happened, my breathing become more rhythmic, and I would just continue to watch the clouds go by. I could always remember the feeling I had when I saw the clouds move overhead. That feeling of just letting go, and just enjoying simple little things. The sound of the wind, the feeling of my breath... When you are relaxed and calm, you naturally and automatically make better decisions, have better ideas. Maybe because your mind is still, and you become more aware of the different options that you have in your life. When we are young, we live the illusion that we never get old. We also tend to mix love with passion, and we end up with disability to distinguish one from another. But we all care about our souls at some point in our lives, sooner or later. At least once. We all need God, but most of us only when we're old.