Friends | huldrAnna: *raising hand ✋🏼* I accept electing her for mayor. 3 days ago • Report 1 View all 10 posts miss_orange in reply to huldrAnna: There is no bounty to be earned or to treasure to be found! the differences between the mineral content of snow versus tap water are insignificant in the context of osmoregulation from your chocolate drink, however homeostasis of hot chocolate is a complicated process in the body, cause you gotta supress those baroreceptors, osmoreceptors and chemoreceptors all telling you you are thirsty!!! demineralised water wlil hydrate you better short term like tap water, but then that blood osmolarity might fluctuate until its balanced again anyway compared to mineral richer snow-water! the short answer is it makes zero difference really its just so you can say its a proper winter drink also though if you want to be brave you can always try watermelon snow, it's pink and watermelon...stick that in your drink and down it! 🍉 huldrAnna in reply to miss_orange: Wow that sounds like rocket science, so I will accept the short answer for now 😄 I like watermelon 🍉😋 The Wisdom to Know in reply to miss_orange: Why does hot chocolate that is not melted chocolate need to contain saturated fat? View all 6 posts The Wisdom to Know: This is nice to see. The curves with the Rover came out very well. A good fit! Great photographer. |