Friends | roshimon: Cute ! 11 years ago • Report 0 View all 10 posts killerzombie in reply to aimeeelis: they are alright, my sister will not be teaching anymore cause hillsboro county school system screwed her out of her job so now she is changing careers and going to hunt down a part time or full time job aimeeelis: Okay Been super busy with rehearsal starting up again and working overtime. I have been so pooped. Glad all is okay. aimeeelis: Can't believe it has been 12 years. So much has happened since. Yet the events seem so unreal. aimeeelis: I just wanted To wish all who celebrate and even those who don't a very happy and healthy 5774. Hope everyone has a sweet year, a year full of love, peace, and prosperity. L'ashana Tova! Happy Rosh Hashanah. ------------------------------------------------ Due to Rosh Hashanah I won't be online for the next few days. I didn't fall off the edge of the earth and everything is okay. I hope to rejoin all the merriment here at the end of this week. View all 5 posts aimeeelis: To need to be here and a temple member. No recording at temple services. I can record what I play and send it aimeeelis to GeorgiaHockeyGuy: What I like about you and your pics is that each one is so different. Each has a different look. From the formal suit, tonthe work one. Then there is the beard to scruffy to totally clean shaven. I like the variety. In addition they are adorable abs sexy. You are pretty good looking if you ask me. aimeeelis: I don't get this place. I come here to unwind and to talk. Everyone has a right to do so. However working the last weeksI have been hit on here by men some who do admit they are married however there are so many that don't admit it and you find out after the fact It cheapens what this place is and what it could or should be. If you are married you can talk but don't flirt etc. If you have marriage problems work it out with your spouse or significant other. There are some really innocent people here and those cheating on their spouse may not realize what they are really doing to not just their family however to the person they are talking and flirting with. View all 5 posts damienwindsor: Sorry to hear that. Although, you would think married men would work things out with their spouses, instead of "hitting" on other married (or single) women...this site gets all kinds. That's why its best to only stay within your "circle of friends". JMO aimeeelis: Still not myself, looking over my shoulder wherever I go. Kind of freaked this whole ordeal. Am I crazy to b scared? DamonRSalvatore: Omg you got your jerks, players, married people who cheat. i have never seen much good come off the net to many bullshitters. aimeeelis: To all who supported me this week I want to thank you. For those I offended I am sorry. This week was and still is scary. The world is a scary place. Let's face it this site is a scary place. Sure we have fun talking and chatting and being flirty with propel we would never do so in real life however there are also the creeps and the total liars. I just want peace, tranquility, and happiness. Is that too much to ask for? aimeeelis: I swore in my life that due to my past I would never be the other woman. That u would never cheat on someone as I have been in their shoes before. I come here to unwind and expect to be treated they way I would treat someone . I expect people who are here if They are married to refrain from certain topics and acts . However I learned I am too naive. I trusted too much. The minute what i assumed was an innocent relationship turned out to be a relation of harassment and lies. Although I know I did no wrong I can't help to think what I could have done to stop it. I don't know how I will go on knowing this. All I know I will have a new chapter for my book in life. |