Friends | If you're a linguist, let's be friends. Okay, something about me. I play the piano and the guitar. I dance jazz. I LOVE Community (and P&R). I like reading books, horseriding, foreign languages, tea and animals. If we have something in common, please write me. If you have nothing interesting to say, please don't write me though. carson: HI 9 years ago • Report • Link 0 be honest for ever: supppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Redwizard: __@@@@@____@@@@@ ___@@@@@____@@@@@ ___@@@@@____@@@@@ ___@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ___@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ___@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ___@@@@@____@@@@@ ___@@@@@____@@@@@ ___@@@@@____@@@@@ ___@@@@@____@@@@@ ____________________ ______ ___@@@@@@@@@@@@ ___@@@@@@@@@@@@ ___@@@@@@@@@@@@ ___@@@@@____________ _ ___@@@@@@@@@@@@ ___@@@@@@@@@@@@ ___@@@@@@@@@@@@ ___@@@@@____________ _ ___@@@@@@@@@@@@ ___@@@@@@@@@@@@ ___@@@@@@@@@@@@ ____________________ ______ ___@@@@@___@@@@@_ ___@@@@@___@@@@@_ ___@@@@@___@@@@@_ ___@@@@@___@@@@@_ ____@@@@@_@@@@@__ _____@@@@@@@@@____ _______@@@@@@@______ _________@@@@@______ _ _________@@@@@______ _ _________@@@@@______ _ _________@@@@@______ Peace! Redwizard: Real friends don't need words love them with care , so it will never hurts let me be your friend when you 're sad and down because for you I'll be always in town Redwizard: There comes a point in ur life when u realize...Who matters,Who never did,Who wont anymore...And who always will.So,don't worry about people from ur past,there's a reason why they didn't make it to ur future.Give this rose to every1 u don't want to lose in 2010,Includin me,if u care.Try to collect 12,It's not easy! I need 12 of theze rosez back c how many u get back Da th0ughtz 0f gud friendly feelinz laced w n8v 0verfl0win pride iz a cause n effect 0f a n8ve c0mmunity 0n da brink 0f pr0sperity, AH0! To all my dear friends. I hope we'll stay friends forever & ever! H0pe t0 c u ar0und n 2010 Luv uguys Just alittle sumthing 4 all of u who has a piece of my heart , that i love and care very much 4. god bless everyone! ......... , . - . - , _ , ......... ......... ) ` - . .> ' `( ....... ........ / . . . .`\ . . \ ........ ........ |. . . . . |. . .| ........ ......... \ . . . ./ . ./ .......... ........... `=(\ /.=` .......... ............. `-;`.-' ............. ............... `)| ... , .......... ................ || _.-'| .......... ............. ,_|| \_,/ ........... ....... , ..... \|| .' .............. ....... |\ |\ ,. ||/ ............... .... ,..\` | /|.,|Y\, ............. ..... ' MrAkkaya: ♥♥♥♥ I HOPE ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ YOU COULD ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥ FIND ♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ TRUE LOVE ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ TODAY ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥ HAPPY VALENTINE ♥♥ ♥♥ MrAKKAYA ( CAPTAIRBUS ) ♥♥ |