ai_sama Offline

36 Single Female    25


Im baaack :D

Hellooo almighty ai sama is back into action

you didnt think you see anything of me more didnt you ? xD
were doing good here in tokyo, things are just about the same as before so no worries about us ok?

all safe and sound here^^

choooo, you seen my phone? i cant find it


祝賀 三木-チャン と ジェイ-くん^^
子供 ている そう かわいい^^
ニース ジョブ, 親指 アップ^^
ホープ 訪問 あなた 4^^'

Congratulation with the little ones Miki-Chan and Jay-Kun^^
They are so beautiful Nice job, thumbs up for you two^^
Hope to visit you 4 soon^^

I became an aunt yesterday YEY

early sunday morning^^

hii guys^^

early sunday morning, sitting alone in the apartment. so quite here without the twins and their brother miss them... ahh, what the heck why am i complaining, we live under the same sky and propably will see each other again very soon^^

hmm, wondering if im going out for breakfast today or just staying at home ? difficult choise xD food, that remind me i need to go feed the new arrivers in the house^^ got two new kittens a couple of days ago^^ little takeru and chiaki kun <3 names after the almighty red and green ranger of the shinkengers<3 chanparra chanparra samurai sentai shinkenger, appare(8) gomene, just needed to get that out^^

sorry, just kind of over tired so i talk a lot of rubbish xD dont know why i havent gone to bed yet^^ it might be an idea^^

talk to you later people^^

by the way met the arron stone today, lucky me^^


long time since last time i wrote here, been busy with work so havent quite had the time for it... maybe i work to much
anyway, the last week i got jungmos brother and sister living with me... their so sweet both of them^^ i even wake up every morning to newly made breakfast niki makes i like it
maybe ill adopt both of them;P

i got to go now, ill try to write more posts^^

byes from purple ranger, over and out^^



Finally i was marrying Kanon sama..i was walking down the aile and of course my phone rang and woke me up!!
WHHYY?? give me back my dream and Kanon sama!!

i love my phone, but not at this moment

enough of that, nice to meet you guys^^ Just made my account here today^^

good byes from the purple ranger and see you soon!!