Date of bearth suggestion

Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: There are several reasons why we should even be able to set even BC..

It would be nice to put my great grandpa up.. At his correct date of berth..

Or a charicter.. of sorts born a long time ago.. still alive..

Or when first contact happens and there is a 10K old alien still alive wishing to join wire club for whatever reason..

For whatever reasion there should be a 8 digit year.. so i or whoever can set any date as the date of year for perhaps jesus born like 35 BC

or something like that!
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 7 months ago)
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: Yeah it sounds funny man.. but you wont be laughing when you have a dead relative you want to talk to in heaven on earth and this is how it works!.
You just put on there He is dead jim.. and his date of berth was 1930 and and hey guess what you knew him for the last ten years.. of his life when you were 12..

Yeah.. So you go to his account that actually displays the RIGHT information about the guy..
And talk to em.. Like he is still alive..
Perhaps I want to put JESUS up AND TALK TO HIM TOO>. Yeah its so funny.. I guess this is what humanity is about though.. laughing it up.. instead of being cool and understanding.. and dong a tiny little edit!

And there are other Several Reasons Difficult for you to understand Obvously because you laugh when god would not Dare laugh for reasons Far beyond you and Your comprehension!!

(Edited by Zereous Excentris)
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 7 months ago)
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: yeah.. you go ahead and common core at this then in your head.. i dont know how this is funny whats funny. explain how its funny to me!
(Edited by Zereous Excentris)
8 years ago Report
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: you People piss me off sometimes man..
Wait tell the day it seams Sentemental.. or it just helps you in some way and you want or need something a certain way and little snitches laugh at you for it.. its racists and condescending.. and discrimination!
8 years ago Report

Am I reading this correctly?? Is Zereous suggesting that internet social networking sites can operate as some kind of a "time portal"??

Is Wireclub discriminating against time-travelers, immortals, and ancient-aliens??

I don't think the kind of help that this dude needs is going to be found here in the Wireclub Help forums.
8 years ago Report