Search Issues - Location Limited to OWN Country?

TallDarkHandzomeHunk: Hi,

So I'm in Australia, and if I put in "Search Near" and want to say "Toronto, Canada", it will no longer let me. WHY????

12 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
TallDarkHandzomeHunk: MercuryDragon, thank you for getting back to me - I appreciate it. If I could just clarify what you mean... Are you saying that what I describe above is a "transient problem", and normal search (Allowing me to "Search Near" anywhere in the world) will be back shortly?

Or are you saying that the problem identified above is here to stay forever, and that I should be patient, as in, tolerate it from now on?
12 years ago Report
Hurt: can admin please answer this question? the old search function was working way better.
12 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: For searching Wireclub forums, clubs, users, and everything else, hopefully that should help.

-- --

Club: How to Search Forums

12 years ago Report
TallDarkHandzomeHunk: No, actually it doesn't help and doesn't answer the question.
12 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: Hello Tall! To be more specific in that case, you can only search people "near you" referring to the same country of origin. As far as searching other countries, it's not possible and I doubt it will be added anytime soon, or even at all. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Your best bet is to try create your own search engine like I did and reference it to only search people from the specific country you want it to search. The one I made isn't country specific but you can make one that is.

It's called Google CSE "Custom Search Engine"
(Edited by Robot Seb)
12 years ago Report
TallDarkHandzomeHunk: May I know why the functionality WAS there before and was taken away?

It's useless to not be able to search online people from OTHER countries, as before. Why would you take this away????
12 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: I'm a bit in agreement there as we used to be able to search everywhere. Wireclub Next (the name of this version) is more focused on people closer to each other, hence the local chats where only people from that country can get in. It's just the way this system was created as it wasn't a rebuild of Classic Wire, this version was built from scratch. By the design of it, many aspects of the site focus on people in the same country. I guess that also affects the search parts as well.
12 years ago Report
Hurt: it's like a step backward.. why is it not considered to be put back in?
12 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: Hi Acreator! If any changes are planned to be made to the search options, it might not be anytime soon if at all. The way it's designed is so people from the same area (country) can connect to one another easier.
12 years ago Report
Hurt: great, now i just need a search for 'online' personnel at that places thing.
12 years ago Report
Comrade_: I don't think the new wire has that feature, maybe they'll add it on later. You can find people online in the "Find People" part but the search isn't set for specific places only gives you a general list with age-group & gender.

You'll see 2 options: 'Near me' & 'Near'. Click the "Near" and select "Only show online users"

That's what I use.
(Edited by Comrade_)
12 years ago Report
TallDarkHandzomeHunk: Everything you guys here are describing are totally unsatisfactory workarounds - I don't mean to be rude, but I was aware of each of these methods. The reason why I posted was to try to understand such a _fundamental_ shift in philosophy?? To take away something which is clearly doable, clearly "not hard" and which was clearly present in the previous version.

So why CRIPPLE the site? I see no logic in this, when with minimal effort, they could have it. More than a little "pathetic" in my eyes..

Having said all that though, I sincerely thank people for posting ideas and workarounds to this thread. I am appreciative.
12 years ago Report
Hurt: agreed.
12 years ago Report
That was in the old wire and it was pretty good. In the end it's up to those who can change it, to change it..but for now I search with what is available.
12 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: I'm guessing that there wasn't a high enough demand for that feature, or it was rarely used when it was available. Anything on the old version of wire such as the games section, find-a-friend, and even the videos section, all removed from wire most likely due to those features rarely being used.

Wireclub is always testing and adding new features constantly as thanks to our new platform, it allows changes to be made pretty much instantaneously as opposed to the old version where changes required a lot more time and possibly halting service while things were being changed, in addition to the old design being very limited in its ability to be upgraded.

I can't say for certain whether improved search options can or will be available, only that with enough demand for that feature or any others, it will be considered by the admins as they are more than happy to add stuff that we request as our input is very important to them.

12 years ago Report
Dead_Heaven: some one made me a wire account, and they were from america. now i am signed on and im trying to put my location, but it keeps putting their location and limiting me to america, is this a glitch?
12 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: Hello Funeral! I explained it in the "Location" thread but will repost the link here just in case. Topic: Wireclub Help
12 years ago Report
Oscar66666: Wireclub Find function is seriously fucked up. "Your input is important to us" my arse..
12 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: Hello! If you need help finding something in Wireclub but the normal search isn't working too well, try here:

12 years ago Report
TallDarkHandzomeHunk: Sorry Seb, I think you missed the points above.. Firstly, the Wire Forum Search does not address the issue being raised in this thread. We still cannot specify a particular country to search for people who are online - it's restricted to ours. The link you just gave does not help there.

Secondly, as Oscar put so eloquently - the "your input is important to us", on this issue at least, has CLEARLY been ignored totally. And the justification (a few posts back) is still pretty weak. It was a really really daft move, to remove that functionality.
12 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: There are plans in the future to bring back the advanced people search options but it's up to the admins as to if and when it will make a comeback. Hopefully it will be sooner than later.

There is currently a way to search countries which shows which users are online here:

(Edited by Robot Seb)
12 years ago Report
tiger002: I have a big problem with the new wireclub. I live in North American and want to find
wireclub users in China. My ancestors are from this country. I could before and
now I can't. What gives? When will it be the same with wireclub as before?
12 years ago Report
tiger002: It seems that does work. It is too bad that this is not part of
wireclub proper.
12 years ago Report
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