Are you kidding me? Reduced Search Functionality on New Wire?

TallDarkHandzomeHunk: Hi Rod,

I have nothing against change and "New Wire". What I do have a gripe with is to take away functionality from features - takes Search for example.

A very _basic_ tenet of my searches in the Old Wire was to check the "ONLINE" box, in order to be able to know who from my area is on the site right now, and to say hi to them (via Msg or in a chat room).

It is VERY disappointing to have had this swept away with the introduction of New Wire? Very. :-(

Seriously unhappy. Completely ruins my whole user experience of this site.

12 years ago Report
IrishMusician: Totally agree with this
12 years ago Report
ThickTemptation: New wireclub is stupid. Even if it would have worked properly provides no advantage at all. It is slow and all over the place.
12 years ago Report
MultifariousEntity: Taken from this thread Topic: Wireclub Help

"Braden can you advise why the search feature no longer shows people online in your area/country....It seems to be a search of people close to you but doesn't show whether or not they are online...
7 hours ago

Braden: Too many people disliked appearing on the search like that, instead we are introducing local chat rooms."

and @TheThickOne: I have heard of no one else complaining of slowness, it's more likely that your computer is so old and decrepit that it cannot handle running a website created in this decade.
12 years ago Report
^_*~VIghne$h~*_^: To search people by country , You can go from " Places " option at top of your wire page.
12 years ago Report
marcusaureliusCO: yeah but who wants to send a message to someone who hasn't logged on in 6 months. Argh this is insane.
12 years ago Report
^_*~VIghne$h~*_^: I can agree with that, Marcus. Give it sometime Admin must have something better to bring.
12 years ago Report
marcusaureliusCO: i hope so or wireclub will start to lose alot of it's users.
12 years ago Report
MultifariousEntity: You know, if you look at someone's profile it will tell you if they are online. There is a green box on their picture if they are.
12 years ago Report
marcusaureliusCO: yes but for every 100 profiles you look at one MIGHT be online. It's not worth searching for people anymore.
12 years ago Report
Hurt: would have thought they leave the online search function on.
they should gave user a choice to appear online/offline instead of totally removing it from search function. If the user doesn't want to be listed online/offline, probably they dont even wanna be found so it doesn't makes sense to take away a perfectly fine search thing for these group of anonymous who dont wish to connect.
12 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)