Chat rooms (Page 2)

kanik_19jain: I didnt comment on Atom!! have never met her never been in her room!!
"You were kicked and then got a wire mod to intervene? That is revenge." tht made me laugh!!
tryin to knw the reason why was one booted from the room how that can be a revenge ??
If every1 knew that she's not 102 years old thn hw cud that be a reason for kicking her out...
12 years ago Report
minichoco: @Kimmielouwho... i don't know if you read what i said before ..... even my best friend used 111 year old for a long time... they are friends too...why she never kick him? i will say again..i am here don't want to fight with anyone... and it's none of your business also...unless you have seen what happened before...and Atomi said it's not coz age's problem... you as her better to know what happened then comment here...ty
12 years ago Report
ChexMix: I believe Atomik also said the girl kicked was not you minichoco. Several of us here moderate chat rooms and have a vested interest in what is said and done in this discussion and similar discussions. It seems like a huge miscommunication so far.
12 years ago Report
atomikbomb: thanks guys...and as I stated before it wasn't just a "hi" and then i kicked you, or whomever. Neither name was the one I kicked. I stated before I had PMs also complaining that the person was being a smartass and it wasn't appreciated. So yes, if someone else finds someone being bothersome, to maintain peace in my room, the bothersome person is just going to go....end of story. I make it a point to greet everyone that comes in my room and to say I just kick for someone saying "hi" is just as ridiculous as running to a mod about it. Especially coming from a 34 year old if thats who and what you are. As far as I am concerned I didn't even have to give the mod a reason but was polite enough to do so.
12 years ago Report
chainz68: lmao i will say this is funniest conversation i have heard in a long time if you are so offended about getting booted from a chat room good luck in life, I mean come on booo hooo i was booted from a chat room talk about a whiney person. I think if you are a 102 your awful immature for your age.
12 years ago Report
Kimmielouwho: Glad I could make you laugh. The adult way to handle is to message or inbox the room mod and ask why you were kicked. She would have been about to screen shot the room and show you why. Atom isn't mean, vendicive or spiteful. It is hard to mod a room when there is a diverse group of people in a room. The kick vote is used wire wide Pming the mod and complaining is the same as a kick vote. The mod who questioned atom, in my opinion, should have spoken to her in private not in the room. If you were kicked and felt you should not be then simply stay out of that room. You obviously were not a regular or you would know Atomik and how she works. Now, I am guessing, you are probably blocked and can never enter the room, The age difference of the memebers of wire is a wide range. Not everyone has the same sense of humor, values, or reasons for being here. Communication is the key to getting along and respecting one another. JMO
12 years ago Report
ZEITGEIST MARIUS: atomic get a life grandma.when i see idiot people like you i always think to retired from this site but i am trying to ignore.if at your age you post such topics that means you are a reall dumb ass get a life
12 years ago Report
atomikbomb: mature
12 years ago Report
ZEITGEIST MARIUS: lol?i am the one who have to say lol s non sense.try to walk in a park please.take air and make a break,you need it seriously
12 years ago Report
atomikbomb: Not even going to waste my time with that.
12 years ago Report
ZEITGEIST MARIUS: i think this is the only way to make people give you attention or maybe you ate a lot of KFC
12 years ago Report
chainz68: i see someone is out of school
12 years ago Report
atomikbomb: True dat ^^
12 years ago Report
hot triple J
hot triple J: ha ha atom,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,opened one room in my life,,,,,,,,,,,called it the freedom room,,,,,,,,,anything goes,,,,,,,,,,,,ha ha ask Marie,,,,,,,,,,didnt take long,,,,,,,,,,,wirecops came in,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,cavity search and everything,,,,,,,,,,,ha ha never again
12 years ago Report
kanik_19jain: I am no one to comment on Atomik.... Neither did I.
Was just putting my point forward .....
n i totally agree to what you said "Communication is the key to getting along and respecting one another" .... atleast a warring should have been given to the person before kicking out... as per my understanding and maturity level i think giving "warning" is also "communication" .
12 years ago Report
atomikbomb: Respecting one another. Hmmmm....doesn't that include respecting the people in my chatroom? And obviously that was NOT happening if I had to kick. My room is open for adults...people of an age who know exactly what they are doing and how they are acting. I'm a room owner....not someone's mother that needs to scold them. If they are of age they should just know better.
12 years ago Report
Myhotwheelspin: Kick their butts to the curb atom, also suggest blocking them so they never enter your room again,end of story. As for Zeitgeist..go back to your kindergarten class, adults are talking here!
12 years ago Report
Kimmielouwho: I wasn't meaning you Atomik. NO you are not anyone's mother. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. I was saying that as a blanket statement .. because, obviously, some people lack respect for others and do not like being held accountable.
12 years ago Report
atomikbomb: Oh I know Kimmie....just saying...I have kids of my own, I don't need to deal with other peoples here. Respect is a really hard thing to find these days, here and anywhere else for that matter. It's apparent some people in this thread need to look up the definition for it. I have respect for the people who can talk about things rationally but none for those who accuse and try to bash you with kindergarten comments. And I so appreciate my friends opinions on here and I thank you all.
12 years ago Report
Kimmielouwho: sss I agree. They think because it is the net they can speak to people how they want. Atleast I hope they don't do this in real life.
12 years ago Report
hot triple J
hot triple J: do even I have to be responsible for my actions???
12 years ago Report