Thanks for suspending me...

Chris: Yes... thank you for suspending me after i mentioned that I was "retiring to bed and watch some q~@z& as folk" was the rough phrase.

But in reality I do love the TV series Qw%~& AS FOLK...

Thanks for the random suspension.
14 years ago Report
Jas: OK, so for the past couple of months, I have been getting the cold shoulder by password. I have been civil, said hi, ect. I have NEVER, and the admins can call me on this, I HAVE NEVER talked about password behind her back. EVER. But, I have noticed, as many others have, she has been abusing her power, as of late. I was in chat, and Kwaka_Chris referenced the Showtime TV show, "Q%@z~ as Folk". He got suspended. I asked why he was suspended and I too referenced the same show. I didn't get suspended. I asked Vick to come in, and asked if she should apologize for suspending Chris for referencing the same show I did, but I wasn't suspended. I went to my homepage for a minute, came back to chat and was suspended. It seems like a HUGE abuse of power, to me.
14 years ago Report

..."easy solution...just don't go to the chatrooms in Wireclub as eye are then not subjected to the trivialities and questionable judgements of so-called Moderators including the 'in crowd' rubbing shoulders day out...quite frankly the content is pedictable and boring and vocabularies are supplemented by emotes that are as mentally stimulating as irritating advertisements"...

14 years ago Report
KCopyright: MODS ARE LOSERS!!Bwahaha,so funny.
14 years ago Report
Jas: Nothing to see here. Post deleted by user.
14 years ago Report
φοίνιξ: Yeah, I got suspended because OTHERS where bullies to me, they called me names, I did not react back, so a mod banned me.

Now I enjoy the finer things in life, like the forums..
14 years ago Report
_Ashton_: Mmhmmm, there is only one mod that I actually communicate with on here; Billy. He's awesome and doesn't go off suspending people without good reason. Also, the only mod I seen on here that doesn't only respond to the "in crowd, regulars." What's the point of being in a large chatroom and only talking to one person in the main chat. Private, or make a room for your friends to not deal with the "non-regulars." Besides that, I'm not too fond of password either. I said hi to her many times, and ignored me just to say hi to someone else who wasn't even responsive at the time. But it's whatever...
14 years ago Report
♫Key of Silence♫
♫Key of Silence♫: Well, mods are not here to say "hi" to everyone passing by, but true enough she ignores everything. She comes to rooms... looks around to see problems.. sees one... runs off fast.

Not complaining agians mods tho, they are here for a reason, to make people see there are people around with even less sanity then themselfs.

Praise to the MODS!!
14 years ago Report
TheInfamousMic: Nothing to see here. Post deleted by user.
14 years ago Report
Matrix_Angel: I got suspended for helping someone... this is nice. Its agianst the rules to bully and help people... odd..
14 years ago Report
Harry: lol i got banned from all chatrooms for asking one of the looser regulars why she was always in the room,WIRECLUB chat sucks hard and nasty BECAUSE of the regulars and the mods,
14 years ago Report
Matrix_Angel: Its true that mods favor people, they deny it but its true. Everyone can see that. And if they dont like you, they just ban you. And come up with a reason.
So I just try and avoid them mostly, just chat with friends and have fun. I try to stay in member made rooms, most mods don't go there.
14 years ago Report
ford18: ty for suspending me for quoting a line from the kids movie elf.. i didnt know "cotton headed ninny muggins" was a racial slur.
14 years ago Report
ford18: so..this is what i found on cotton headed ninny muggins..and cotton head..both in the urban dictionary..meaning they aren't real words. and tyvm
14 years ago Report
Chris: Jayness, my suspension was a genuine mistake by the moderators and they sent an apology.

You on the otherhand WERE harassing a member of chat and deserved it, every time you are in chat and I turn up it seems you have nothing better to do then pester one of the members.
14 years ago Report
Harry: Really chris? really? youre full of shit dude,askin a b^x$~ why she is always in a chatroom is not causing trouble....maybe in your little cacoonish world it is.
14 years ago Report
Chris: while she should have blocked you, your constant questioning and insults constituted harassment, and its only 24 hours, so get over it champ
14 years ago Report
Harry: "your constant questioning and insults constituted harassment"

youre a liar,i never insulted her,and i asked 1 question and pressed for an answer,dont try to distort the situation to try to suck up to your friends "champ" a brownoser will never get any respect.

but even if i did "constantly question her" you think its cool to ban a user from ALL chat rooms for 24 hrs do ya?

and another question,why didnt the mod whoever it was tell her to put me on ignore? no,there is no valid reason behind their actions,its just another case of a mod taking up for one of their friends,its an old story.and i really hope ppl dont accept it and tolerate it.
14 years ago Report
you all suck, really
you all suck, really: I love the mods they are gweat people juniow if you got youw sowwy ass banned buck up and get ovew it I would ban you fowevew if it was within my powew. you big cwy baby.
14 years ago Report
sunbox: I've got suspended for steal some tuna from the plate of somebody whom was in the room with me
14 years ago Report
Alexandros_Kratos: hey wtf is this ForgotYourPassword suspended me for swearing in a room which was allowed to swear!!! i'll report her
14 years ago Report
Harry: Well,sorry,you should have read the Wireclub rules on what will get you banned.

1 - Your better looking than the mod - Banned!!
2 - You cut in on a mod talkin to a hotty - Banned!!
3 - You say something intelligent the mods IQ cant comprehend - Banned!!
4 - You take the attention of the room away from the mod - Banned!!
5 - If you have an argument with the friend of a mod - Banned!!
6 - If you call a mod a power hungry little hitler - Banned!!
7 - You show the mod he/she has no sense of humour - Banned!!
8 - You dont kiss the mods @ss,and dote over them - Banned!!
9 - Tell a joke everyone but a mod would find funny - Banned!!
10 - Ask a mod if they are related to ghangis khan - Banned!!
11. Not acting surprised when a MOD announces he is gay for the 10th or 11th time in an hour - BANNED
14 years ago Report
MattyG2010: i got suspended because someone was being a jerk to me and others and i was defending myself and making a point. this guy was bothering people the whole time, and i defended myself once and i got suspended.
14 years ago Report
Amity: I'm a new member and in my opinion in order to make a chatsite successful the regular chatters need to be welcoming to new chatters. You only deter people from coming back which in hine sight only crumbles the business. You will never get along with everyone so regular chatters, if theres a new person who bothers you simply ignore them but dont be unwelcoming. Being rude to people only ruins the chat for everyone else and does get people banned.
14 years ago Report


..."eye agree...being rude like you 'onlyfriendshere' is not the best way to go...chill a bit...there you go...and being 'welcoming' is as sickening as emotes feigning true can all die in the 'chatrooms' as far as eye am concerned with your bucks and even Rogers with Ginger"...

14 years ago Report
Amity: I have no idea what you just tried to say to me and im not going to read it a fourth time to again try and de-code it.
14 years ago Report
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