Space Elevator (The Epic Tower) (Page 8)

(Post deleted by Zereous Excentris 8 years ago)
Corwin: Yummy yummy spam.
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: this thing works I just Perfected its design!
8 years ago Report
Corwin: Is it 35,786 kilometers tall?

Otherwise it won't work.
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
8 years ago Report
Corwin: What sort of materials will you build it out of?
A 35,786 tall tower would be pretty heavy, and would be liable to sink into the Earth.
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: It has a Steel Magnetic Smelted over the bedrock Foundation Plate and the magnetic Base is Built as tall out of Solid Steel and NeoDimum Magnatic Core and splits into round shape magnet and rises high above the surface.. I dont know how high you want it but it being made out of solid Steel it can be very high into the air and the Smelted over the Bedrock Tectonic plate gives it Sterdy foundation.. as much as you want really not to crack the tectonics.. so its a very.. VERY powerfull magnet.. and the North end is up with a Spyral Flexiable Spring like thing.. the magnets are then stacked on top as this Spring holds them in place and the magnets are electrafied and rise into the air with the help of this very large flex Spring..
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: the magnets not being pumped full of power will weight the spring down.. you can build you package on top and raise the package to space
8 years ago Report
Corwin: What purpose do the magnets serve?
I still don't understand what you think the magnets will do.
8 years ago Report
Corwin: Magnets don't defy the laws of gravity... something has to be holding up the magnet.
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: Repelent force to push it up to the sky higher and then turn them off to let it lower to build space package ontop
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: OMFG god corven they REPELL each other.. AND PUSH UP INTO THE GOD DAMN AIR..
8 years ago Report
Corwin: Why not just build the tower without magnets?
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: what so its just a spring..doesnt work without magnets reppeling each other pressing it up into the air
8 years ago Report
Corwin: Why do you need to "press" it up into the air? Why not just build a really tall tower?
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: First of all.. It lowers.. So you can Build on it.. next.. It raises to release package.. and What can you build tall tower on.. Screw that shit You guys want to wait 600 years trying to make Tower of bable instead of using magnetic Repel Push force to press the package up and launch it from there.. F that shit.. Do it now with magnets and damn the energy!
8 years ago Report
Corwin: You don't think that giant magnets are going to require a lot of energy to "push" things into space?
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: Depends on how you design it!
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: We just need to use it to get a Star foundry into Space a Solar Forge and use asteroids to build Seamless Molded Ships from
8 years ago Report
Corwin: Pushing something into space is going to require a certain amount of energy REGARDLESS of how you do it.

F = m*d ..... Force equals mass times distance... basic Newtonian Physics here.... there is NO such thing as a "free lunch"... you can't perform work without expending energy.
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: Start constructing Packages in space Instead of Launching from the ground all the time
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: I dont care corvin the damn thing works.. use the Damn thing to get Orbital Foundrys and Stop being a Lazy Species Pretending it needs Better shit 600 Years later when we can git there now.. We have Plenty of f'Ing Energy to Run it a few damn times.. to get Orbital Construction into Operation.. We can power the Damn thing off the Star for all I care
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: we can find Uranium in space and everything we need up there.. instead of launchign construction crap from earth
8 years ago Report
Corwin: And what will we construct the construction crap with.... our sense of goodwill and ambition?
8 years ago Report
Corwin: We need machines to build machines... at some point we will HAVE to launch stuff from Earth.
8 years ago Report