Technology Clubs on Wireclub

Technology Clubs

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For all those YouTube fans, this club is for you. Feel free to post your videos and such.
325 members
we share names of  chat sites in thiss club
305 members
Really we all our Adults here lets stop the Name calling the bad mouthing other people the put downs these are all things you would find in a school yard with little kids! GROW UP PEOPLE!!!
226 members
;) ;) ;) ;)
144 members
I am a 27 year old, female and all I am basically looking for is just someone to communicate with when I am on-line. I am always up intill two or three in the am so if anybody out their is looking...
199 members
Teehee, tell me I'm not the only one that does it :$:$:$
140 members
Man, why can't we all enjoy this site without being harassed by pervs? :S
120 members
Some friends are separated by time, some are separated by pride, some are separated by differences, some by distance but no matter how far you are or how different we may be, you will always be a...
157 members
Well, we do :(
110 members
If you chat in your underwear, this club is for you! :D
97 members
When all else fails, just type those three precious letters and make it look like u got what they meant L O L (H)
139 members
this happens to me all the time arghhh its so freaking annoying :@
137 members
Put that in your peace pipe and smoke it !!! (H)
128 members
Are you a fun of computers? Do you have any website or programmes you want people to beware of. This is the right club for you to join. Share information concerning viruses. softwares. personal...
126 members
All my favorite greenies :D u know who ya are :openarms:
135 members
You've touched my heart,u've helped me through,My pain and sorrow,u shared my smiles,to you my friend and confidant,I give my heart of friendship,My smiles of laughter,and the hope that,We will...
116 members
..studed with 3-inch spikes..more like spinning drillbits. and just WHAM! and smack you in the face. it would relieve so much anger.
106 members
Rest in Peace, Old Wire. We shall miss you terribly and never forget you!!!
108 members
I think it would be cool, if you had a clour wheel and could pick our own colour, and some more fonts would be awesome, too. :happy:
99 members
Tell us the names you think are the best =D My two votes are vampyreslaveboy ;) and slobonmyknob ;)
88 members
join this club if u think that wireclub will overcome facebook and hi5
84 members
Need to joint venture if you are thinking of starting a online homebusiness or simply need to earn online from your home,  Part time or full time income options.  It is slow & gradual process with...
77 members
Don't give people your number unless you know them. If you don't know them then DON'T EVER GAVE THEN YOU NUMBER. They could be a killer.
75 members
I'm sick of girls that are constantly complaining about the pervs on wire. Have you checked your pictures girl? your half naked and the comments left by a dozen of your "guy friends" are perverted....
49 members
the regulars from canadian chat. you know who you are;)
54 members
this club is for those guys who love their laptops! :) and cant live widout! :P they r most comfortable and portable ;)
72 members
Happy Birthday To WIRECLUB Hello friends, today is the birthday of wireclub. Today is the day when the Domain Name was purchased. Hope today you will be having an fantastic one...
69 members
Don’t add me if you just want to make your friend list longer because i never reply to such a request.Dont add me if you dont find anything interesting here or dont care about what i write.Dont add...
66 members
We will love to flirt and chat with guys on the internet
54 members
It really hurts alot when my frd delete their account from wireclub. I don't know why they just delete it. But i miss them alot. Some delete their account for their better future. :(. But leaving...
63 members
Sorry Rod and Braden, but as much as we love wire there is enough drama on here to start a TV show. I swear you should really contact like some reality TV producers or something to make a show...
63 members
ITS TRUE!!!! Everyone loves photo comments
61 members
OMG!! I'm on the PC everyday!!! :| :| :| :| :|
45 members
Well you took to long and I'm sorry ! lol
55 members
I guess GOOGLE must know what they are doing after all
55 members
53 members
For all guys&galz who r wonderers on the nat or just plain bored
52 members
THANKS A LOT ROD :friendkiss:
46 members
For the people who think thre is something wrong with wireclub!!
49 members
I got it ;) but thanks for deleting me cuz I know now what kind of person u are (H) and u know me also that im only friends to those people who treated me as a friend and respect my friendship:toast:
46 members
Yep, nothing better to do :'(
46 members
we are family:dance: ;) hello wire friends:toast::)
44 members
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