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Toddlers & Tiaras

PralineQueen: Thoughts?
12 years ago Report
lavendar_star: wrong, bizarre and sad.
12 years ago Report
PralineQueen: Hahaha. I think you summed it up pretty well...
12 years ago Report
Hyenablood: can hear all the child predators out there pulling up a chair to watch the show and unzip their pants, ugh how monsterous, the show should be pulled off the air.
12 years ago Report
PralineQueen: Oh god... you're probably right.
12 years ago Report
Jetters: Its horrifying......The parents should all be shot. And sterilised.
12 years ago Report
PralineQueen: I agree... grow the heck up before you go making babies.
12 years ago Report
Jetters: I personally think they are failures, or what they feel a failure, so they live through their kids. Same as crazy soccer/sport parents that act like their kid is in the Olympics at 7 LOL
12 years ago Report
medic17: I can't get over how many of the mothers are seems they are trying to reclaim their lost and attractive youth through their daughters.
12 years ago Report
NiNjA LuCiD_
NiNjA LuCiD_: Its not more than child abuse IMO.
12 years ago Report
Flyx: different society there where it is filmed... but still gross to watch... nothing to do with child predators though where the hell did that come from? you could say that about ANYTHING with a child...
12 years ago Report
PralineQueen: I think she just meant that the little girls being dressed like prostitutes might make them more attractive to child predators who watch the show. But you are right, that could be said in many contexts.

I think probably my biggest problem with the show is that those mothers are teaching their children that beauty is the most important thing, and there is a specific standard of beauty you have to adhere to, or you won't "win" in life. Most of them probably grow up perfectly normal and realize that isn't true, but how can those mothers let them believe that even for a second? They should be telling their daughters they're beautiful whether they win pageants or not, and helping them develop useful skills instead of just learning to look pretty. Pretty only gets you so far.

Also they look like prostitutes.
12 years ago Report
medic17: I think she meant the same thing as EclecticOwl said Flyxie (please correct me Lucid if I am wrong). Unfortunately in the states (Colorado) it reminds me of a case many years ago where a little pageant girl named JonBennet Ramsey was found brutally murdered during Christmas. Some pervs get even more excited when little girls dress up as women.

Agreed EclecticOwl...pretty does only get you so far. Little girls should be taught that having brains is real beauty.
12 years ago Report
Flyx: I think most just look cute... the problem is that is all they know, and judging by a lot of their mothers, looks are gonna fade... and just because a predator preyed on one once, doesn't mean they stick out to predators... predators are gonna find something inappropriate no matter what, sadly...
12 years ago Report
medic17: Sorry Flyxie, I find nothing cute about little girls wearing a ton of makeup, wearing fake hair pieces, and even teeth (don't much care for women that do that but I digress) all for money and a crown. Looks do indeed fade. I've seen this show a few times; most of the girls on it don't want to do this; their mothers have this obsession. Shame on the parents. Shame on society...anyway, I agree with the fact that predators will be predators no matter what.
12 years ago Report
Jetters: There is nothing cute about these kids..everything about them is fake..fake hair, fake eyelashes.....mums holding them down and spray tanning them, ripping their eyebrows off and pouring hot wax on a 5 yr olds face with the kid screaming in terror....all that = child abuse in my book. And an outdated notion that women are only to be seen. These kids grow up thinking that pretty is all there is. And for most of them, sadly thats true
(Edited by Jetters)
12 years ago Report
NiNjA LuCiD_
NiNjA LuCiD_: I meant it is child abuse...sorry it was late at night when I typed it lol
12 years ago Report
Flyx: if that is all you see, then yes, you won't find it cute... I see the child underneath... I'm not condoning it... I'm just not treating it like the end of all existence
12 years ago Report
PralineQueen: I'm sure most of those girls grow up unscarred and normal, but I just think it's crazy that their mothers go to such lengths with the pageants.

And the fake teeth and spray tans! For heaven's sake, they are little girls. They don't need all that. I saw one mother who made her daughter wear the fake teeth and told her she looked like a jack-o-lantern without them.

Some people shouldn't have kids.
12 years ago Report
lavendar_star: did you see the one with fake boobs the mum got the little kids to wear, I saw it on the soup a show that takes the piss out of tv, crazy thats not normally, for me that show is undefendable it sums up what's wrong with western culture in one show.
12 years ago Report
Flyx: I think it encourages shallowness... that is the culture.. love it or leave it... I left it a long time ago
12 years ago Report
PralineQueen: They made the little girls wear FAKE BOOBS?! *spits out drink*

I have no words.
12 years ago Report
SnakeSkin: It's a disgusting show. Those poor girls are exposed to dangerous hair products and make up... Gross.
12 years ago Report
PralineQueen: That's a good point... I wonder how good it can be to slather all that stuff on the skin of a 5 year-old.
12 years ago Report
medic17: The last show I saw several months ago had the mother debating on whether or not to spray tan her 14 month old. She eventually was talked out of it by her husband. What the hell was she thinking? At least dad stepped in....
12 years ago Report
PralineQueen: Oh dear.
12 years ago Report
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