Smallville Fans!!!

lois_lane: OMG, just as I was cursing this mans name up and down the block he is coming back, YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Heres what I just read, thought I would share.....

Michael Rosenbaum will reprise his role of Lex Luthor for Smallville's two-hour season finale airing May 13.

After a year of speculation, Rosenbaum and producers finally came to an agreement that the actor appear on the finale of the show's 10th season.

Rosenbaum says:

"I'm delighted to return for the series finale. I'm simply doing it for all of the fans out there who made Smallville the great success it is. I appreciate all of their passion, their relentlessness, and even their threats. Ha ha.

I can’t wait to hug the old crew back in Vancouver one last time and see all of my old friends once again. Oh, and for Lex to become the bad-ass he’s destined to be."

Everyone on the show is super happy that he's on board and have expressed their excitement. Executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson say:

"It feels like the stars are aligning, literally. We couldn’t be more excited. And as far as the way he returns… there’ll be no doubt about how Lex becomes the great rival in Clark Kent’s life. He is the villain of the story."

And with the character of Clark transitioning into Superman, this is the best news Smallville and comic fans could ask for.

YAYYYYYYYYYY Now he wont be known as the idiot who was too cool to come back to his roots even tho he has moved passed it and on to other projects(coughs)lols.
I thought if George Clooney was not to big to come back to ER for there last shows, then who the hell is this dude LOLS. SO now all we need is Lana back too!!
13 years ago Report
lois_lane: Really? Just me with this one eh hahaha
13 years ago Report
cucurucu: So you like Smallville?
13 years ago Report
lois_lane: What makes you say that??
13 years ago Report
cucurucu: I´m very intuitive you see
It funny cause I was just reading about the same thing, I don´t watch Smallville but it might be worth getting into now to reap all the benefits!
My Brother loves it...even called his son Clark!
13 years ago Report
lois_lane: Cute!! Its the last season of it so I guess they are trying to get in what the fans want to see you know. 10 seasons is pretty good and I am sorry to see it go. I like how they went back a little to the comic book story a little bit.
Im glad that "Lex" is coming back tho, what kind of ending would it be with out a final scene with Clark and Lex?? Thats like Batman with No Joker or Penguin you know LOLS.
Im hoping for a good ending Thanks dude and tell your brother he has great taste in Super heroes lols
13 years ago Report
cucurucu: Yeah it would be criminal not to have Lex in the final.

I was just reading through that trivia post about the thumb size! funny stuff, so I´m gonna send you a friend request cause you intrigue me, although we may end up being......... A R C H E N E M I E S ! ! !
13 years ago Report
miss gege
miss gege: that's great news....the two work well together .... i like the show LO, but don't see it as often
13 years ago Report
bigjohn001: Smallville is the shiz...I love that show. How frickin' awesome would it be if Batman showed up in the finale as well? It needs to be done!!
13 years ago Report
WLDMustang: Wasn't Bruce Wayne in the first season of Smallville? So it does make sense he would join the Justice League. I guess Supergirl and Lana Lang will be back it makes sense really maybe even Hawkgirl and Hawkman reincarnated to battle Darkseid.
13 years ago Report
lois_lane: Its been a good season so far Gege

I guess we shall see eh Cucur LOLS

Haha Bigjohn that would be kool to see.

Batman is already in the Justice league tho, Green Arrow makes up for not seeing batman around LOLS. From what I have read so far, Lana wont be coming back(how stupid) and Im not sure about Supergirl, she really should be in the last one too.
I dont think they are going to bring Hawkman back tho, I hate that they killed him off (I know he comes back but) they should have at least waited and killed him in the last episode haha. The guy they picked for that does a really good job as Hawkman. I hope the Flash and the rest of them show up FFS. Thanks for the comments guys
13 years ago Report
SandySimone: Who loooooooooved fortune?
13 years ago Report
lois_lane: WOW I just love the direction this show is going (even tho it only has 2 months left ) BUT Im sooo glad it stayed in the comic book story.

I thought this last episode was AWESOMENESS!!! They Totally brought in Conner Kent Aka Superboy He is a teenage clone of Clark and Lex's DNA

I hope they bring back the Flash and Cyborg and Satana and the rest of them for the final few episodes.

I love how chloe said she met some interesting people, a billionaire with high-tech gadgets and a wondrous woman that would loop Clark in and she has a new identity at the star city ledger. (is star city not where flash is???)

Im thinking a lot of people who watch Smallville dont read or have never read a Superman comic book. I say that cuz some people have said they dont know where the show is going and blah blah, but to me it seems like they are going back and forth from comic books.
13 years ago Report
WLDMustang: Well Lois I will have to say your both right and wrong on that remark, I use to read comics of all kinds, but I haven't in many years so this Conner Kent I had no idea was in the comics, but I am happy your keeping track of things for us.. :-) Keep up the good work, Do you think Darkseid will help corrupt Connor as a recruiting tool for Lionel Luther? I know obvious if you seen the last episode of Smallville; but thats when I thought hey Lois just said Conner is Superboy; I take it that means Darkseid will fail :-)

Later Clark
13 years ago Report
lois_lane: HAHAHA well I am right and wrong.?

If your talking the OLDER comics then yes you might not know what I am talking about. But in 1993 in the comic books this was the maybe "revamped" story . Smallville is based on (loosely) the superboy comic books. Im not sure how far back they went to how much in the present they are you know. Im not an expert I am just blabbing here hahaha.

Well Dark Seid will probably take over lionel cuz hes evil and make him a deal to bring back the "real Lex" or something like that.
He already tried to get conner to go with him when he gave him the red kryptonite ring so I am not sure if he will try again, should be interesting tho.

I cant wait to see who comes back and who doesnt. I also would love to see Hawkman return , AND where the hell is friggin martian man???

Thanks for the comments dude, I am glad there is someone else out there who appreciates Superman or the show or whatever LOLS , atleast the conversation! Til next episode........(omg that was sooo Batman haha)
13 years ago Report
lee1o1yc: i must say smallville is the nuts,but here in UKit never shows up to date shows,one thing though does clark ever learn to fly if so when.
13 years ago Report
WLDMustang: Oh he probably won't fly till the end of the last episode when he sends Darkseid packing; you mentioned the Martian, he was on during seasons 4 and 5 or somewhere around there, wasn't he the Black guy who saved clark a few times from Braniac? Now question is wheres green Lantern?
13 years ago Report
lois_lane: Yes he came around in the 6th season and has been making appearances ever since, but where the hell has he been? LOLS Their totally going to need him cuz he has some really good powers (Esp in the Cartoons )

Clark has flown around a few times, Its always when he is not himself tho and Im not sure if they are going to have him "Fly" in that sense or just keep it where he does that Matrix leap which for me, was totally acceptable and better then him flying around in a cape (just in smallville tho).

Im really excited and sad to see the final episodes cuz then the show is over .
Not sure if it looks like they might be bringing a "Superboy" series or something soon to WB or whereever they play it. Hummmmm another generation of followers maybe???
13 years ago Report
ajstyles619: This season has been crap. 9/10's of the episodes have been fillers. The rest have been total rip offs of The Hangover, Mr and Mrs Smith and The Matrix. The writers have no excuses, if they get stuck on what to write they have a whole archive of DC comics they can use. Glad Michael Rosenbaum is coming back so hopefully the season finale will do the show justice.
13 years ago Report
WLDMustang: I would have to agree with that, there has been only a few good episodes and it would of been alot better with an actual Lex Luthor for the final year, they are really not sure how they want to or where to go with Darkseid storyline it looks like. Hopefully now they have a better idea..Perhaps there will be superman movies? Superboy series might work lois, but wouldn't it be same ole same ole?
13 years ago Report
lois_lane: OMG "Rip offs of those movies" hahaha, I wouldnt say Rip Offs I would say Spoofs you know like, for laughs.
The "spoofs" were suppose to be just that. They do the same thing in Supernatural, they do "spoof or fun" episodes that you recognize and have a good laugh but they dont necessarily have anything to do with story line. I thought the "hang over" one was pretty funny and it was like Clarks bachelor party lols.

I like when they mix it up a little bit like that, even tho its the last season and they need to get on with it!!

Well yes it would have been nice if Lex was in it all season and I am sure Tom Welling would have loved that since he is directing a lot of the episodes, but Lex didnt want to do that so I guess they had to take what they could get.

I think they totally know where they are going with the Darkseid story and that was just a Fluff episode but still in the end came back to the the whole story with D.S.

Yes I do think it would be the same ole to us but not to people who are not watchers of the show now. Maybe people will watch Super boy and it will have a whole new young audience you know.

Yes they are doing another Superman Movie but things are just not the same and I dont get it.
They are not using the guy who Played Clark in Superman Returns (Brandon Routh) who did an amazing job I think. They are going with a Whole different dude. I dont watch the show but I heard it was the guy from *True Blood* (Henry Cavill)

It is not a Sequal, it is going to be a whole new movie?
Im not sure why people didnt get that in Superman Returns, they picked it back up from the second one (Superman 2 lols) When He loses his powers and him and Lois do the Deed. I mean do people not remember that???

I heard that Kevin Costner might be playing Johnathan Kent(LORD NO!!!)
They want Viggo Mortensen to play General Zod (there bringing them back in YESSSSSSSS) I think Jeremy Irons would be a really good Zod but anywhos....
They still havent picked Lois oR Ursla or the side kick slug. I cant wait to tell you the truth and I really hope its Good!
13 years ago Report
ajstyles619: Ya I know Supernatural do it too, but the difference is Supernatural do it correctly. When Smallville does it it looks cringe worthy and embarassing. As a Smallville fan, I hope they get back on point. The old formula used to be 35 minutes bad guy stuff and 5 minutes Lois and Clark per episode, nows it like 39 minutes Lois and Clark, 1 minute plot.
I agree Brendan Rowth was awesome as Superman, probably should of got another chance but I'm willing to give the new guy a chance. I hope they have another bad guy in it and not just Lex as his main foe.
13 years ago Report
lois_lane: No I dont think Lex will be in it at all. Not sure and if they didnt get Kevin Spacey again it would be criminal!! They are bringing in those 3 dudes from the Superman 2 Movie (do you remember them?)
General Zod, Ursla and that other side kick Mog Or morth or Slug whatever his name is haha.
I do am willing to give the new movie a chance of course. I really liked the last one they did. I loved how the guy looked a little like Christopher Reeve.

Ya I get what your saying I just disagree with it. I hate when they spend too much time on Lois and Clark too, BORINGGGGGGGG even tho I love both of them.

I dont think they have much time to do anything considering the Series will be over May 13th (I think) is the last one .. Im really hoping they do it Justice, which I think they will.
I was totally disappointed with how they wasted Doomsday, they could have done a little more with it and then got rid of him. Meh.
Darkseid should be good cuz hes a prick and totally evil.
Im assuming they will need some of the Justice league to deal with him I CANT WAIT FOR THAT!!!!

I know it sometimes does get campy but I think thats more for the younger audience cuz I know for me when I watch it I do sometimes roll my eyes and think...Really??? Another Fluff episode? hahaha

13 years ago Report
SashaP: Lex is back for the finale.
13 years ago Report
lois_lane: Oh he is, well how exciting concidering this is what the thread is about Genius.
13 years ago Report
ajstyles619: O snap
13 years ago Report
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