Survivor Samoa (Page 2)

soloturtle: For one minute there I stopped hating Russell long enough to turn my dislike toward Eric. I wasn't disappointed either. In what can only be described as a "Classic Survivor Blindside" everyone voted Eric out. The shock and surprise on his cocky face was well worth Russell remaining on the island for another 3 days.
This has been a difficult season for me to watch because no one stands out as being particularly likeable. The jerks seem to take up all the screen time so we haven't really gotten to know some of the contestants very well.
I guess I don't mind My@# the doctor, but that's not exactly a ringing endorsement. I find most (if not all) of the women to be rather bitchy and Shambo (despite my willingness to like her) has not demonstrated much by way of normalcy and/or competence.
Perhaps, as more people are weeded out, I will find someone to root for. As it stands now, I could really care less. However, Russell should not be allowed to win at any cost. Put him on the jury now so I can get to know some of the lesser seen players.
14 years ago Report
jjasmine: People, you ARE serious about this.
(Now I am beginning to understand you need to survive a lot - btw - I have not really managed to read much...)
14 years ago Report
lois_lane: To tell you the truth..I didnt mind Eric(dont throw stuff lols)It was an Awesome blindside tho eh hahaha..WOW...I thought for sure after Russell the horrible played his Idol( I love how they flushed it out)That Eric FOR SURE was going to play his...WHAT A FOOL!!! another one who left with an Idol in his pocket!!(he could get alot for it On Ebay lols)I hear you about the "Standing out" No one really does except russell bahaha..I like the Dr too and I like the rocket scientist...I do like jasion BUT I do agree with Eric that he doesnt do much to Exicute these talents he has and hes kind of lazy lols...I was hoping that the girl who won the emunity would have been the one going home...she MEH too...shamboo is a pain in the ass...Like shut the hell up already about the 90210 crap....She didnt try to fit in with the girls in the beginning...All she had to do was at least just stand there near the water when the girls were in there..and just try to make convo with them....Shes a whiner Im starting to think! Actually im starting to like Monica LOLS...Just a little...Oh and I like that Bob guy(the one who looks like freddy kruger haha)I dont even know if his name is bob haha..The one that went and made the fire after all the yapping about it!! lols...I will see the next show who I actually like...!Thank god for the merge tho...
14 years ago Report
soloturtle: As much as I dislike Russell I actually cheered when he found the second hidden immunity idol. You've gotta give the guy credit for having brains and motivation. I've also developed a disdain for the members of Galu and loved the shocked and angry look on Laura's smug little weasel face when Kelly was blindsided and voted out. PRICELESS !!

Of course, I still don't want Russell to win because he is already a millionaire and I would like to see someone else worthy enough to win the money. Unfortunately, I don't really like anyone that much and Russell, despite his lies and unlikeability, has played the game the best.
I'd like to like M^z* or even Brett, but I don't hardly know anything about them. Natalie is certainly cute (as in when she killed the rat, mighty hunter that she is) but being cute isn't enough of a reason for me to root for someone.
This season appears to consist of people I don't really like. I'm hopeful that one of the remaining Foa Foa members will ultimately win. Only time and next week's episode will tell for sure.
14 years ago Report
soloturtle: What a fine game it's turned out to be. At this point, despite my loathing of Russell as a human being, I can't think of anyone who has played the game better in a long, long time. He found the third immunity idol with little to no help. And the best news was that smarmy, evil, weasel-faced Laura got the boot. Buh-bye sweetie, don't let the door hit you in your self-righteous can on the way out.

I'm having the hardest time picking someone to like. I know next to nothing about Brett. John and Dave seem a tad too cy%~-sure of themselves, Shambo is looking more and more like a doofus, Monica? (the brown haired girl) doesn't impress me. I guess I will have to decide between M~&*, Jaison and Natalie. I still don't know much about M#%~, Jaison isn't exactly inspiring and Natalie only has a smoking hot body to really recommend her for any interest on my part (I would prefer someone else to choose from but options are getting scarce).

For now I will simply hope for the former Foa Foa members to decimate the haughty, overly confident Galau tribe. Apparently the merge didn't merge much of anything. To the extent that he can help pick-off Galau members, I will root for Russell, but I still don't want him to win. He can even go to final 4, but for the sake of all that is holy, I hope someone who could really use the money will win. Russell already has enough cash and an ego big enough to help him through the difficult times.
14 years ago Report
soloturtle: The Thanksgiving Day show was a recap of all that had happened up to that point. I almost didn't watch it because those shows are usually a disappointment and just a cheap way to fill time. However, this time, they showed a lot of what went on behind the scenes that we (the viewers) hadn't seen.
For instance, I didn't realize that Russell had told anyone that he really owned an oil company and was already a multi-millionaire. He shared that information with Mwz% who returned the favor by telling Russell that he is a doctor.
There was also a scene where Shambo - feeling overwhelmed and missing her sister who had died - broke down and cried. Unfortunately, her companion during this vulnerable moment was Laura who demonstrated her inability to find a shred of compassion or basic human warmth for another human being. The only thing she ever had going for her was that she looked good in a bikini. Other than that, Laura was a cold-hearted, selfish and ugly little b*%^% (I'm glad she's gone).
I've decided to root for Jaison. He is the only person left who seems deserving of the money, the only one of the remaining people who strikes me as a decent person. If he gets voted out I will have to scramble to find someone else to support... as long as it isn't Russell.
14 years ago Report
jjasmine: This Russell must really be something...
14 years ago Report
soloturtle: Survivor is on tonight. Remember: The two-hour Season Finale is on Sunday December 20th. followed by the one-hour Reunion show.
Go! anyone but Russell!! Hahahahahahaha..............
14 years ago Report
lois_lane: SOOOO much to catch up on Solo lols..I agree with most of what you said tho..I couldnt stand that bus faced pig either(laura) she was such an unfeeling bwyx@ eh...Ok so On to tonights WOW dude I cant believe that little fool won so they had to vote out Shambo...She would have totally had Russells back and now shes gone(man she never ever knew what was going on lols)I think now cuz this has happened their best bet is to get rid of Russell(I think jasion will turn on him) and then they will target that little dude...To tell you the truth i know your going to throw pop cans at me BUT.....I think if he doesnt get kicked off next week Russell should take this whole Game!! I mean come on...give credit where credit is due you know .The guy has kicked ass and pretty much has given his opinion as to where the game should go and people have listened...I really cant believe they didnt make him flush that idol but anyway...(just to keep him on his toes cuz he never would have seen it coming!!)So I guess we will see who takes it on Sunday dude...I do like m%*$ even tho he hasnt really dont too much...I hope its not Russell and the little blonde girl even tho I like her I think they would give it to her just so they dont have to give it to Russell you know what I mean..The whole Colby thing again(No I will never get over that season haha)Russell the scum that his is has played this game the way it was meant to be played...Like A GAME!!!This should be Good dude!!
14 years ago Report
soloturtle: Poor Shambo really never did know what was going on. I agree that as far as "playing the game" Russell should win. However, I still don't like him very much and I think it's funny that Natalie is so loyal to him when he regards her with something close to disgust and has refered to her as a "dumbass" on several occassions.
The difficulty in this seasons show is that Russell's larger than life personality has over-shadowed the rest of the contestants. We don't really know that much about Jaison, Brett, M#&~ or Natalie becasue the main focus has been on Russell. It's true that he should win based on performance and his ability to manipulate the game, but I would still rather see Jaison or M#x^ win.
If Brett were to win, I would see it as a victory for the jury (people like Eric, Kelly and that smarmy weasel-faced Laura) so I hope Brett loses.
Only time and Sunday night will tell.
14 years ago Report
xlittleRed: I haven't been following the whole season but I did catch the last episode - I wish I knew somebody like Shambo. She makes me laugh so hard. She kind of reminds me of Betty the butch from the Rugrats (if anyone even remembers that show - it was pretty much boss)
14 years ago Report
xXBrianxX: I'm excited to find out what happens tonight! I think Russell will take it home
14 years ago Report
soloturtle: It couldn't have worked out any better than it did. Brett got voted out and any threat posed by Galu was destroyed. Brett seemed like a decent enough guy, but since I wasn't even aware he was in the game until the merge, I didn't think he deserved to win.
I've said all along that I wanted Russell to go far in the game and not win. That's what happened. If Natalie hadn't won, I would have preferd Jaison win. M&*@, however, showed what a jackass he really was during the Jury question and answer phase.
I am pleased that Natalie won. She seems like a kind-hearted, genuine and decent person. She may be a little to "goody-goody" for my tastes, but of the final three, she can use the money the most.
I completely agree with Jaison's analogy of Russell. If one looks at Survivor as another day at the office, you have a group of different people coming together to try to accomplish something as a team. Personalities may clash but there is a goal in mind and regardless of petty problems, jealousies or conflicts, the group works together as a whole to move forward. Enter Russell, (the office slacker, troublemaker, or - where I worked - Bob) the guy who works opposite to the goals of the group. He sabotages when and where he can, his goal is chaos, disunity and the desire to make those around him miserable for his own amusement. We want to kick their asses at work, why would we choose to reward them on Survivor? With a million dollars, no less?
Russell made things more interesting (to some degree) but he didn't deserve to win and I am happy he didn't.
14 years ago Report
xXBrianxX: Did they forget they are playing a game? Outwit, outlast, outplay! They took things too personally and got pissed off at that fact they are all sitting on jury because of Russell. He is the ultimate survivor in the survivor history. Instead of accepting the fact that Russell dominated the whole show from the start, they gave it to a girl who wouldn't even be standing in the top 3 if it wasn't for him. It's not about who needs the money more. If the jury was not so bitter, then they would have voted Russell the winner. Stop crying about how you got played and give it to the person who deserves it. Jaison's comparison to the game being like an office at work was ridiculous. If Jaison was correct and Russell is the person nobody wants to work with, then WHY didn't they vote him off? Jaison even commented one time when Russell found another immunity idol, he said "That guy deserves to win". Without the guy, this season of survivor would've been boring as watching paint dry lol.
14 years ago Report
lois_lane: HAHAHAHA...Well WTF just happened???I do agree with you on most of it Solo But I must say I do agree with xxB also...My take on it..Jaison is a bitter little suck with no social skills..he wants to cut them down..Well lets talk about WTF he did all season long...And im sorry but to compare some jackass when you are working to being part of a GAME for a MILLION a little different..In no way was he a slacker(Russell) and he said this is not how he behaves in life..When he answered that question from that blonde idiot she asked him to replace 3 words that he used in the game..(lie cheat steal kind of thing)and when he replaced one of the words for integrity she says.."Integrity really" at that point it didnt matter what he said..NOW I dont know about you guys but for me...The people who ride other peoples coat tails in life are the last ones I would want to be on my team!!People dont like that in life so why the hell is it ok when you dont pull your weight around in a game for money?? Doesnt make sense to me and their all way to bitter to see that this man was the WINNER of this game!!I couldnt believe hubby and I actually cheered when bretts statue fell LOLS LOLS!!Even tho russell is a prick,he played the game like no other and he was robbed of this money..ESP if your going to say"it doesnt matter who needs the money and who doesnt its how you play the game" Well rite there then you know who the winner should be..Another friggin colby robbed of his good game bringing along a coat tail rider...Man that gets on my nerves...But at least it was someone who was on that team who won...SO we at least have that! lols..I guess we will all be back here in FEB to talk about the next one? Until then dudes Have a good Christmas Holiday and a Great New year!! L.L
14 years ago Report
lois_lane: Anyone watch the new one?
14 years ago Report
soloturtle: I caught the last 20 minutes. If Sugar is already out, then I don't see much point in watching it. Of course I like Rupert, but I can't imagine watching a whole new season with Russell and that idiotic season of both those two annoying douchebags was enough for me. Guess I'll watch the Vampire Diaries and make fun of that for a while.
14 years ago Report
lois_lane: OMG Solo no no ..Watch it,It was sooo good dude this season looks killer...Coach is an idiot lols and Russell well hes playing will all stars here so I dont know how long he will last...Sugar PPFFTT dude she was not like she was last time..She turned into a needy nightmare and she had to go..Trust me you would have been glad to see her go..I like people on both teams and it should be interesting when they start to ping each other off and then it gets down to the murge haha...WHOOT WHOOT To all Stars!!
14 years ago Report
Alex_flame: never watched that serial
7 years ago Report
dave3974: me neither
6 years ago Report