What do you think about genderfluid people? (Page 3)

(Post deleted by flappes_flappy_ears 5 years ago)
srbiddy09: I'm very disappointed in you, Johnny. You should realize that the word "retard" is considered hate speech; it is very hurtful and offensive to people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Although you may be popular and a member the lacrosse team, it still doesn't give you the right to use such ugly and offensive language in your post.
5 years ago Report
flappes_flappy_ears: Well, stop blooming posting here. Just because you don't understand, or deliberately are acting thick, doesn't give you the right to keep trolling. Serves you right.
5 years ago Report
flappes_flappy_ears: And you must be mad, because I didn't even type that word
5 years ago Report
srbiddy09: Johnny, you did use that word. It shows that you deleted your post, right after I responded to it. Truthfully, we all make mistakes and say things that we don't mean, but I would have more respect for you as a person if you owned up to what you said.
5 years ago Report
flappes_flappy_ears: Why tf would I have used that word? Been called it by my stepfather endless times tyvm
5 years ago Report
flappes_flappy_ears: I said you're thick in the head, read harder
5 years ago Report
srbiddy09: Oh, Johnny. You used the word "retard" in your deleted post, which we can all see was removed just after I responded to it. This means that in addition to your issues with fluid build-up, you are also very dishonest. I am disappointed in you.
5 years ago Report
5 years ago Report
flappes_flappy_ears: Soz, it was predictive text, looked at a screenshot I typed earlier. I didn't mean to type that. I was trying to type "regardless" but I deleted it as it didn't make sense. Very sorry if it offended you, but it was a mistake.
5 years ago Report
srbiddy09: We all make mistakes, Johnny. I appreciate your apology

So, how is your knee doing? Do you still have fluid build-up?
5 years ago Report
flappes_flappy_ears: Lol, my knee is fine
5 years ago Report
srbiddy09: That's great!!!!
5 years ago Report
Scarcastic: I'm genderfluid. It's not a medical issue. It's not a problem if some kind that needs treatment. It's how we see ourselves.
Bisexuality (attraction to both males and females) literally has nothing to do with Genderfluidity (how we view our own personal gender)
The (rather logical really) reason the term "fluid" is used to describe this gender identity is because rather than being rigid in seeing oneself as completely Male or Female, our gender identity is flux; as in it fluctuates between Male and Female both. Masculinity and Femininity.
Genderfluids can be attracted to just males, just females, or both, or other combinations; such as attraction to femininity in either sex (Gynephilia) but not masculinity, or vise versa (Androphilia). Gender fluidity isn't limited by the physical sex organs that a person possesses or was born with. It deals more with an individual's own personal mental identity. How they see themselves.
Many times people who inaccurately label us as being "a new term for bi" are simply too uneducated in the matter to understand the differences, and if they took the time to actually learn about how sexuality and gender identity works they would probably realise that more precise terms are a logical and practical solution to the issues that arise when one takes all sexual identities that aren't "straight" and lumps them all into "gay or bi". For example, if I (incorrectly) called myself "bisexual" as most people try to label me as, it would misleadingly imply that I am likely sexually attracted both feminine females and masculine males, and my inbox would soon be filled with messages from randy men asking if I would perform sexual acts on them. And I don't want that. Yet I also am unwilling to misrepresent who I am just to fit into other people's opinions of what they think or don't like, or to be a fake persona. I am genderfluid, not because I want to be edgy or some special snowflake, but because it is the only logical term to accurately describe me the way I see myself; a flux between masculinity and femininity. If you want to see me differently through either ignorance or a different point of view, that's perfectly acceptable and is up to you, but it doesn't define me or change who I am, or the fact that I get to describe myself the way I feel is most accurate and informative to those who care.
5 years ago Report
willy1522: Great post, sums up the world today. Be nice to go back to when no one cared about such trash and had it thrust down our throats. Great posts sirbiddy
5 years ago Report
flappes_flappy_ears: Willy, in which way do you mean? Are you ok with genderfluid or are you against genderfluid?
5 years ago Report
McCabe_: I'm against. The human race has existed for around 50,000 years having two genders, and within the space of a decade we are being told that we have to accommodate emotionally frail individuals who beleive their feelings about their gender carry more weight than their biology. This is folly on an global level. I do not hate these people but I think they are wrong and that they should be given help to overcome this. Endulging gender fluid people in their fantasy is no more supportive than telling suffers of schizophreniathat you can hear the voices too. I fully agree this is a very difficult thing to live with, but society has confused tolerance with apathy.
5 years ago Report
flappes_flappy_ears: @chatfish fk you then
5 years ago Report
McCabe_: A childish response to an even handed remark. This blog should clearly be called agree with Johnny or else. What a shame.
5 years ago Report
Scarcastic: Your opinion isn't an issue with me, catfish, the way in which you presented it shows unnecessary disrespect and aggression though, and an answer like Johnny's would have been expected. In particular, the "emotionally frail" sweeping generalisation; that is your (incorrect) opinion. In fact I've an inkling that you'd find many of those who view themselves as Genderfluid have actually overcome a lot which may be precisely what inspired them to search deeper into coming to a fuller understanding of who they are and the world around them. You're free to have any options you want if course, and you're free to express them in any way you want. But certain methods of expressing one's opinions are bound to get not-so-warm replies.

Before I sum up this post, I would also like to point out one more error your post contains, again due to an ignorant assumption on the matter; specifically your comment: "The human race has existed for around 50,000 years having two genders..." I urge you to do a bit of historic research into the topic of human sexuality through ancient times. Indeed, you will find that many of these "modern concepts" of sexuality are indeed not much different from concepts that have existed since ancient times across the globe. One prime example being that of "Two-spirits", a third-gender term used by many Indigenous tribes in American, a concept from ancient times. Indeed even Greeks, Vikings and ancient Germanic tribes had an understanding of a variety of varying sexualities or gender types. Many of the "modern" terms themselves even actually originated in phycology and sexology long ago, and have only recently become more widely used as they have been spread by social media by the general public as the world has started to evolve away from the limiting and insufficient gender-binary point of view. Having said that, if a gender-binary point of view makes more sense, or feels more accurate to you, then you have every right to your own opinions on the matter. People can not tell each other how they should feel about something. As humans feel the way we feel, and there really is no right or wrong way of looking at it. Therefore mutual respect of differing points of view are essential. For as much confidence as I hold in my own personal views, I will not neglect to maintain respect for contrasting points of view.
(Edited by Scarcastic)
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: Oh actual discussion and not trolling for a change, scartastic
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: catfish, see where you said "I'm against" you should have stopped right there rather than expound on why people who aren't like you are not to be taken seriously
(Edited by Angry Beaver)
5 years ago Report
srbiddy09: I'm not sure what this discussion has to do with the original topic of fluid build-up in the knee, but I would like to add my two cents worth.

I find it disturbing that people will go to great lengths to "justify" their prejudice and discrimination against people they feel are "different." Ultimately, there is no good reason why anyone should be excluded or treated with indecency and disresepct because of who they are. We are all equals, regardless of race, color, religion or orientation. It's really as simple as that.

A final message for those who insist on preaching hatred and intolerance: May both of your knees fill painfully with fluid!!!
5 years ago Report
flappes_flappy_ears: @ben_der and @scarcastic well done guys for actually knowing and understanding what I'm talking about
5 years ago Report
MessiahFartOwl: I dont think it matters what other people think. You are who you are. I know thats cliche but its true. Some people might dislike you for being you but that can happen in any regard. People might dislike you for your sexuality, identity, what team you support whether you eat meat, or dont eat meat, if youre fat, thin, average, ginger etc etc. Truth is its their problem not yours.
The fact that people are willing to joke about it rather than throw hate at you for it can only be a good thing. It shows at least some of the world is heading in the right direction.
5 years ago Report