What do you think about genderfluid people? (Page 18)

3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by tigermp125 3 years ago)
(Post deleted by tigermp125 3 years ago)
(Post deleted by tigermp125 3 years ago)
BuckeyeMan72: flappes, I am just curious on what you think about those Trans that are males thinking they are female and trying to take over woman's sports.. This is now costing females college scholarships, working their lives to be the best and watching some 'transgender' come in and defeat them while still built like a male..

Is this fair to the biological females? To me, this is a case of 'look at me, I am allowed to be a female in a males body and show these females they are not as good as I am in sports' .

You have asked for opinions from your first post, but then you also try to tell others that do not agree that you only want 'support' on this forum. Well, opinions do differ.. if you only want support, you used the wrong terminology when asking for opinions.....

Do I support your opinions? no as I think with todays society way to many are using being transgender as a way out.. a way to increase their ego, such as participating in sports for biological females. Also now with this we are free to do as we wish and forcing people to follow your view, we have males pretending to be females to go into the same locker rooms, same washroom. This fight for recognition of your belief has turned into a right to allow people to abuse what you believe in...

You want males to be accepted as females? Then create your own sports for instance so they will compete on a even playing field.. you do not see female to males trying to compete as males in most instances as that would require using performance enhancing drugs to compete on a playing field even remotely considered equal...

The motivation behind the LGBT community may be to be recognized but your continued push to allow anyone to consider themselves what they want to be at any given second, minute, day, week, month is hurting those that are biological females and males..

Do as you like, but stop trying to ruin the lives of those do not want to listen to your self minded thoughts, and your I have my right to be who I want to be and will do it at any cost to others....

You want to be transgender, fine, you want to be gay, fine. but do not use it as a way to stroke egos, to laugh and say I just set a female record in a sporting event while still actually a male..
You asked for opinions.. STOP reiterating that you now only want comments in support.... f that is what you seek, create a new forum asking for support only....

now, as for the water on the knee, get it drained whenever needed.... can get painful if not taken care of.....
3 years ago Report
BuckeyeMan72: https://thefederalist.com/2019/12/04/male-transjacking-will-ultimately-end-womens-sports/?fbclid=IwAR0u7E3wOw2WpddWqwaWFQaKGnUNntkD_LzW_Nag5Dv0tuqWIAj8uST5RQ0

in case you do not believe this about males trying to take over women sports by pretending to declare they are women and not males
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by tigermp125 3 years ago)
tigermp125: who cares,
3 years ago Report
megnafied: Everyone into sports should care.. It's BS. Men do not need to compete with women. It's unfair.
3 years ago Report
MJ59: Well how else are the sissy men gunna win ffs!!!
3 years ago Report
flappes_flappy_ears: @angry beaver, good point!
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by tigermp125 3 years ago)
flappes_flappy_ears: @tigermp125, if you can't find anything supportive or interesting to say, get off this forum. All your being is abusive. And on the subject of sports, women are women, whether trans or not. Some of you transphobic people sound like something my parents would say "oh that's that boy who thinks he's a girl!" They aren't playacting and pretending they're the opposite gender! Do you know how many trans people commit suicide each year? Mostly due to family and friends being unsupportive. I've been there, done that. People need to come from here and take their heads out of their backsides and move with the times! It's 2020, not 1920, not 1970! They've had long enough to get used to trans people!
3 years ago Report
tigermp125: i idenfy myself as a 7 foot chenese man
3 years ago Report
Laura Sky
(Post deleted by Laura Sky 3 years ago)
flappes_flappy_ears: @Laura sky, that's a very narrow minded attitude
3 years ago Report
Laura Sky
(Post deleted by Laura Sky 3 years ago)
Laura Sky
(Post deleted by Laura Sky 3 years ago)
flappes_flappy_ears: @Laura sky this forum isn't for people like you, so get off this forum.
3 years ago Report
Laura Sky
(Post deleted by Laura Sky 3 years ago)
flappes_flappy_ears: No, I'm the most open minded of everyone on this forum. Just go away
3 years ago Report
Laura Sky
(Post deleted by Laura Sky 3 years ago)
flappes_flappy_ears: Laura no one wants your opinion. If you haven't anything nice to say, stop replying.
3 years ago Report
Laura Sky
(Post deleted by Laura Sky 3 years ago)