When you hit rock bottom, what do you do?

AaryanJ: I know every single person in this world, at one point or another of their life think "this is it" and "there is no point in trying", When have you ever experienced such a thought and how did you over come it?
12 years ago Report
foxyaventura: From being knocked too many a times in life !!
12 years ago Report
passion_ameer: Self confident is very important !!! we need to belive in our self wht ever the problem comes in our life...
12 years ago Report
abi: life is a circle. when u are a facing hard time now, doesnt mean u will be facing it forever. u tend to value the happy times only when u go through the hard time. so when we reach that situation just say to urself thing will get better if things suck now. =) and same goes when things are great around u, dont get too carried away.. but only be Thankful to God =) <3
12 years ago Report
passion_ameer: When u come to difficult situation... say to u r self "All is Well ,All is well....
12 years ago Report
Lost Visioner
12 years ago Report
Lost Visioner
Lost Visioner: Hope this helps.
12 years ago Report
Imperfect_Perfection: If your current situation is bad, don't worry it will change. If your current situation is good don't worry this too will change.

Life is constantly changing and no one has a perfect life. You can choose to listen to the negative thoughts and stay down... or you can choose to keep moving forward and live your life to the fullest. Do something every day that brings you joy. The best way to get through tough times is to keep on moving. Don't give up. Set goals you wish to achieve and break them down into sub goals. Remember that no feeling ever leaves us until it has taught us what we need to know. Look first within.

Yes I have had the feeling that life is no longer worth living. I have had thoughts of suicide. This is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You must look within to find the solution to your problem. Something you are feeling or thinking is telling you an important message. You are not nurturing yourself or giving yourself what you need. True happiness comes from within. You can shift focus to what good you have and all the good you can do. Be thankful for all the good you do have in your life and for all the bad you didn't want and have avoided obtaining. Sometimes the negative can blind you from seeing what you do truly have. Make lists of goals and stick to them. All you need is a little determination and you too can have all you need. Treat yourself and others with kindness. Don't be afraid to ask for help or confide in another person. If you have no one to confide in write out your thoughts and problems to help you work through them. What advice would you give a friend with the same problem?
12 years ago Report
CarlaMcCoy: You either stay there or get up.
12 years ago Report
Plumpcherry: Ride on top
(Edited by Plumpcherry)
5 years ago Report
cloudygrey33: I go in to observer mode and become aware of my immediate environment. Tune in to sights/sounds/smells/feelings- Things based on senses and not thought. I observe the emotions I'm feeling in a non-judging way and notice how they rise and fall... I try to imagine I'm comforting or helping someone else instead of myself. That way I am not caught up in the intensity of what I'm feeling. The point of it is to distract my brain and give myself some other focus than the heaviness of what i'm feeling... Shifting focus is always a way out because it immediately makes your brain unlock from whatever is happening. Rock bottom is just a perception that isn't helpful. When we label things sometimes it is just makes the situation we're experiencing seem worse than it actually is. Try to just tap in to awareness ...Non-judging observation and mindfulness are great tools to take away the power and intensity of any traumatic experience. They teach these tools in therapy for people with PTSD etc...
5 years ago Report
zeffur: Get up, rub your sore butt, & try again--hopefully in a wiser way.
And always remember the phrase "This too shall pass."
Then get to getting to it. Your need & wants won't get met on their own.
(Edited by zeffur)
5 years ago Report
michaelkasm: clear your mind and your ass will follow
5 years ago Report
MitchW632: It depends why you think you have hit bottom. If you had a social problem, that is one thing. You will recover. If you are very old like me, in pain all the time and already had a written terminal diagnosis, then the only path is wait for Jesus to take us.
5 years ago Report
Qrius: U quit digging
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 4 years ago)
LoisS: I always thought it was *Free your mind, and the rest will follow*
4 years ago Report
michaelkasm: theres only one thing you can do is go up clear your mind and your ass will follow
4 years ago Report
LoisS: ^^Not a big music fan are ya .
4 years ago Report
cloudygrey33: That's the pop country cover version?
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: "When you hit rock bottom, what do you do"?


At the rock bottom, there's no place to go but UP. On one of those bounces, try to land with your feet instead of your head. If you suceed, the moment your feet touch, drop and roll.

One should have this training from the get go - it's called hazard avoidance technique.

The best demo I've ever seen of this was watching Buster Keaton (silent film). He was such a risk-taker doing his own stunts, that he got into numerous incidents gone dangerously wrong. Never saw anyone roll like that. Nicknamed 'The Great Stoneface', he was so smooth, the cameraman kept filming without realizing it wasn't planned.
(Edited by Zanjan)
4 years ago Report
smfournier10: Most people who think they hit rock bottom
Don't know what rock bottom is. Rock bottom changes your being. Changes your thoughts on people, family, God and everything you can imagine. its a mind, soul, life,thought, feelings, attitude changer.
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: Well said.

It's that point when you've lost it all and no longer have any hope. If you dwell in this place for even a short time, hope won't ever return because you've made a decision to just lay down and die. Some who've made that choice aim to pull others down with them - creating a hole is a bit lower than rock bottom.
(Edited by Zanjan)
4 years ago Report
brokedown00: Zanjan I'm at that point now. I'm totally defeated and I've lost all hope. I have no self confidence, self worth or self respect. It's been a long road of total destruction that has lead me down this road. I don't have hope that anything will ever get better for me. I've let myself go in a huge way. I've neglected and continue to neglect my health and even my hygiene. I don't shower for days. I don't shave for over a month at a time. I don't cut my fingernails until they're huge and causing me issues. Simply because I just think what's the point added with a little laziness.I used to take pride in my looks and my hygiene but that was in better days. I have no hobbies or interests. I have no drive whatsoever. Nothing can motivate me. I don't friends. I've had one girlfriend when I was 18 which lasted about 6 months. I'm now 42 and I've lost everything and I'll never get it back. I'll continue to lose anything good that comes into my life which is few and far between these days. I have no sex drive and I'm not even attracted to women. I used to have a healthy sex drive and now I have the libido of a 90 year old. My life has always been a Trainwreck and I've just thrown everything away. I'm already dead. Inside. I'm probably going to hell when I die because I can't decide what faith is the right one but then again, hell can't possibly be as bad as my life. I'm sick of smiling and pretending everything is okay because nothing about me is okay. I don't think I could go any lower if I tried. I'm truly at rock bottom.
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: "I'm probably going to hell when I die"

If you're not in hell now, where the heck are you??? If what you had before was so heavenly, you wouldn't be where you are now. What more do you need to learn about where you are right now? Isn't it obvious?

"I can't decide what faith is the right one"

If you mean "religion", there isn't one right one, only one that's suitable for you - religion may not be what you need first. It's merely an organization.

Nothing good comes to your life without faith and trust in God; you can have that without being a member of a religion. There is no power until you connect with His. You've let your relationship with Him go; as such, control of your self has gone too. This should be the sign for you to reach out to Him.

Maybe that first guidance might be to seek medical assistance for depression. You need to manage that to build energy to learn.

All things pass - they're replaced by the new. You can board the new by taking the first step. Nobody says you have to know what the outcome is but you make that first step part of one new outcome. Make it an achievable goal and you'll shatter the record. The second step will beat the first. Maybe religion might be your 10th step - you won't decide this for yourself, God will prepare you and pace you accordingly.

Thousands like you, in your position, have decided to go for the last straw - to try the very thing they've been avoiding all along - to stop holding on to what they want. Seek God alone, let Him guide you, do as He says. Now that your self has flat-lined, you can come out of it and serve the greater good.

You have literally nothing left to lose. Something better than what you want will replace what you used to have. Thousands like you, in your position, have succeeded. I guarantee it's not impossible.
(Edited by Zanjan)
4 years ago Report
smfournier10: Myfateissealed. What you have explained is were I finally hit the bottom. I have feared for some their rock bottom is even deeper. Theirs a pain in it that can't be explained only experienced. You spoke of God. That's great news. I started hating a God wondering why I was waking up in the morning. Their was no purpose. Still isn't, but I luckily found something that helped. But it's no purpose. One step at a time I told myself. So in the morning I just made my bed. Then cried I woke again. After time it became something different so I added to it. One stupid choirs at a time very slowly. There's something about it that helped me. Might not for you. Please, give it a shot. I'll tell you right now. Theirs still no purpose for me. I consume and destroy everything and give nothing. Fucking hate myself. But slowly, maybe that will change. And a fresh made bed is amazing
4 years ago Report
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