Im cheating and I can't stop! (Page 7)

(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
SanDee0: Yes i'd like to know as well...I hope you dumped your bf and also forgotten about the guy you were doing it with behind your bf back......
11 years ago Report
bravemollybee: hahaha Renaissance_Man. but has anybody figured out the boyfriend was probably cheating too, hence, lack of nooky at home......hahahahaha
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
11 years ago Report
Jeyana: I would say you need to look into a sex addiction therapist.
11 years ago Report
nobody43: lol
11 years ago Report
christina16bb: I spend 2 1/2 months in cali in a sex rehab clinicm didnt work, they just gave me medication to numm my sex drive
11 years ago Report
Jeyana: You don't just go in and get "fixed". You must want a change and actively participate in wanting/needing to change. Why would numbing your sex drive help your problem? Is it not poor impulse control? You will need a councelor or therapist who knows how to deal with this kind of problem. To dig deep, you need to find what are the things you are telling yourself to allow you to continue to use sex for?? Self soothing? Manipulation? False feelings of power? The thrill? What do you get by acting on your impulses? What are the consequences of acting on those impulses? And do you realy want to change, or just want to talk about change because of feelings of guilt?
11 years ago Report
Aram_Alexander: I believe when people cheat on their boyfriends /girlfriends,etc.There is a reason,maybe they do not get what they want,sex,love,etc.
11 years ago Report
chrisdlion: You have to step inside someones shoes to ever know how someone feels , i watched a movie called ''28 Hotel Rooms'' its about this same subject and it kinda gives you an idea about being in the shoes of someone who cheats,, but the truth of the matter the one who cheats doesnt really like to cheat and they feel bad about it , otherwise why would they post it , its something much bigger that whats apparent to us , on the inside, but for us to judge others which wouldnt matter anyway , cause it wouldnt change the event or person doing the cheating,, the problem is something in the mind and spirit of the person,,
11 years ago Report
nobody43: your all cheating?
11 years ago Report
christina16bb: Well almost 30 days Cheat free ...
11 years ago Report
nobody43: lol nice
11 years ago Report
Intolerance: Cheating leads to problems unless your partner is a douche, and all guys justify cheating by blaming wife/girl firend.
10 years ago Report
ABDULHAFEED: who cares nobody cares
10 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
ABDULHAFEED: Renaissance_Man: who cares about ur replay
10 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
ABDULHAFEED: Renaissance_Man:ok why don't you go open a school and learn some kids what dey have to cae about
10 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
Cherokee 26
Cherokee 26: To be honest I don't think people are exactly meant to be completely monogamous. I mean yes under the supposed "rules" of love...your supposed to honor and love your soulmate/partner with everything you have and be loyal to them and be by their side through anything and everything but lets all be real can just also be a lustful thing. Im not saying all but probably 85%-88% of people have probably wondered what it would be like to bang the hot chick at the checkout counter or the strong tall tan construction worker holding his hammer in one hand and a box of nails in the other. My point is maybe people shouldn't hold onto their significant others in such a way where they act like your property instead of a person and open up about things and experiment a little...have a 3 some or a 4 some and see if it doesnt spice up things in the bedroom. Not that its on a personal level of having emotional feelings for that person but experiment in lust and such and just have fun together doing the same thing so its not really cheating...that way you dont have regret or the worry of actually cheating and he also gets something out of it as well....
10 years ago Report
chrisdlion: I want to say that i was marrried for 18years and i never cheated , i may of imagined or thought of it but i never took the plunge, the thing is there has to be a balance in any relationship, just like a car or life in general, if you base your higher percentage on sex and not so much trust or respect or even honor you start to lose focus on the other things that make a relationship work, we allthink that sex is supposed to be a thing for a couple to have like ice cream in the fridge, when you get a urge you reach in get some, and in time you find it gets freezer burn , cause theres one one person rotating the food around , same as life it takes two to have and to hold a relationship together, and sex cant be the main focus in a relationship, because if so you start to lose the other important things in it like trust, love, respect, patience, understanding, and the whole idea in the first place was for the reason of pro creation , not self gradification, thats where city's of lust and mayhem began ,,, the point is we cant base or love of someone just on sex, and decide if we' re not happy we will cheat, then we have lost the rest of the other important thing that need to matter in loving and keeping a relationship going,, remember you cant grow a tree soley with water, it needs food and attention to bare good fruit , and be strong for years to come, if not its fruit becomes small and worthless, and the plant dies in time, so if you want a relatioship to last its going to have to be based on all of the above , Love Respect,Patience,Understanding, and Honor, not just Sex,,
10 years ago Report