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Why is the climate changing. (Page 317)

ZykraCosmos: The stratosphere is the layer of the atmosphere extending from about 6 miles to about 31 miles above the surface. The stratospheric polar vortex resides in this area, and can significantly influence weather in the mid-latitudes. The stratospheric polar vortex and tropospheric vortex are two different things. The tropospheric polar vortex is a normal atmospheric feature that affects our weather every winter. A sudden stratospheric warming is a significant disruption of the stratospheric polar vortex that begins with large-scale atmosphere waves, called Rossby waves, getting pushed higher into the atmosphere. These waves can “break” on top of the polar vortex and weaken it. If waves are strong enough, the winds of the polar vortex can weaken so much that they can reverse from being westerly to easterly. This leads to cold air descending and warming rapidly. This can lead to a displacement or splitting of the polar vortex, so instead of cold air being locked above the polar region, it can push further into the mid-latitudes.
2 months ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Yes that's pretty much what I understood Zykra thanks. I've also measured breaks in the tropopause using radiosonde many times even 30 years ago which will allow some mixing between layers
2 months ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: But when will you join the 21st century and go metric?
2 months ago Report
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Sir Loin
Sir Loin: I don't see how they can 88 but this whole thing is about profit so watch this space
2 months ago Report
bonzono: "You didn't answer my question Bozo."
pretty sure I did, did you need help in finding the response?

as I said, the earth has never once experienced what is happening now, in measured history.

Tell you what, how about you go find me any time in the earth's measured history when the temperature has increrased as far, and as rapidly as it is doing now, ON TOP of the normal CO2/heating cycle.

I'll wait- you wont find it because... it's never occurred.
and that's the point.
2 months ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Wrong AGAIN. Look at the Permian/Triassic Mass extinction when Earth warmed significantly more and faster than it is now. Most other climate shifts followed similar patterns.
There is nothing different about today's situation. Time you stopped bleating like a sheep
(Edited by Sir Loin)
2 months ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: If Ya So Worried About C02 Why Not Build Some Nuhickler power Plants There zero Emissions It was Only The Older Tecknology ones from the 60 that melted down , Thingys have Changed alot sice then , If people were Honest They Would Know this Solar and wind stuff Can't Cut it Mabye Decades in the future it might be better not Not Now Tho , germany france them European countries have never had any Accidents yet there Scrapped all there Nuhickler power plants Seems Craxy
2 months ago Report
bonzono: "Wrong AGAIN. Look at the Permian/Triassic Mass extinction when Earth warmed significantly more and faster than it is now"


sure, the planet has been warmer than it is now. I mean, at some point, the entire surface of the earth was magma.

so yep, definitely been hotter than it is now.

oh.. wait.. 'warmed faster'?
citation needed.

or did you want to just stomp your little foot and pretend your unqualified word, which utterly contrasts available data, is magically correct?

this folks, is why we laugh at incompetent conspiracy lunatics.

by all means, keep trying, loin. If you puke enough fabricated idiocy long enough, by pure chance you'll actually say something that's correct!

again - citation needed, I'll wait
2 months ago Report
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bonzono: "Perhaps, if there is more carbon dioxide gas, plants will flourish more, producing more oxygen"

maybe - except we've been doing a great job of removing them.

we're busy pulling out the planet's ability to turn CO2 into oxygen.
And then we're pumping out CO2 like never before ON TOP of the natural processes.

so - GHGs are building up, we've removed the planet's ability to scrub itself.
kind of a no brainer as to what is happening.

despite being a no brainer, people with no brains still can't figure it out - loin, ashely, asiabag, you're scientifically illiterate (as well as rightwing transphobic bigots)
2 months ago Report
MallyDaKattniss2: Yep, huge areas of the Amazon jungles are being cleared on a regular basis.
So many people cannot see we are slowly killing Earth. Earth was a paradise for 4,000,000,000 years. In under 200 years we have nearly destroyed Earth😢😔
2 months ago Report
MallyDaKattniss2: I was wrong. Earth was actually a hellish place in the beginning. It took between 100-200 million years before it slowly transformed into lush habital planet. Still, in about 200 years humans have nearly killed Earth😢
2 months ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Mally there's parts of it are still a paradise but arseholes are still trying to destroy them.
I think most of the world knows my country New Zealand as a clean green paradise but recently we ended up with a right wing government which is hell bent on destroying our natural environment and has even publicly said it doesn't mind if a few species go extinct; seabed mining and offshore oil exploration are coming. logging and mining in national parks but they greenwash everything by pretending to cut CO2 emissions as if that's gonna do any good.
What cutting Co2 will do is make them lots of lovely money through carbon taxes and trading credits.
Humans are a virus worse than covid.
2 months ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Perhaps I should be specific. Right wing humans are a virus
2 months ago Report
bonzono: odd, since you reference as fact, information (that you never actually read) on a rightwing conspiracy website.

I dunno about anyone else, but I put conspiracy nutjobs and conervative right wing in the same basket of stupid.

Along with people who, without qualifications, attempt to demean and slander actually qualified people.
2 months ago Report
bonzono: " In under 200 years we have nearly destroyed Earth"

There is nothing humans can do that will be worse than what the various extinction events throughout the history of the of the planet, have done.

What we can do, however, is make it suck .. we are, quite literally crapping in our own nest - then complaining about the mess. It doesn't matter how many people point this out, or show the science to be valid, there will also be entitled, ignorant and arrogant morons who contest the extant data, without having the first clue what it is they're blathering about.

humans are a virus, none more so than the entitled morons who feel they have a carte blanche to demean people who are pointing out these issues and identify that humans are, in fact, getting it very wrong.

For some reason that I can't fathom, rightwing entitle idiots seem to take offence at people like greta thunberg and people like her. I'm yet to understand exactly why, but it looks like its more of an entitlement/personal issues than a legitimate complaint.

any comments on that loin? You are exactly one of those people.
2 months ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: It's hardly worth commenting on Bozo you idiot. Except for the bit you quoted from my post it's a complete crock of shit.
2 months ago Report
bonzono: well, sorry kiddo, the facts say otherwise.
and so do qualified professionals.

maybe get something that's actually .. you know.. not something you've scraped from a rightwing conspiracy blog, that is actually defensible?

heh, I love how you still pretend you're actually acessing actual data, actual science, and actual critical thought...
2 months ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Piss off Bozo you half literate moron.
Try commenting on topics you actually know something about. This one is way beyond your capability
2 months ago Report
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Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Yep There Eleminating The Sexs Men and Women And saying Every one Is The Same
Under the banner of "equity" and Universal Rainbow Flag
Just Like Chairman Mow Did In China , Made Every one Wear Hessan Sack type Clothing
So Every One looked the Same, and would loose their personal identity
And Thus in time Turn too the State and there Esteemed "experts"
For guidance
Tell me what too do I no longer know what I do
2 months ago Report