Why is the climate changing. (Page 201) GeraldtheGnome: Most scientists agree with creationism, that’s what I get from creationists and by fake creationists such as Bob. It’s a claim, another claim is that most geologists agree that there was a global flood thousands of years ago, that’s another claim. The similarity between creationists and their allies to doomsday scientists and their allies is that they both have an agenda. Confirmation bias is seeded out and found, from this, because of the flawed and unproven belief that most people think the same, the creationists and their allies find what they think proves that everything was magically created by at least one god. The far left when it comes to science, use an approach which is similar to creationists where a confirmation bias result is always found. It is very much like religion. The I agree that it’s human caused global warming approach, therefore just on that I conclude that it’s what most people know is true belief is then declared to be so, The I never can be wrong about it belief. Forget the fact that it never has been proven..Most people don’t think the way you wish them to think. You are both quite fanatical on this subject. You are both chained inside a cave unaware of everything that is really going on in a metaphorical sense. Most people are not of the far left on this subject, so really most people don’t think like either of you do, without carbon dioxide there would be no life on this planet. You both have decided that Humans are gods and goddesses with the ability to control the climate, that Humans heated up the entire planet and now you both have the arrogant and ignorant belief that yourselves, me and everyone else are gods and goddesses with the ability to be able to cool the whole planet down. There is no global warming going on at all, there’s some regional warming, it’s not caused by Humans though. You both don’t understand enough about carbon dioxide and methane, then, at least Kitty, has come out with something wrong and misleading about it. There is no comma before the word and at all, too many people use too many commas now. Warmings is also not a proper word. GeraldtheGnome: By the way I’m not in denial about Methane rising up anywhere, I just don’t add that it’s doing something more than what really is so and then think that I am right. Worlds is a plural. (Edited by GeraldtheGnome) ghostgeek: I see it's a bit parky over in the States and Canada. No doubt, when they dig themselves out, they'll be blaming all the misery on global warming. ghostgeek: Nearly 250 million Americans and Canadians are feeling the icy grip of a massive winter storm linked to at least 19 deaths ahead of the holiday weekend. More than 1.5 million people lost power and thousands of flights have been cancelled since Thursday. The vast storm extends more than 2,000 miles (3,200km) from Texas to Quebec. A bomb cyclone, when atmospheric pressure plummets, has brought blizzard conditions to the Great Lakes on the US-Canada border. Near white-out conditions have been reported in Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan and Buffalo, New York, where the US National Weather Service (NWS) reported "zero mile" visibility. In Canada, Ontario and Quebec were bearing the brunt of the Arctic blast, with power cut to hundreds of thousands. Much of the rest of the country, from British Columbia to Newfoundland, was under extreme cold and winter storm warnings. [ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-64083129 ] ghostgeek: Temperatures in Elk Park, in the US state of Montana, dropped to -50F (-45C), while the town of Hell, Michigan, has frozen over. It was 1F (-17C) in the snow-covered community on Friday night. Emily, a bartender at Smitty's Hell Saloon, told the BBC: "It's pretty cold here, but we're having a hell of a time." In South Dakota, snowed-in Native Americans burned clothes for warmth after running out of fuel, said tribal officials. Heavy snowfall was forecast in areas of Pennsylvania and Michigan. More than eight million people remained under blizzard warnings, said the NWS. Coastal flooding has been seen in New England, New York and New Jersey, inundating communities and downing power lines. [ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-64083129 ] GeraldtheGnome: Damn you global warming ! I’m rolling my eyes here. Sorry, I think I have to go to the toilet quickly otherwise I’ll wet myself laughing ! (Edited by GeraldtheGnome) wJust_woW: -63 & - 45 global warming , what a punch of misguided opinionated ppl destructive phenomenon | God's punishment destroyed America | Complete paralysis and states freeze | It is God's wrath Killer bomb tornado .. kittybobo34: One thing interesting about global warming, it causes the Jet stream to wander all over the place, moving more north than ever before. This brings warm tropical air to the North and the cold arctic air south, generating horrific storms. ghostgeek: My only complaint with global warming is that it doesn't seem to be thawing the North Pole. Thus, instead of a balmy breeze wafting down from the polar regions, we get a frigid blast that's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey. GeraldtheGnome: Making up very lame excuses to defend the flawed idea that global warming is happening right now won’t help either of you. If it’s not happening globally then it isn’t happening globally, it isn’t happening globally. You two are as bad as the creationists on this particular subject. The religious like fanaticism of doomsday science is about what is science, it is the not a proper form of science. It’s a dodgy form of science, the dodgiest that science can get. So both of you keep telling yourselves that the fantasies that you last mentioned in your last messages are true. Read the cave allegory by Plato, just like most of those that it’s about, you two are the prisoners who mistake what you see and hear, in a censored way, as being true. Reality versus the mistaken perception of what is thought to be real and true. Oh well, most people thought that miasma, basically toxic air, was the cause of many deaths in the past, that was until the real cause was found to be the toxic water source. Before that the sky was thought to be falling whenever an eclipse happened, that was before eclipses were understood. These days the new form of fear and paranoia is the fantasy that human global warming is happening right now. You are both being ignorant and arrogant about this subject. It’s a pity since you are both wide awake about a vast array of other things. wJust_woW: https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/mysterious-shock-wave-cracks-earths-magnetosphere-breaking-news-21-december-2022/ In 1859 there were two massive solar flares that destroyed the telegraph lines in North America and caused aurora's worldwide for two days. It was called the "Carrington Event" and if something like that happened today it'd be much worse considering how much we rely on the electric grid. Now satan palace USA facing the full wrath of god,, kittybobo34: Luckily with Ukraine constantly having to replace transformers, we are building them again. ghostgeek: That's naughty of you. Poor old Vlad must be doing his nut, seeing as how he's spending a fortune trying to blow the things up. ghostgeek: Strange, isn't it, how we're told the temperature is shooting up and then we hear of something that's the complete opposite. China's northernmost city, Mohe, has recorded its lowest temperature since records began. Mohe - known as "China's North Pole" - is in the province of Heilongjiang, close to the Russian border. On Sunday, its local meteorological station recorded a record-low temperature of -53C (-63F) at 7am. The previous coldest temperature on record in the city was -52.3C, in 1969. However, the temperature is still shy of China's national record. The coldest temperature ever recorded in China is -58C, in the city of Genhe, Inner Mongolia in December 2009. ... Mohe is no stranger to cold weather: China Daily says the city is regarded as the coldest in China, and that its winter period "usually lasts eight months". As a result, it attracts tourists throughout the year with its "North Pole", ice and snow parks, and skiing venues. In previous years, it has also hosted winter marathons. This time of year, it is common for the city to see average temperatures of -15C. In the past week, China's meteorological authority issued alerts for plunging temperatures and cold winds in the region. The Xinhua News Agency said a number of areas in the Greater Khingan mountain range, which spans Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang, saw new record low temperatures over the weekend. Since Friday, temperatures dipped below -50C in Mohe for three consecutive days, which outlets have said is unprecedented. [ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-64378176 ] GeraldtheGnome: Can the one with the bit about the mythical Satan and the mythical god who in The Middle Ages was named God leave that religious stuff out of a science forum please ? There also is no country named America. kittybobo34: Looks like we are eliminating gas stoves now, Opting for the induction stove. On the good side it should improve air quality in the home, much less NO2 in the air..... PS I guess gas fire places are next. (Edited by kittybobo34) ghostgeek: So will all these induction stoves be powered by windmills, a form of power generation that is horribly dependant on the wind blowing? kittybobo34: Perhaps in some cases. At least its a more efficient way to heat than high wattage heating coils. GeraldtheGnome: Balance rather than the over the top crackdown on even the slightest thing that’s thought of as being a problem should happen. Gas stoves versus the harder to regulate electric stoves that require electricity that needs power that gives off a high amount of pollution. Which one would you choose if you had the option ? There was a lot of full stops there. Brisbane has what was a former windmill, even when it was built it was considered a joke because there never was enough wind to operate it. If you knew the reason as to why it was really built then you’d know that it was built as a form of punishment. Brisbane still isn’t known as a place for reliable wind power. GeraldtheGnome: The claimed good side is something that I disagree with Kitty about. The gas from gas stoves is less of a problem in any way than realistic only problems with conventional electricity. Also the climate has not changed for a while and is not any different than it was for a while in certain parts of the world. Sure, that isn’t the case everywhere. (Edited by GeraldtheGnome) kittybobo34: Gerald, Right the global warming impact is more extreme as you go to the poles. It seems the most obvious effect is that the Jet Stream isn't as stable as it used to be, It writhes around the planet like snake on fire, taking super cold air south and warm air to the poles. Regarding the gas stoves, some recent research shows that high amounts of NO2 is releases in the home, which is a problem for Asthma sufferers. Given the higher prices for gas, it's probably cheaper to go with the induction stove anyway. There is a wind farm nearby in Indiana, windmills as far as the eye can see. It provides power to most of southern Indiana, and they are turning all the time it seems. Hopefully they will print just how much coal or gas that has saved. GeraldtheGnome: Wrong. The belief that global warming is happening isn’t proof that global warming is happening, this is where you with science behave like a creationist in regards to science. It’s religious like fervour, fear and paranoia even over otherwise sensible and very intelligent people has lead to irrational, illogical, sometimes even irresponsible and extremely implausible and at times even impossible conclusions. A creationist is unrealistic and silly when it comes to anything about evolution due to their religious bias and confirmation bias. A fear mongering global warming alarmist is unrealistic and silly when it comes to anything about the environment due to far left winged bias or dodgy science bias and certainly due to their confirmation bias. Beliefs have replaced reality, the truth and any evidence that proves otherwise. Stop making excuses about your jet stream beliefs, colder or cooler conditions at times around the world have not been caused by jet streams in each case, you have placed the minority of cases, as have some others, as the main or only reason for there to be cooler or colder weather around the world. Not ever case and not most cases are due to one or more places being hotter or warmer than usual in one area or two or more areas causing cool or colder area in another. Don’t worship doomsday scientists. Wherever there are examples of bog standard climates that haven’t changed for a long time or colder or cooler than normal weather then that itself proves that there is no global warming despite area of the world where it has become warmer or hotter than usual. A good example in the past was medieval Greenland which is of course now an overseas territory of Denmark. It was warmer there for a very long time but it did eventually go back to the way it was before that. Now it’s going through that again if the records are reliable. There’s another thing records are only reliable by the way that they are documented. A creationist will look at things that were written down and/or published and.or told to them by some recorded form and think that what they have been told is about what is true, you Kitty do do the equivalent of that when it comes to the myth that human caused global warming is happening right now. Something needs to be proven to be true rather than the thought that the claim is the evidence that proves what is believed is true. There are various types of gas and other things that trigger asthma attacks. Gas stoves aren’t objects to vilify, it’s easier to cook and regulate food with gas. I know because I have lived in houses with gas ovens and one with an electric oven, the current one in my home. You will never get something where there are no disadvantages from it. We can all find only faults with everything and with everyone including ourselves if we want. Dodgy science that you follow is an extremely pessimistic thing to ‘worship’ or more to the point stop worshipping doomsday scientists, they and each of us are gods and goddesses according to you. We cannot magically change everything that really is wrong and what you imagine is wrong. You are are not ignorant and arrogant about other things to do with science, you are ignorant and arrogant about doomsday science though. I don’t live in Indiana, most people don’t. The global warming impact is nowhere. Confusing any regional or imagined warming anywhere as evidence that proves that global warming is true is not a smart thing to do. kittybobo34: I don't worship the science of global warming, I just believe it to be accurate in its findings. I have had some experience in the sciences, and geology in particular, I know this planet has had some extreme climate swings. What we are doing to the planet with the co2 and methane is playing with fire. GeraldtheGnome: You believe it to be true, okay maybe you don’t worship the dodgy science of it, you do however kind of worship doomsday scientists. It’s just science, not sciences. Geology is fine, the thing is though that even with geology someone maybe an expert in regards to geology in a way but it however doesn’t mean that present day man made global warming is proven to be true due to some expertise in geology. Your second last sentence I agree with you in every way, yes it is a concern. This collective guilt belief about an imagined problem with Carbon Dioxide and Methane is a silly one. It does not mean however that I am under the belief that those types of gas don’t cause problems. Do also remember that those forms of gas also are beneficial. I can and will agree with you about every other form of science or at least most forms of science, I will however disagree with you about doomsday science. GeraldtheGnome: We are not doing what you claim that we are doing, doomsday science is unproven, it just is alarmist, fear mongering paranoia, it is conspiracy theory rubbish based on far left, politically correct propaganda. | Science Chat Room 8 People Chatting Similar Conversations |
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