Why is the climate changing. (Page 189)

ghostgeek: Fools, like the rich, are always with us.
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: But if you know what you're doing, they can make you rich.
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: I mean I present a Study from the CSIRO the governments own scientific body that the wood heaters they sell meet all the Emissions standards as of 2017

Then I'm flooded with arthickles and International study's that they have too go
But I'm the One who don't know what I'm talking about really
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Personally I think we need some politians with a Back bone and who will do right by the people But that's too much too ask for these days, no it's just ship everything off shore and pretend
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: What are people gonna try and Convince me of next through there Manipulation tactics they learn
Oh men can be Women and we need gender neutral bathrooms everywhere

Sorry Don't think so
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: When the human race is extict, and everything that's red in tooth and claw is tearing the flesh off the bones of anything that isn't, then the dreams of our betters will have been fulfilled.
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I heard a vegan say a few days ago that she doesn't eat honey because it would be unkind to the bees to do otherwise. Then I mentioned how eating plants isn't being too kind to the planet's flora and the conversation quickly died.
(Edited by ghostgeek)
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Well there were still at least 30 thousand farmers in the Netherlands doing a Canadian Trucker protest
Why would they do that why did the Canadian Truckers do it Why did so many people here take too the Streets cos of Vaccine mandates either get it or you loose your Job

Because it affects them directly that's why there the ones who have got too pay the price

But what do We get people understanding there plight thinking That could be me if the situation was changed Verry easilyi

No we don't get that at all all we get is people who want too confuse the Issue oh that's not the Netherlands those people are Terrorists Jail them lock em up there spreading miss Information
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Every thing runs in Cycles over Time everything, And the Climate is no exception
These Fools who want too destroy people's lives Should look too the if they really wanted too know how the climate works

But they won't do that cos it's all about Control they think there the master's of the Universe and they can control everything

Well there going too be sadly mistaken and One day they will have too pay for there Transgrections
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: There are few problems with the guy in the video, he foolishly told others not to get vaccinated against Coronavirus and he died after getting Coronavirus. The other problem is that in the video he let a very stupid girl with a T-shirt that had abortion sucks get a photo taken with him. I am not against abortion so long as it's only done for valid reasons. It's freedom, not freedoms, I know that there's some that love to use plurals for no good reason whatsoever. I also don't like the way truth is used in the video.

Global warming is happening ? Really. I understand from what I saw in certain parts of The Northern Hemisphere recently so I understand what some there think are signs of Global warming, but meanwhile it's very bloody cold yet again in Brisbane after a few days of reasonable winter weather after not just a very cold winter but also a cold summer during most of summer. So this 'global thing' with warming is just rubbish. Nothing is globally happening despite all of us being told that from the far left.

I've seen some excuses like, the global ocean temperature is warmer than usual, that's not so.

No one hid behind rap music, quite the opposite, I was quite up front about everything, it's just that a guy who can't spell wanted to insult me because I don't go for his Coronavirus crap. I'm not a wanker and no one should use the very stupid term 'woke', I am as politically incorrect as anyone can be, I even make dirty jokes. Now the fool should either apologize for the false claim that I am a wanker or just quit being overly touchy because I don't agree with him on some things. He should also stop making false claims about others. His reputation was tarnished long ago, he made sure of that, no one else did. He should use full stops too, the hypocrite had a melt down and then falsely claim that I did.

As much as Andrew Bolt is someone that I agree with at times his far right beliefs about certain things like George Pell, Israel Folau (if that is how it is spelt) and anything to do with Coronavirus I disagree with him about. Someone should learn what the buzz term 'woke' actually means before stupidly using the grammatically incorrect word, better still he shouldn't even use it. He should worry about the real politically correct like I do instead. He wants me to agree with him all of the time even when it's best for myself and others to avoid doing that. He needs to work on other things in regards to his own grammar too. No one should use and at the front of a sentence for a start. Even the term 'I couldn't care less' is a really silly thing to tell anyone.

Does someone live in North America ? In Australia they are toilets, they don't have baths in them, when the term Truck Drivers isn't used then the slang term Truckies is generally used by most in Australia, my Dad was a 'Truckie', he also worked in an oil refinery for a while here in Brisbane. People should stop referring to certain people who aren't Terrorists as Terrorists. My own mother's second cousin and some of her friends were blown up/killed by an IRA bomber. Meanwhile on stupid Mandela Day where dumb Prince Harry did a stupid speech in memory of his bitch of a mother and the actual Terrorist Nelson Mandela who was not a good guy are still considered to be wonderful people according to Prince Harry the gelded and according to too many people in the world. So now there's a political wing of a terrorist group running South Africa and Prince Harry crapping on about the global warming myth like his dad stupidly did recently too. Ah the far left, I wish they'd all just become naturally infertile without anyone bringing that about.

The climate is not changing globally and where it is changing it's changing in a way where there's no global warming or cooling happening right now. Natural cycles shouldn't be considered to be anything but what they are even when things are out of whack in certain parts of the world.

2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Yet average global temps keep going up. The glaciers keep shrinking. The ice at the North pole is almost completely gone during the summer. All this is happening at a much faster rate than every before experienced.
2 years ago Report
wJust_woW: YouTube A landslide damaged at least 150 homes in the Peruvian district of Chavín de Huántar on Thursday afternoon, authorities said.

The legend oar fish that we spoke about appeared again in Chile day before a horror earthquake accured there...



2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by wJust_woW 2 years ago)

Day after oar fish appears
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Nothing more dangerous or stupid as the double minded fool
Yep don't know what's best for them don't live by their Convictions always being told by others what too do
Always searching never finding a conclusion
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: To Kitty.

I will refer to that as temperatures, global temperatures are not going up. Not every glacier is shrunk, you have assumed a lot and you have taken a very unrealistic and pessimistic approach there. The North Pole (which I have to assume you mean the geographic one since the magnetic keeps moving) has ice on it and the area of that pole itself is the size of a full stop on this screen and no the ice has not vanished from that minute area. There is no use claiming that anything has happened faster than ever before unless you can prove that it is so and you also have to show that it's happened to a lesser degree before that. Sure ice at ice caps does melt in summer, that always happens, also ice caps do increase in winter too. While the northern ice cap melts the Antarctic Ice Shelf increases at the same time. If any area or areas are regionally warming then that is so, you though have assumed that it's happening on a global scale. What according to your own personal belief should happen on a yearly basis worldwide for global warming to be shown as being presently around ?

I have some other things to ask you. Is a god of some sort controlling all of the weather and making the world globally warmer ? Why does Blackshoes/Bob keep thinking that creationism has happened and you don't ? Which of the two of you is right and why ? Could he have done the special pleading about what he very strongly believes in on there and could you be the one who has done the special pleading about what you strongly believe in here ?

The Arsehole named it 'Brisvegas' and he lives in Brisbane, it's most likely that he wasn't born here, at least I hope that is so. It's rain, not rains. It flooded earlier this year, most of summer was cool, it even got cold at times, some days were the usual and some days were very hot even though overall the summer weather was cooler than usual and cold at times. A hell of a lot of rain at low temperatures which is the direct opposite of the usual has happened here this year, there's now more rain in winters now at low temperatures. It's something in winter that is typical of down south than here. Most of winter has been colder than usual with more rain in winter, both of those things are highly unusual and it's becoming more common. It certainly isn't getting hotter here year by year.



‘Widespread severe frost is expected to hit large parts of the nation from early next week — with temperatures reaching below 5C for much of the south-east.

Temperatures in Brisbane are forecast to drop to just 6C on Friday. The city has not seen a week so cold this time of year since 1904, according to Weatherzone.

Melbourne is looking at its coldest week this early in the season since 1982 and Sydney since 1989.’ That's also a bit from that site. It has the date and everything, it's not even from last year, even the first half of summer had cold days and cool days. But don't worry, too many only remember the hotter than usual days, like you for example. A selective memory or are you only ever one that notices anything with the word hot in it ? You meant ever, rather than every. You do exactly the opposite about this issue than the way you approach creationism, that's very disappointing since you do such a great job countering creationists but become like one in regards to this subject.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I've been reading that Eastern Australia’s low temperaturs, the lowest for seven decades, have pushed the country’s main electricity grid to the brink. On the other hand things are looking up for anyone going skiing.
(Edited by ghostgeek)
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: So has everybody over there got their solar panels installed?
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: “There was a secondary optimum of climate between 400 and 1200 A.D., the peak probably being 800-1000 A.D. This was on the whole a dry, warm period and apparently remarkably stormfree in the Atlantic and in the North Sea. It was the time of lowland settlement in the Saxon lands and of considerable flowering of Celtic and Northumbrian cultures. Missions from the Celtic Church in Ireland were sent as far as Africa and Iceland. It was also the time of great Viking voyages and the settlement of Iceland and Greenland. The early Norse burials in Greenland were deep in ground which is now permanently frozen. There were several visits to America (probably many timbergetting voyages between Greenland and Labrador) and there is evidence which suggests that at least one Viking ship got through the North-West Passage and ultimately reached the Gulf of California (cf. Ives 1953).”

[ https://notrickszone.com/2018/04/02/during-the-800s-1300s-ad-wine-grapes-were-grown-at-latitudes-where-polar-bears-now-roam/ ]
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: “At one time (1128-1437) wine had been produced in East Prussia.”

“Grapes grew even at Tilsit (55°N) in Lithuania [Russia]…”

“…and in south Norway…”

[ https://notrickszone.com/2018/04/02/during-the-800s-1300s-ad-wine-grapes-were-grown-at-latitudes-where-polar-bears-now-roam/ ]
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: “…[Grapes grew] as high as 780 m above sea level in the Black Forest [Germany].”

“The highest vineyards in Germany today [1959] are about 560 m near the Boden Sea in Baden.”

[ https://notrickszone.com/2018/04/02/during-the-800s-1300s-ad-wine-grapes-were-grown-at-latitudes-where-polar-bears-now-roam/ ]
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: An ancient forest has thawed from under a melting glacier in Alaska and is now exposed to the world for the first time in more than 1,000 years.

Stumps and logs have been popping out from under southern Alaska's Mendenhall Glacier — a 36.8-square-mile (95.3 square kilometers) river of ice flowing into a lake near Juneau — for nearly the past 50 years. However, just within the past year or so, researchers based at the University of Alaska Southeast in Juneau have noticed considerably more trees popping up, many in their original upright position and some still bearing roots and even a bit of bark, the Juneau Empire first reported last week. ...

A protective tomb of gravel likely encased the trees more than 1,000 years ago, when the glacier was advancing, Connor said, basing the date on radiocarbon ages of the newly revealed wood. As glaciers advance, Connor explained, they often emit summer meltwater streams that spew aprons of gravel beyond the glacier's edge. [Images: Shrinking Alaska Glacier Spied from Space]

A gravel layer about 4 to 5 feet (1.2 to 1.5 meters) high appears to have encased the trees before the glacier ultimately advanced enough to plow over them, snapping off limbs and preserving the stumps in an ice tomb.

[ https://www.livescience.com/39819-ancient-forest-thaws.html ]
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Oh had nothing too do with not maintaing the coal fired power plants hey oh it was the cold weather was it that why the foundry shut down cos it was too cold for them really I thought they said the cost of energy was too high too make a profit
What would I know seems I'm living in a world of fools who will repeat any narrative there told too
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Who needs foundrys when you can Import it cheaper from China who cares about quality year don't whinge when that million dollar unit you brought stats too crack and fall apart
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: In some parts of the world it's got warmer or even hotter than usual and in other parts of the world it's got cooler or even colder than usual, there's even some parts that are just the way they've usually been for quite some time, none of it means that it's about anything globally happening at all. Sure, I can listen to all of the hypocrites (especially rich ones) that want everyone to agree with them about what they consider is around right now and do as they tell others to do even though they don't do it themselves yet crap on about global warming all of the time or I can just be realistic about it like most people are who are dictated to by the far left.

Just like now there were times where it was hotter than usual in certain parts of the world where it colder than usual in certain parts of the world at the same time. At other times it was hotter or warmer worldwide, colder at other times worldwide and also at certain times it was colder or hotter in a certain area or in certain areas for a short time or a very long time. Is it really right to blame Humans for what they can't be blamed for at times when no one should be blamed at all ? The religious think that there are gods certainly around right now or that a god is certainly around right now somehow, those that believe that global warming is around and that it is caused by Humans as well as by others foolishly think that we can certainly be like gods and control the weather including their myth that all is so right now is to some degree or completely due to the evil beings for just breathing, Humans that is, are the reason why what they believe is true has happened. The far left tree hugging, doomsday agenda has gone way too far with many things. They need to be reminded that they are a minority on this planet and that any further crap from them should be ignored, they are unrealistic, ignorant and arrogant. They smugly stop at nothing to get their own way and vilify those who disagree with them.

Now as interesting as it was to see a landslide and an earthquake shown on here but that and the odd superstitious story about a Fish really has nothing to do with the forum. I was very happy to see that some cute little Dogs were rescued though.
2 years ago Report