Why is the climate changing. (Page 173)

Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Testing is OK, Its Not worth Ruinging the whole o society over tho and turing every one against each other .I can"t see how thats good for peoples health
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: This new variant is scaring the CDC, and those in government responsible. 50+ mutations make it likely the vaccine won't do it any more. The fact that its spreading rapidly in South Africa (where most everyone has already had Covid) makes it likely that a new vaccine will have to be developed. I understand it has already popped up in Israel.
(Edited by kittybobo34)
2 years ago Report
zeffur: It's all man made. Your own immune system is your best defense as it provides a more robust response to the virus than any 'crafted' man made vaccine...

The only people who really need the vaccine are people with weak immune systems. 99.95% of healthy people are able to survive any C19 infection--it is a proven statistical fact!
(Edited by zeffur)
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Well in Africa , where most have not had the vaccine, they are getting it to the tune of 1200 per day, and most of them had the original covid
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Which means the natural immunity is no better than the vaccine version, in fact less so because the vaccine version can be implimented quickly and in large numbers.
2 years ago Report
zeffur: 1200 infections or 1200 deaths??
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: infections,, I don't think there is a stat on deaths as yet
2 years ago Report
zeffur: Yeah.. deaths is what REALLY matters. You can overcome an infection, but you can't overcome death...
(Edited by zeffur)
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: The death rate for Africa has always been lower,, simply because the average age is lower, than other countries
2 years ago Report
zeffur: ~91% of the C19 deaths in the US were in people 55+ yrs of age.

This bug looks like a plan to save social security from the baby boomers...but, oops-it got out all around the world too... (and no I'm not saying that is a fact!).
(Edited by zeffur)
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: The WHO and Coronavirus experts are increasingly convinced the new Omicron variant is ‘super mild’ and has, so far, not led to a jump in Covid death rates anywhere in Southern Africa.

The WHO is calling this morning for countries to drop travel restrictions and end the mass hysteria, and instead be cautiously optimistic as more and more reports out of South Africa suggest the new Omicron variant is not more lethal than the previous Delta variant.

In fact, there have been no reports of hospitalisations or deaths as a result of anyone being diagnosed with Omicron.

[ https://www.cityam.com/covid-death-rate-not-rising-swap-travel-restrictions-and-mass-hysteria-for-cautious-optimism-as-omicron-mutation-is-super-mild-variant-who-and-coronavirus-experts-say/ ]
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Most patients merely experience a severe headache, nausea, dizziness and a high pulse rate, according to hospitals and medics across Southern Africa.

However, the news of the new variant, first reported in South Africa, led to mass hysteria around the world: markets thumbed and dozens of countries imposed travel restrictions and additional checks, including the UK, US, EU, Israel, Australia and Japan after the new mutation popped up in the UK, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic and Israel among other countries.

[ https://www.cityam.com/covid-death-rate-not-rising-swap-travel-restrictions-and-mass-hysteria-for-cautious-optimism-as-omicron-mutation-is-super-mild-variant-who-and-coronavirus-experts-say/ ]
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Yeah listen too the who , Drop Mass Hysteria
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: I thought the Climate Change people say theres Too many people on the Plannet , just saying
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: There's too many of us but not nearly enough of them, as I'm sure they'd tell you.
2 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Climate Change is NOT anthropogenic (man made) it is a natural phenomenon which has been going on since earth developed an atmosphere.
It is driven by changes in solar activity, particularly solar flares.
CO2 in the atmosphere is a good thing, without it the earth would be a good 15C colder than it is and if it even drops below 400ppm photosynthesis will stop so we will all starve.
Unfortunately a few people such as Al Gore have found ways to make a lot of money from climate alarmism. If this were not the case almost all carbon credits would be owned by foresters, not by the big trading banks as they are now.
2 years ago Report
mistermature: FACTS:
In 1800 there were less than 1 Billion humans on Earth . . . now there are over 8 Billion. In 1800 there were NO combustion engines - today there are over 2 billion vehicles . . . The higher the flame on a pot of water, the quicker it boils and evaporates completely. 75% of the Earth is covered in water . . . the warmer the air the more the Earths' water surface with be evaporated and turned to clouds and then the rain comes (or snow in winter). No conspiracy . . just the facts.
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: From the late summer of 1314, a hard rain began to fall across north-west Europe. It pelted down. Temperatures plummeted. Rivers burst their banks and fields flooded. For months, the weather was abysmal – not only through the winter, but into the next spring, summer and beyond. In the following years, harvest after harvest failed.

People starved in their hundreds of thousands. Animals died of hunger and widespread disease. “A great famine appeared,” wrote one chronicler. “Such a scarcity has not been seen in our time… nor heard of for a hundred years.”

Hard times were not unknown in the medieval world, where life for most people was precarious and tied to the skies, but the start of the 14th century was different. This was not just an unlucky streak of bad weather, but the start of a major shift in the climate, since dubbed the Little Ice Age, which lasted several hundred years, radically affecting everyday life. A sharp fall in temperatures, felt acutely across western Europe and beyond, brought much harsher winters and tougher farming conditions.

Extending from the 14th to the 19th century, the Little Ice Age witnessed population collapse, economic stagnation, widespread political instability and some of the worst human and animal plagues in recorded history. Not all of these were directly caused by the change in Europe’s climate – but neither were they entirely coincidental.

Nor was this unique. The Middle Ages were bookended by climate change. The era began with cooling at the end of the so-called Roman Warm Period (when several centuries of consistently warm, wet weather had allowed the Roman empire to flourish). Once these conditions worsened, Rome’s emperors found it harder to cope with rebellions and invasions. Rome’s collapse ushered in the Middle Ages.

By contrast, the greatest period of medieval innovation occurred during a climate phase known as the Medieval Warm Period, which began about AD 950 and ended around 1250. During this spell, the power, wealth and regional influence of European kingdoms grew, fuelled by a surge in farming yields, population growth and exploration.

It was probably no coincidence that it was around this time that Vikings struck out far and wide from Scandinavia, navigating northern seas – temporarily much less icy than they had been – to reach Iceland, Greenland and even North America.

[ https://www.historyextra.com/period/medieval/reasons-why-middle-ages-surprisingly-modern-climate-change-pandemic-globalisation-silk-road-printing-press/?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-en-GB ]
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Nowadays, of course, an increasing number of people seem intent on returning the earth to the Ice Age, presumably to make sure humanity never again flourishes.
2 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Nicely summarised Ghost however you miss out a couple of salient points. The Little Ice Age kicked off with the eruption of Largi in Iceland, setting off a volcanic winter. This was followed by the Maunder Minimum, 1645 to 1715 when sunspots hit an all time low.
Climate change is controlled by solar flare (sunspot) activity, not by an enhanced greenhouse effect.
In fact, in every case each temp maximum preceeds a CO2 maximum by about 850 years. Warmth causes CO2, CO2 doesn't cause warming.
During the Little Ice Age, thousands of rural people in England moved to the main cities in search of work, food and shelter as the rural economy collapsed. This great surplus of cheap labour created opportunities for industrial expansion leading to the Industrial Revolution.
Don't you love how everything on earth is interconnected?
BTW viking is a verb, not a noun. The people were Norsemen, their raiding voyages were called going a viking. My ancestors were Berserkers who went aviking
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: It seems to me that not a few people, having lost religion, have found a new faith: Climate Change. And as is often the case with converts, they are intolerant of any but their own beliefs.
2 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Excellent point Ghost. I've often accused the AGW alarmists here of having a new religion
2 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: I equate them to vegans and SJWs. Insufferable pricks the lot of them 😂
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: The guy makes it sound like you can't grow corn near a pipe line. They wouldn't take more land that is needed to lay the pipe line.

With that much co2 they could make biodiesel.
2 years ago Report