Neither Creationism or Evolution can explain it better

junyabee: A confluence of circumstances

A confluence of circumstances is, for me, the interplay of nano-events of random happenstance which leads to a profound outcome. A confluence of events for me is when a macro-event, i.e. the proverbial meteor strike dramatically and profoundly changes the course adaptation of the nano-events.

Was it really some earth-organic natural, evolutionary selection, if not the “Divine will of an omnipresent and omniscient Creator?

5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
(Post deleted by Angry Beaver 5 years ago)
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: Nar everything was actually created by a super intelligent alien race who go around creating worlds and universes cos it amuses them
5 years ago Report
junyabee: Probably, @YourBestMate, they did so with the impunity of their 'superiority' viz the locale..
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: and they had spaceships!
5 years ago Report
zeffur: My bet is on ETs (aliens) bringing life to Earth. The fossil record cannot be explained by evolution & the assumptions of the theory of evolution are pure rubbish.
(Edited by zeffur)
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: It was me, I did it, I'm sorry......was just a joke
5 years ago Report