Evolution is racist!!!!! (Page 7)

(Post deleted by staff 2 years ago)
(Post deleted by staff 2 years ago)
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 2 years ago)
zeffur: He didn't look emotionally damaged nor a liar. Did you even watch the video??
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 2 years ago)
zeffur: I c. Amen to that.
3 years ago Report
MJ59: Gawd
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 2 years ago)
kittybobo34: Do they really think that besmirching Darwin has anything to do with the theory Or the the fact that some tried to use the principles of breeding to make better people, somehow changes the truths of evolution. Simplistic thinking
3 years ago Report
zeffur: It is what it is obviously--it doesn't take a genius to realize what Darwin thought of indigenous people.

There are no truths offered by evolution. The only truth that matters about evolution is that it is a myth & fairy tale for atheists & other nitwits. Nothing about their imaginary beliefs has been prove/verified to be true nor can it ever be. It's just dumb pseudoscience--if even that...
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Darwin was a product of his time, and that was very racist, so what.. the principles of evolution were observed by him and documented, he worked out the basics of how it works
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Since then , the theory has evolved as well, as more and more evidence and facts have been uncovered.
3 years ago Report
Adam Southworth
Adam Southworth: There's evidence which can be used to support evolution, but I wouldn't risk my life on it. I don't have absolute confidence in the Big Bang either, despite the fact at least 10 lines of evidence support that. I'm tentative towards scientific theories about unobserved events which take place over billions of years. All scientific theories can be falsified. The same is true of evolutionary theory.

Still, someone who accepts evolution would be a liar and a hypocrite to expect Christians to believe that theory but called anyone who acknowledged something like IQ differences an ignorant "racist". The fact you don't like an idea or believe it to be wicked or have bad effects doesn't make it false. Maybe there should be a thread to see if people on the left, who are the overwhelming majority of the atheist community, have the same integrity they expect of Christians.
3 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "kittybobo34: ..the principles of evolution were observed by him and documented, he worked out the basics of how it works"

There are no valid principles of evolution--it's a complete fraud that conflates real genetics with imaginary beliefs--nothing more.
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 2 years ago)
zeffur: There is only natural heredity/genetics--all biological evolution is a myth & fairy tale for atheists & nitwits.
3 years ago Report
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zeffur: There are no missing links. Extinct chimps that are placed with modern human remains to conflate a false relationship doesn't make it true--it makes it a con that evo chumps aren't smart enough to realize that they've been duped by.

If you look at the wide range of anatomical variations that are possible just in the past 1000 years of mankind breeding dogs (think great danes to tea cup poodles) it is plainly obvious that they are all still the same species--which means no evolution has occurred in them--it's just what is possible in normal heredity/genetic expression when selective breeding is applied. Likewise, if you compared ancient chimps to modern chimps you would see there is no significant difference between them.

Pretending they are ancestors or common ancestors without any proof is just a fraud.

Comparative anatomy is obviously not a reliable tool for trying to make a case for evolution being valid/true at all---the sad fact is that there are too many ignorant people who don't realize that reality on their own--but you finally do now...

There are no genuine transitional fossils & there never has been. Evolution is a complete lie & fraud that is nothing more than a myth & fairy tale for atheists & other nitwits & it cannot be proven to be anything other than that by science--hence there is NO reason to accept any of their biased & bogus beliefs as valid/true or sound reasoning in any way whatsoever.

Continue to remain delusional--if you want to remain an evo chump--the choice is yours to make.
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
MJ59: That's racist!
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 2 years ago)
MJ59: Righteous folk come from mud and bone!
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 2 years ago)
zeffur: re: "Angry Beaver: Righteous folk come from mud and bone! "

More accurately, God made Adam from dust, Eve from Adam's rib bone, & the rest of us via human reproduction--all of which involves the power of God.

The only other exception is Jesus who God (The Holy Spirit) made within Mary without the involvement of another human...
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report