Creationism is a mental illness (Page 225)

zeffur: I see the blind are still misleading the blind...
You wannabe chimp descendants don't have ANY truth to offer to anyone...
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: Z should really get schooled ASAP; so he could understand cousins are not mutual descendants but relatives by a common forefather.
2 years ago Report
zeffur: Humans didn't descend from any 'common ancestor', dummy--& you have ZERO proof that your imaginary & absurd evo chump beliefs are true... And yes, the burden of proof is on you to prove your unverified assertions are 'scientific fact'--which we ALL know is nothing but an indefensible lie--because you people have no truth to offer to anyone--just lies...
(Edited by zeffur)
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: "Humans didn't descend from any 'common ancestor'"

Is clearly a claim.

Any author of any claim getsthe burden of proof.

Z is, for that rule, not an exception and cann't put himself above any rule, nor law. So he is bound with the burden of proof for his claim.
(Edited by BelgianStrider)
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: Please, also note that Z is so "properly educated" that he is even not able to make the difference between chimps as "ancestors" , "forefathers" (what evolution never assumed norr proclaimed) and "cousins", "nephews - nieces" sharing a "common ancestor" (what evolution is indeed proposing and has been validated by several very convincing naturalistic evidences).

So: no one should be surprised that Z has not even the basic understanding concerning "evolution".
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: TheismIsUntenable: Returning to the idea of "naturalistically possible" let's just look at the flood myth. It is indeed a fact that it is not "naturalistically possible" due to there being insufficient water in the atmosphere.

"One estimate of the volume of water in the atmosphere at any one time is about 3,100 cubic miles (mi3) or 12,900 cubic kilometers (km3). That may sound like a lot, but it is only about 0.001 percent of the total Earth's water volume of about 332,500,000 mi3 (1,385,000,000 km3)

If all of the water in the atmosphere rained down at once, it would only cover the ground to a depth of 2.5 centimeters, about 1 inch."

It is only possible by fiction.
15 hours ago
zeffur: That ^^ is false because the water came from the sky, under the earth, & from outer space. (look up water from outer space--it's a real thing).

TheismIsUntenable: Water existing in the Universe billions of light years away doesn't explain it being here ya dunce. Furthermore, assuming the water did arrive here where did it go champ? Again you're not solving the problem.

It is not naturalistically possible. Nothing about it is.
15 hours ago 1
zeffur: re: "Additionally, because only 1.7% of the earth's water is stored.."

Humans haven't even been able to accurately predict the amount of oil that is within the earth & you're trying to convince us that your source has accurately predicted the total amount of water beneath the earth is 1.7%? You nitwits will believe anything--except the truth...
(Edited by zeffur)
15 hours ago
TheismIsUntenable: Distribution of the water on Earth

Ocean water: 97.2 percent
Glaciers and other ice: 2.15 percent
Groundwater,: 0.61 percent
Fresh water lakes: 0.009 percent
Inland seas: 0.008 percent
Soil Moisture: 0.005 percent
Atmosphere: 0.001 percent
Rivers: 0.0001 percent.
15 hours ago • Report

zeffur: re: "TiU: Water existing in the Universe billions of light years away doesn't explain it being here ya dunce. Furthermore, assuming the water did arrive here where did it go champ? Again you're not solving the problem. It is not naturalistically possible. Nothing about it is."

Most of it is still here. After the earth was reshaped due to the massive geologic changes that occurred when the fountains of the deep erupted, the earth's crust & land masses changed to create new higher forms & most of the water receded into the oceans, became polar snow & ice.

There was just less water before the big flood. The problem with your failed statistics is that you don't know how much water existed before the flood, you don't know how high the mountains were, & you are trying to use modern statistical accounting of existing water to arrive at a biased & false belief because you don't have all of the facts. Liars figure, but true figures never lie. God has the true figures--you have your erroneous lies...

zeffur: Seeds can survive floods. They just germinated after the flood waters receded & evaporated. Or God just reseeded the earth & never told us about it, so we never documented it in The Bible.
(Edited by zeffur)
14 hours ago 1
TheismIsUntenable: "Most of it is still here."

This solidifies your dunce cap status. If it's still here why is the water level so low comparatively?

You jump from one idiotic response to the next.

zeffur: re: "TiU: "zeffur: Most of it is still here."

If it's still here why is the water level so low comparatively?"

Because water drains to the lowest levels. As the water & land is propelled upwards, a void is left behind (which will be filled with the receding waters). Land masses become higher than before, but smaller. Apparently you have rather poor visualization skills, too, huh?

re: "...why are the mountains 15000 feet above sea level?"

Geologic forces.
(Edited by zeffur)
14 hours ago • Report1
TheismIsUntenable: There's nowhere for it to drain to ya dimwit.
14 hours ago

TheismIsUntenable: Do you not understand how water tables work?
14 hours ago • Report
zeffur: re: "TiU: There's nowhere for it to drain..."

I see your visualization skills are as inept as your reasoning skills. Such a pity that you can't understand something so easy to understand.

Consider this analogy:

1. You have a planet that has only 2 separate land masses that are 1 km above the sea level each.

2. A massive storm occurs in which massive tons of new water from outer space falls to the planet & causes massive geologic pressures that fracture the crust & release massive more tons of subsurface water into the air, volcanic eruptions of molten land, planet quakes & massive plate tectonic shifts that cause the land masses to collide & rise into very high mountains.

3. The new movements & massive quakes cause even more fractures & more pressures that cause land masses to rise & more eruptions to spew what was once beneath the water to now above the water on the new land masses that are created.

What you have left after all of that new water & voids in the planet created by the pressures below & land mass collisions that created mountains is a new land structure that is much higher than it used to be & the new waters receded into the oceans to refill the voids & compact the ocean floors.

If you still can not understand, then do yourself a favor & actually watch the following video (rather than ignoring like you have likely done the last 50 times that it has been posted) to help you to understand what you apparently cannot understand on your own...
(Edited by zeffur)

TheismIsUntenable: "1. You have a planet that has only 2 separate land masses that are 1 km above the sea level each.

2. A massive storm occurs in which massive tons of new water from outer space falls to the planet & causes massive geologic pressures that fracture the crust & release massive more tons of subsurface water into the air, volcanic eruptions of molten land, planet quakes & massive plate tectonic shifts that cause the land masses to collide & rise into very high mountains.

3. The new movements & massive quakes cause even more fractures & more pressures that cause land masses to rise & more eruptions to spew what was once beneath the water to now above the water on the new land masses that are created.

What you have left after all of that new water & voids in the planet created by the pressures below & land mass collisions that created mountains is a new land structure that is much higher than it used to be & the new waters receded into the oceans to refill the voids & compact the ocean floors.

This is by far the dumbest thing I've read in my entire life.

Not only is it stupid because it requires new water sources "from outer space" which has never happened and we have no reason to suspect has ever happened.

But it is also stupid because it pretends that the entire surface of Earth somehow managed to get above sea level. So I guess there was some super volcano that spewed hot magma everywhere across the entire planet in order to get it to be above sea level again after the flood. And yet we don't see igneous rock everywhere.

Yep we're all dumber having read this peabrain."
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: Not only, Z shows continuously his total ignorance in "evolution".

This lenghty example above - my exuse for that - also clearly shows, beyond any doubt, Z has no clue on other scientific fields too.

Making one false statement after the other , without mentionning pure lies too, to end, as usual, by Z's classical "ad hominem" and "ad personam" argumentations.
(Edited by BelgianStrider)
2 years ago Report
AretoNyx: Sure common ancestor Adam and Eve but nah dust with magic and a human rib in slime...sure. Oh yeah that flood happened but incest was the only way to repopulate...yeah that is most likely because evidence how incest works.
2 years ago Report
AretoNyx: I swear some who wrote bible and translated about donkey balls to other sexual fantasy then say sex is evil if having it not married. So then raped women have to marry a rapist and how slaves get to marry is different with rules on how to in bible. The thing about many marrying prostitutes and women at the well forgiven so she will not be put to death with kind only women are seen to be like so to put to death for such. There seems to be a big fetish for incest in the bible several times deeming it is ok to do so and especially getting a father drunk, and giving up daughters besides the wife turning into a piller of salt because plot convenience.

(Edited by AretoNyx)
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: THanks AretoNyx, those videos were entertaining especially the last one.
2 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "BelgianStrider: Not only, Z shows continuously his total ignorance in "evolution".

This lenghty example above - my exuse for that - also clearly shows, beyond any doubt, Z has no clue on other scientific fields too.

Making one false statement after the other , without mentionning pure lies too, to end, as usual, by Z's classical "ad hominem" and "ad personam" argumentations."
I was describing theory, you moron--not FACT. No one knows for certain what happened back then. You believe your absurd beliefs & others have their reasons for believing as they do.
2 years ago Report
(Edited by zeffur)
2 years ago Report
"Zeffur: I was describing theory, you moron--not FACT. No one knows for certain what happened back then. You believe your absurd beliefs & others have their reasons for believing as they do."

Again here Z clearly shows his total lack of understanding basic science and the notions used.

If Z describes a theory; Z needs to have compelling evidences confirming that.
Even if it is just a conjecture, Z might start by explaining which scientific repetitive phenomena brought him to that "thinking".

If not, Z is just uttering bullocks.
(Edited by BelgianStrider)
2 years ago Report
zeffur: I never asserted that I was offering a scientific theory, dummy. sheesh..
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: "zeffur:
I never asserted that I was offering a scientific theory, dummy. sheesh.."

Never a scientific theory ? Backtracking ?
Though Z defended it and brought it to deny geological science. When others are substantiating with sience, Z seems to deny those evidences with non-science or also called pseudo-science ?
So who is actually handling pseudo-science ?
One contradiction after the other, one lie after the other, one dishonest claim after the other: that are the sole things that can come out of Z.
(Edited by BelgianStrider)
2 years ago Report
zeffur: It is true that you produce one lie after the next. We can agree on that.
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: Z's classical fallasy with "ad hominem" argumentation; just cherrry picking a part of someone's input. What even does not constitute any valid argumentation.

Again a perfect demonstration of his dishonesty.
(Edited by BelgianStrider)
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Did Jesus return, as predicted in the Gospel of Mark, in A.D. 70? If He did, Christians didn't notice.
2 years ago Report
AretoNyx: So many predicted and cult leaders playing a god, and so goes interpretation among other stuff many humans do or believe through history. Even if a Jesus or alien deity of any sort "returned" people would likely still do whatever. Including be extremist making excuses to do bs like conspiracy with cure alls, be greedy, many do harm, blame supernatural on natural disasters, blame gods and devils ... Video games and books what they are responsible, and still make up cults. Ah humans.
2 years ago Report
2 years ago Report
TheloniousSphereMonk: Zeffturd has gone for another whataburger!!!
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: There is no point in arguing with Zef, his heels are dug in, and no how many ways you present the facts he will not accept that which does not fit into his concepts.
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: I understand that some new finds in Norther Canada 3.95 billion year old rocks are showing signs of Stromatophore . Which means that primitive life was much quicker than anyone thought, but the change to complex life took much much longer.
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: R. Dawkins explained the "time of the evolution of life" with his arm from the middle of his nose tilt he tip of his finger nails.
From nose till just past his elbow was primitive unicellular life.
Chordates started somewhere aroung the end of his wrist (seen from the nose)
Dino's somewhere beginning of his fingers and humans well the dust of one stroke of a nail-file at the tip of the nails. (if I remember well)
I like that "comparative image"

(Edited by BelgianStrider)
2 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "kittybobo34: I understand that some new finds in Norther Canada 3.95 billion year old rocks are showing signs of Stromatophore . Which means that primitive life was much quicker than anyone thought, but the change to complex life took much much longer."

Oh my... one pile ^^ of shite after the next--it never ends with your liars... You'll gullibly believe & promote any nonsense as true...
(Edited by zeffur)
2 years ago Report