Creationism is a mental illness (Page 207)

zeffur: re: "kittybobo34: Yep,, religions are promoted by people who are not of sound mind, that is why they call religion a crutch., The only logical conclusions are big bang and evolution."

I see the blind are still trying to mislead the blind...
2 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "BSr - Some people will refuted that as pure jokes, we know that"

We all know there is no proof nor any compelling/convincing evidence or cogent explanation or rational basis whatsoever for believing in the biased & bogus belief of evolution. Only atheist & other nitwits believe in it because they need a fairy tale/faith to believe in since they have rejected God as the only rational explanation for how life came to exist on earth.

Nature has NO intelligence to originate life/dna from non life. There is ZERO basis to believe in the fairy tale of an original microbe, evolution, or any other naturalistic/materialistic biased & bogus belief...
(Edited by zeffur)
2 years ago Report
2 years ago Report
2 years ago Report
Nicotina: ^^^ ^^^
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: What did I told
2 years ago Report
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: OOOOOPS there goes the historical status of that book

2 years ago Report
zeffur: Opinions aren't refutations nor facts... he wasn't there so he doesn't know what he's talking about...

Also, "no evidence" doesn't mean what is written in The Bible is untrue--it just means there is no Archaeological evidence NOW that can be used to substantiate what is written in The Bible. Given how long ago Adam, Eve, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, etc existed--it isn't surprising at all. The oldest Archaeological artifacts are dated to the 9th century BCE.

Just like there is likely 'no evidence' what you ate 5 days ago--it doesn't mean you didn't eat... Dawkins droning on about the "Jewish myth" doesn't mean it is true--it just demonstrates his endless desire to try to promote his biased & bogus belief against The Bible.
(Edited by zeffur)
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: Tiens, tiens, tiens... pourtant c'est ce que tu proclames bien haut et fort en ce qui concerne les sciences: où sont les évidences - que tu nie complètement entre parenthèses, car tu hais les sciences -.

Mais ici; tu prétends, bien qu'il n'y ait aucune indication de vérité historique, que cela a bien eue lieu. On ne peut quand même pas dire que 6000 ans, voir 10000, est un passé bien lointain. Que tout cela soit éradiqué dû au "passé fort lointain", quand on trouves les traces des premiers humanoïdes "homo sapiens" bien plus anciennes et ceux des premières civilisations, il y a environs 6000 ans.

Cela indique clairement ton attitude incoherente, contradictoire, inconséquente et totalement malhonnête, employant continuellement deux poids, deux mesures.
En plus tu indiques à nouveau que tu est nul en scolarisation.

Pour terminer:
Personne, qui vit maintenant, ne fut non plus témoin de la bataille de Waterloo, du baptême de Clovis ou de l'union de Cléopâtre avec Caesar. Pourtant ces évènements sont historiquement véridiques et acceptés comme tels.

Donc le raisonnement "Il ne fut point présent" est complètement hors propos et ridicule.
Comme tu l'est constamment
(Edited by BelgianStrider)
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: Les cinq plus vieilles civilsations reconnues:

- Le Peuple San
Ère : il y a 140 000 à 100 000 ans – Aujourd’hui
Lieu : Afrique australe dans des pays tels que le Botswana, la Namibie, l’Angola, la Zambie, le Zimbabwe, le Lesotho et l’Afrique du Sud
Réalisations notables: Parmi les plus anciennes peintures rupestres connues, la plus ancienne cérémonie rituelle connue.

- Aborigènes d’Australie
Ère : il y a 50 000 ans – Aujourd’hui
Lieu : Australie
Réalisations notables: La plus ancienne crémation rituelle connue, parmi les plus anciennes peintures rupestres connues, ainsi que la construction de structures les plus anciennes (pièges à poissons).

- Çatalhöyük (vers 7 500 av. J.-C. – 5 700 av. J.-C.)
Ère : c.7500 BCE – 5700 BCE
Lieu: Anatolie du Sud (Turquie moderne)
Réalisations notables : L’un des premiers établissements urbains.

- 'Ain Ghazal (vers 7 200 av. J.-C. – 5 000 av. J.-C.)
Ère : c.7200 BCE – 5000 BCE
Lieu : Ayn Ghazal (aujourd’hui Amman, Jordanie)
Réalisations notables: 'Ain Ghazal statues

Jiahu (vers 7 000 av. J.-C. – 5 700 av. J.-C.)
Ère : c.7000 BCE – 5700 BCE
Lieu : Henan, Chine
Réalisations notables: Jiahu symbole l’un des premiers exemples d’écriture, parmi les plus anciens instruments jouables.

Donc on ne peut point dire qu'il n'y a plus aucune trace de civilisations avant 6000 ans voir 10000 (la création de la Terre, suivant certains zouaves).
(Edited by BelgianStrider)
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: Zeffur: "Also, "no evidence" doesn't mean what is written in The Bible is untrue--it just means there is no Archaeological evidence NOW that can be used to substantiate what is written in The Bible. Given how long ago Adam, Eve, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, etc existed--it isn't surprising at all. The oldest Archaeological artifacts are dated to the 9th century BCE.

Ben: que fais-tu avec l'abscence complète archéologique des fossils des kangourous, lémures et paresseux dans le moyen orient (Turquie) pouvant donner des évidences indéniables concernant le mythe de noah?
On trouves des "ossements" d'animaux bien plus anciens que 10000 ans; mais point de kangourous en Turquie. A nouveau, 10000 années ne peuvent éradiquer complètement des indications, comme ces animaux migrant vers leur habitats séclusifs dans leur continent respectifs.
(Edited by BelgianStrider)
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Zeffur's home and the lights are back on. Whoopy!
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Doesn't matter about Israel. Archaeological evidence from around the world shows humans have been tramping around for a lot longer than the Bible makes out:

Since 2012, a team led by Ciprian Ardelean at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas in Mexico has been excavating Chiquihuite Cave, which is 2,740 metres above sea level in the country’s Astillero Mountains. The researchers found almost 2,000 stone tools, 239 of which were embedded in layers of gravel that have been carbon dated to between 25,000 and 32,000 years old.

[ ]
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: Zeffur: "Just like there is likely 'no evidence' what you ate 5 days ago--it doesn't mean you didn't eat..."

A vrai dire, oui: il y auras des évidences sans équivoque, jusqu'à des évidences extrémement probables.
Si j'ai été au restaurant, l'addition (évidence complètement statué et sans équivoque)
Les notes des différents commerces où j'ai fait mes courses peuvent donner une grande indication de ce que j'ai pu manger dans ces 5 jours (ce n'est plus vraiment statué, mais avec très haute probabilité - ah oui, mais tu est nul en science de probabilités - ).
Enfin, avec perséverence et beaucoup de recherches on peut trouver des indications de ma consommation de la semaine en épluchant mes détritus et excréments (il est vrai que cette fois ci, on va travailler avec des hypothèses et prendre les plus valables: donc extrémement probables)

A nouveau tu n'y connais rien en recherche médico-légal et jusqu' où ils peuvent arriver avec leur conclusions correctes.

C'est aussi un secret de polichinelle que le système judiciaire de Texas est bien connu de ses "gaffes juridiques".
(Edited by BelgianStrider)
2 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "BSr: ...when we find the traces of the first humanoids "homo sapiens" much older and those of the first civilizations, around 6000 years ago."

Making biased & bogus claims does not mean they are true. You have NOT proven your claims are valid/true. You've just made claims that they are true---that's nothing important at all--except to people who want to believe what hasn't been proven to be true....

re: "This clearly indicates your incoherent, contradictory, inconsistent and utterly dishonest attitude, continually employing two weights, two measures. In addition you indicate again that you are zero in schooling."

Wrong--as usual. It clearly points out that I do not accept what you've posted is valid/true because you have not provided proof nor compelling/convincing evidence with a cogent explanation to substantiate your biased & bogus beliefs are valid/true.

If you dug up the bones of humans from the past 5k years, you'd see every kind of normal & anomalous features that you could ever imagine. Comparative anatomy isn't reliable for the purposes that you wield it erroneously. Bad try... Cherry picked bones aren't going to cut it...

re: "This clearly indicates your incoherent, contradictory, inconsistent and utterly dishonest attitude, continually employing two weights, two measures.
In addition you indicate again that you are zero in schooling."

The same can be stated about The Bible--just not by dishonest & irrational atheist & other nitwits due to their corruption, dishonesty, delusions, & biased/bogus beliefs that have ZERO proof or sound basis to substantiate ANY of their absurd beliefs.

You couldn't even likely provide ANY credible evidence of your great great great great grandparents--and they are far closer to the present--yet you unreasonably think it should be possible to find evidence of ancient Jews who were completely annihilated multiple times millennia ago?? Could you be more unreasonable & ridiculous??

re: "So the reasoning "He was not present" is completely irrelevant and ridiculous."

Wrong--as usual. It matters a lot because he was not there to KNOW anything. EVERYTHING he thinks is based on his bias & bogus beliefs. You just aren't honest enough to admit that truth.

(Edited by zeffur)
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: zeffur: re: "BSr: ...when we find the traces of the first humanoids "homo sapiens" much older and those of the first civilizations, around 6000 years ago."

Making biased & bogus claims does not mean they are true. You have NOT proven your claims are valid/true. You've just made claims that they are true---that's nothing important at all--except to people who want to believe what hasn't been proven to be true...."

zeffur: "Also, "no evidence" doesn't mean what is written in The Bible is untrue--it just means there is no Archaeological evidence NOW that can be used to substantiate what is written in The Bible. Given how long ago Adam, Eve, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, etc existed--it isn't surprising at all. The oldest Archaeological artifacts are dated to the 9th century BCE.

Mesdemoisselles, mesdames, messieurs,

Faites vos conclusions.
2 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "BSr: So we cannot say that there is no longer any trace of civilizations before 6000 years or even 10000 (the creation of the Earth, according to some Zouaves)"

Of course we can, your dating is just wrong--it's all based on assumption--not the truth. Nothing new there...
(Edited by zeffur)
2 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "BSr: what are you doing with the complete archaeological abscence of fossils of kangaroos, lemures and sloths in the middle east (Turkey) that can give undeniable evidence concerning the myth of noah?"

Keep digging. It's likely that none of your kind are even interested in looking--you just pretend that they are...
2 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "gf: Doesn't matter about Israel. Archaeological evidence from around the world shows humans have been tramping around for a lot longer than the Bible makes out:

Since 2012, a team led by Ciprian Ardelean at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas in Mexico has been excavating Chiquihuite Cave, which is 2,740 metres above sea level in the country’s Astillero Mountains. The researchers found almost 2,000 stone tools, 239 of which were embedded in layers of gravel that have been carbon dated to between 25,000 and 32,000 years old.'"

Given that ALL of your dating is suspect, biased, & likely bogus, I'm don't accept it as anything more than just that... bad try...
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: zeffur: re: "BSr: So we cannot say that there is no longer any trace of civilizations before 6000 years or even 10000 (the creation of the Earth, according to some Zouaves)"

Of course we can, your dating is just wrong--it's all based on assumption--not the truth. Nothing new there..."

Voici, donc une preuve claire, convaincante et indéniable qu'il est complètement anti-science.
(Edited by BelgianStrider)
2 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "To tell the truth, yes: there will be unequivocal evidence..."

Not likely. It's more than likely you didn't eat out ever meal, so you likely cannot prove what you ate 5 days ago.

re: "Finally, with perseverance and a lot of research, we can find indications of my consumption for the week by peeling my rubbish and excrement (it is true that this time, we will work with hypotheses and take the most valid: therefore extremely probable)"

That ^^ is just dumb. Food passes through the average human body in less than 48 hours.

re: "It is also an open secret that the Texas legal system is well known for its "legal blunders"

Is it? They were smart enough to create the toughest anti-abortion legislation in the US, thank God. Anyone that can legally reduce the murdering of unborn humans is doing the right thing...
2 years ago Report
BelgianStrider: zeffur:
"Is it? They were smart enough to create the toughest anti-abortion legislation in the US, thank God. Anyone that can legally reduce the murdering of unborn humans is doing the right thing..."

Quand on lit cela, on termine toute discussion.

2 years ago Report
zeffur: You have no salient points when it comes to supporting the murdering of unborn humans--because there are NONE.

You forfeit your right to speech on such matters, because if your parents had your values then you would have been shredded flesh before you were born & been unable to support such psychopathy in any way...
(Edited by zeffur)
2 years ago Report
StrayaMate: What an incredibly stupid statement
2 years ago Report