Hollow Earth Theory

XFixYourBrainX: Most ridiculous theory ever.
8 years ago Report
lori100: heyyy , welcome back Pokerman....idk...there are reports that our moon rang like a bell when the astronauts landed on it as well as scientists who say the moon might be hollow...mars moon phobos is said to have evidence of hollow areas....why not the Earth?
8 years ago Report
matteo1124: yes
7 years ago Report
chronology: Poke. really? not according to NASA. A theory NASA has is that few planets are solid at all. They are more like softballs with an outer surface and a hollow center. The 'hot center' is only the hot center of the outer surface .

How true is all this? who knows, but the old model of the earth just does not wash any more.

By the way, NASA would it more easy to visit Mars than the hollow center of the earth, the earth's crust is around 500 miles thick with a molten hot center.

What NASA needs is funding to settle the argument of a hollow center once and for all. But the chances of an American expedition ever reaching the hollow centre are just about absolute zero.

7 years ago Report