Psychological Theory

Wonderful Wally
Wonderful Wally: I had a theory and this could actually be applied to me and every other human being that has ever lived. It also makes sense with the current ideas like "fight and flight" as well as "fear is meant to save you". So what is the thoery?

The theory is that all emotions are your brains response which it will tailor to the situation and your thought process. As a child we adapt to an enviorment and learn certien things based on what we are told, taught, and what we expirence. Now since each child is put in a different situation and have different expirence they will all turn out differently and sometimes are even given different standards in the same household. As we develop our brains will tell us what to be afraid of and what to feel in particular situations. Why as children you are often extremly fearful and a lot of children hae what is known as a "Nightmare phase" which was something I had to go through as a child. Which most children outgrow.

What is the Nightmare phase?
While there are different phases kids go through and they dont all nesscarly hit the same ones but there are ones which are considered typical that go away after a certien age. This is a phase where a child will expirence extreme and very frequent nightmares. Doctors will say this is normal up to a certien age and if it stays after that age then it might be means for concern. Now simply having nightmares as an adult is not bizarre but children of certien ages seem to have them a lot more frequently. When this happens to adults it considered a sign for alarm.

Now some people have some very irrational fears but some people have very practical ones and the emotional response you get to a situation differs from person to person. If this thoery is true it would explain why different people react different or feel different about situations, and it would be because their brains told them that they NEED to feel that way towards a situation.
(Edited by Wonderful Wally)
7 years ago Report
Evelyn99: Perhaps because every single human are very different?
5 years ago Report
Evelyn99: Some personalities like that typical ADHD adrenaline seeking person I think are both feeling some kind of a come sensation and happiness and contentment when they are in situations that very few even have a hard time to just think about I feel it a little while surfing your mind and body are in the same place and what you doing is all you think about so you are 100% in “now” there is nothing else because you are using all your brain to focus on just that being totally in the present moment is something most people never have or even understand
5 years ago Report
Evelyn99: Much of humans fear I think coming from our ability to imagine and reflect. It’s from past experience fear often arise from
5 years ago Report