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Remote Viewing (Page 11)

GeraldtheGnome: Do these visions that remote viewers see only happen in a pungent drug filled haze ?
1 year ago Report
lori100: no
1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Well then whatever ‘brought’ any of it about is not by people who thought clearly at the time.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
1 year ago Report
1 year ago Report
lori100: -----Edwin C. May Laboratories for Fundamental Research papers
Rice University › repositories › resources
May, a nuclear physicist by training, worked as a research scientist on the Cognitive Science Program, better known as Stargate, at Stanford Research Institute ...-------------Scope and Contents
Edwin C. May, a nuclear physicist by training, worked as a research scientist on the Cognitive Science Program, better known as Stargate, at Stanford Research Institute and Science Applications International Corporation from 1975 to 1985, and as project director from 1985 to 1995. His papers include memos, correspondence, videos of early experiments, and formal reports to U.S. government agencies which document the tenuous laboratory research and military applications responsible for developing the practice of remote viewing that the International Remote Viewing Association promotes today.
1 year ago Report
(Post deleted by lori100 1 year ago)
(Post deleted by lori100 1 year ago)
lori100: original govt viewer Swann on moon oddities
(Edited by lori100)
1 year ago Report
(Post deleted by lori100 1 year ago)
(Post deleted by lori100 1 year ago)
(Post deleted by lori100 1 year ago)
GeraldtheGnome: Still nothing in the way of proof or at least what might be right about it. That is okay. I will wait for it.
1 year ago Report
bonzono: Seems to me that it should be pretty straightforward to demonstrate that RV actually exists.

Assuming it does exist, I dont understand why it's not been done.?
1 year ago Report
ghostgeek: Possibly because it's not that easy to do, if it can be done at all.
1 year ago Report
bonzono: the good thing about science is that it's patient, if someone can demonstrate RV to anyone, then of course, it really should be demonstrated so it can be studied and demystified.

Any RV people want to demonstrate it?
1 year ago Report
lori100: pg attention
1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: I looked back at the earlier parts of this forum about remote viewing and with what I found I still have to refer to something that I mentioned nine days ago. Look at my last message.
1 year ago Report
bonzono: yeah not seeing anyting on page 3. a link to a newspaper?

I'm quite serious - if anyone is prepared to undergo an actually structured test with me - by all means, message me and we can sort something out.

If anyone has any links with peer reviewed scientific publications they want to share with me, please do so.

Just for reference, a newspaper, youtube videos etc. are not regarded by scientists as being valid - they're unstructured, lack detail and are usually cannot be confirmed valid.

So, lori, if you're keen, I'm able to test.
1 year ago Report
lori100: Joseph McMoneagle is now known as the best Operational Remote Viewer in the history of the U.S. Army's Special Project—Stargate. His intelligence collection results have never been surpassed and rarely equaled. Among his achievements:

He described the interior of a top-secret Soviet manufacturing plant and accurately predicted a new class of submarine under construction there.

He sketched the location and described the thoughts of a kidnapped U.S. Army General being held by the Red Brigade in Northern Italy.

Nearly a year in advance he accurately predicted when Skylab would leave orbit and where it would impact on the Earth’s surface.

After conventional reconnaissance failed, he and others were able to locate a downed Soviet bomber that had been carrying nuclear materials.

He achieved these results using scientifically designed and tested double-blind protocols. And in the years since his retirement he has continued to demonstrate these abilities on camera for national television in three countries, in the lab at the famed Monroe Institute, and for private companies.
1 year ago Report
bonzono: "He described the interior of a top-secret Soviet manufacturing plant and accurately predicted a new class of submarine under construction there."

Great, I'd love to see the report on that.

"He sketched the location and described the thoughts of a kidnapped U.S. Army General being held by the Red Brigade in Northern Italy"
that too.

"Nearly a year in advance he accurately predicted when Skylab would leave orbit and where it would impact on the Earth’s surface."
that's remote viewing? looks more like predicting the future.

"After conventional reconnaissance failed, he and others were able to locate a downed Soviet bomber that had been carrying nuclear materials."
wonderful - more reports I'd like to see.

go ahead, let's see some science on any of these.
1 year ago Report
lori100: govt has the files
1 year ago Report
bonzono: oh right, so you dont actually know any of that is true? 'the gov'mint has it al'?

so you'r quite happy to write hearsay here, without any fact, and claim it as actual fact, and when people ask you to be intelligent and honest about it, suddenly your tune changes?

why can't you give me anything more reliable than anecdote?
1 year ago Report
lori100: like your no evidence theories
1 year ago Report
bonzono: you mean like the other post where I gave you actual literal observations and data, and you didn't even look?

sweetness, I've given you the evidence, you failed to open the book to read it.

I cant make you drink hun, but it's pretty stupid to claim there's no water, simply because you cant be bothered to drink it.
1 year ago Report
bonzono: but your general gist here is - you have only anecdote.

my next question is - since you understand you have nothing more than anecdote, why you would push something as fact when you dont actually know it's fact.

why, in actuality, you cant be honest and admit that detail without someone like me having to pull it from you.
1 year ago Report