Do you believe in Aliens? (Page 208)

Searchonglostfrndask: I was truly about 200 steps from alien ufo it was incredible .. ...from the road to the field ....really was scary and fascinating
3 years ago Report
zeffur: How can you be sure the inhabitants of the spacecraft that you saw were aliens/ETs?
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
Searchonglostfrndask: I only know I saw a UFO it landed my car was stalling *because *I was driving fast* I kept my foot on the gas* the car would not stall * my car almost did stall it it was about 200 steps away felt like it was puling me backwards* It was terrifying. Yet .. I kept saying I didn't want to be abducted because of my grandmother * and I were close and she would miss me * to much * then I was released * I only know it was a ufo * my ufo looked like a big metal spinning top * that sort of shape and it was along time ago I saw it close I'm a little hazy in my memory about the UFO* Only it was similar to a toy spinning top only it was a smaller size compared to other ufo sightings The UFO I saw was the size of a yurt *
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Why should we assume that what Searchonglostfrndask encountered was a spaceship?
3 years ago Report
Searchonglostfrndask: I saw it with my own eyes and im not a liar .
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: OK, so you saw something, but that doesn't mean it had to be an alien spaceship. If it was unidentified it goes without saying that you cannot be dogmatic about what it was.
3 years ago Report
Searchonglostfrndask: Alright Mister Skeptic * I know exactly what your saying * your either thinking it was I am not genius so I'm going to give a example model 3 x T 24 units 6 cylinders 'm going to leave my true statement as it is like this * it had the shape of a UFO * it looked like the spinning toy tops and wind from the UFO object looking thing was blowing wind all around the field grass. It was in the air while I was driving from the corner of my eye I saw it landing and landed * it was truly a vision I had of it for a country mile* it was a very wide open space * I was seeing it from a whole side view that was truly a country mile * it was real * & it looked like what human earthlings call a UFO * that's my final answer* & you dont know me I spend my whole life not wanting anything to do with lieng in any way shape or form * I am not a liar * I work alot to believed * I saw what earthlings call the shape of a UFO just diferent it wasn't cylinder frisbee shape it was more like a toy spinning top * final answer*
3 years ago Report
Leda Muir
Leda Muir: I saw a lot of aliens only I wonder they ask their documents before they can pass the borderline
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Searchonglostfrndask, maybe you should study the literature on UFOs a little more closely. Not everyone considers them to be extraterrestrial vehicles piloted by little green men in silver onesies:

A not-insignificant number of reputable scientists believe some UFO sightings could be legitimate mysteries that can’t be explained with current terrestrial technology or dismissed as tricks of light, shooting stars, or solar flares.

So if they’re not from an alien world, and they’re not explainable by anything on our world, they must be from the future right? It’s actually not quite as far-fetched as it sounds.

The gist of the theory is that there appears to be a lot of evidence for UFOs but absolutely none for aliens. Numerous experts have posited aliens as an explanation for mysteries we have no current empirical explanation for – proponents of these ideas often claim that aliens visited the Earth long ago in our history – but all they’ve had to offer is thought experiments. ...

It takes a quantum leap of faith to assume that time-travel will be possible one day, but if we co-opt the underlying concept behind Philosopher Nick Bostrom’s Simulation Argument, we have to admit that the odds are greater than zero that humans will invent time travel, and the chances are greater than zero any future craft capable of physically traveling through time would appear alien and inexplicable by our modern day understanding of physics.

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3 years ago Report
Leda Muir
Leda Muir: They call immigrants Aliens too so I made a joke
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: In the new, pure future that awaits us all when we leave lockdown, jokes will be viewed with suspicion. They make you seem too human.
3 years ago Report
Searchonglostfrndask: Skeptics... will never admit I'm right * I can prove today I am right *
It could be a robotic remote con trol * large spinning toy top type UFO* as described by human beings * by earthling sightings that earthlings have seen and gave a description of and or took photos of certain type of ufos*

the one I saw was .. up in the air and softly landed straight down * a little wobbly landing * landed and as I was driving a country mile i could see the earthling described UFO * what type * it's not man made I can prove that too* aliens are so smart they want us earthlings to know they are real *

if any UFO is hand made by man to travel in
Space * if so why doesn't NASA use them * I believe that's NASA's huge complaint about ufos* why doesn't NASA get to drive them*

if they are man made * nasa would had paid billions of dollars for flying saucers * & would be using ufos not rockets * to fly around in space * I'm very sure earthling with the blue print would know that*and so do aliens* that's why the aliens hold onto the blue print until earthlings have accepted that aliens are real * no earthling would reject 1 billion dollar contract for the blue print * even the most skeptic would agree they may hold out awhile not this long *
Aliens are real & they are real and exist * we call them green aliens * they have weird skin are mostly thin beings unknown if they are human living in space with bad skin . Or if they are earthlings born in space somehow * who think alien thinking *
As for illegal immigrants * like with all people there is good people bad people evil cruel people some people who are here illegally some are nice and trying * to improove their life without crimes *some are here for cruel crimes* which we have here in USA of US citizens * and all around the world *
The whole thing is ridiculous* all immigrants need to do anyways is go to usa with there passport * they can once they are here apply for a work seasonal application*
Or permanent resident * while they are here with their passport *
Then they can return home to Mexico for awhile and wait longer or they can request for their passport a longer stay * it's so simple go to the irs tax person receive a TIN number and be a permanent resident *people just dont understand it truly is that simple *

Alien types earthlings call aliens which are green suit men with terrible grayish skin exist * are they earthling born in space* I dont know * are they aliens born in space * I dont know they exist and have been seen by earthlings eyes pupils and cameras and video tape * that's the facts *
The ufo is what earthlings call ufo *some cylinder shape* some spinning toy top shapes *some round shape * whom have been seen by earthlings* name them ufos * green men * are called green aliens *
Hispanics here illegally without permission and dont need to be they just need a passport and apply for seasonal work or permanent resident or both and show you are capable of living here financially * or are able to stay here without becoming homeless* receive A TIN number at the tax place are called illegal immigrants* The people who capture them and arrest them are la migra the immigration workers * Neil Diamond * America *
Same goes for aliens if your out there all you need is a passport and visit our planet and aply for a permanent t residence and live with us earthlings the way we all are living as one big happy family * on this earth *

If would cooperate 100% with cooperative aliens that are not wanting to abduct them * & nasa would pay aliens huge amounts * so that leaves out man made * because I'm sure even the most skeptics would agree that nasa would offer a man made ufo in the united states billions of dollars and no earthling can do it they try and have obviously failed or nasa would be driving around in them .. in space not rockets * (skeptics) we all would be sending nasa off in ufos waving them up and away lol!* (proof ) this is universal sky made up there somewhere by someone * or alien looking ones have built * They dont leave a UFO for nasa because they cant write english * only triangular Morse codes yet it's incredible they can build a UFO I suppose like cave man and aliens same type of minds space minds earthling minds * I am truly able right now to explain its space made not man made because a guy would had sold into nasa and we all would be launching nasa in UFOs up a³nd away lol!*
3 years ago Report
zeffur: UFO does not mean ET (ExtraTerrestrial). Unless you saw an ET/s, you can only say you saw an Unidentified Flying Object--which doesn't necessarily mean ET or of ET origin. It could have been a Top Secret spacecraft of earth origin.
3 years ago Report
Searchonglostfrndask: That is absolutely ridiculous to say if it was top secret nasa should be able to drive it instead of being blown up in space you dont think top secret would let nasa drive their UFO absurd no nasa just go ahead and keep blowing up in space and drinking your own urine for 12 months * ridiculous * I'm right * space exists * they are not earthlings they are space lings * there is not top secret nothing* they would had sold it to nasa and nasa would had paid so much money * no earthling could resist* surrender skeptics your wrong *
3 years ago Report
Searchonglostfrndask: Extra terrestrial is green aliens that earthlings have sighted and called them extra terrestrial and green aliens *
3 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "Searchonglostfrndask: That is absolutely ridiculous to say if it was top secret nasa should be able to drive it instead of being blown up in space you dont think top secret would let nasa drive their UFO absurd no nasa just go ahead and keep blowing up in space and drinking your own urine for 12 months * ridiculous * I'm right * space exists * they are not earthlings they are space lings there is not top secret nothing they would had sold it to nasa and nasa would had paid so much money * no earthling could resist*"

You don't know what you are typing about. There is all kinds of advanced technology that isn't sold to or used in the marketplace. The military has some of it & some high-tech companies have it too. Your presumption that NASA would have such tech just shows how clueless you actually are.

re: "Searchonglostfrndask: Extra terrestrial is green aliens that earthlings have sighted and called them extra terrestrial and green aliens *"

If that ^^ is true, then show definitive proof of it's existence. If you can't do so, then don't expect anyone to believe you. Like many others before you, you're likely just typing BS for attention.
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Searchonglostfrndask 3 years ago)
(Post deleted by Searchonglostfrndask 3 years ago)
zeffur: And no one believed you because you offered no proof. Shocking, huh?
3 years ago Report
Searchonglostfrndask: I did offer proof by the amount they would had received from nasa if it was top secret there was no gas in it noone could use it * if anyone could use it would had been the astronauts * & nasa would had paid top secret big money * I made my point* facts **
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Searchonglostfrndask 3 years ago)
zeffur: Actually, you offered NO VERIFIABLE FACTS.

I don't need to argue with myself. You're done because you've realized you have no position to argue from--which isn't even a little bit surprising to me.
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
Searchonglostfrndask: I have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt * so argue with yourself
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Searchonglostfrndask 3 years ago)