Do you believe in Aliens? (Page 207)

AchillesSinatra: Nothing to do with the pernicious effects of religion, eh?
3 years ago Report
zeffur: In general the things the church does for people all over the world is a huge net gain for most people--those giving & doing good & those receiving it.

The pedo priest problem, while quite a serious scandal, doesn't negate the vast amount of good that is done worldwide, imo. Such a serious problem affects a small subset of the church (i.e. all the members of the church) & it is not in anyway a function of any religious tenet (i.e. Christianity isn't pernicious in ANY way that I can see).

(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
AchillesSinatra: "Evolution has a disadvantage because it's about what happened in the past -- a million years ago, or 50 million years ago.

If relativity is about the present (as much as the past), it's probably easier to establish it now, with modern experiments to show it happening now. " - Lump

This is a peculiar claim. Are you suggesting evolution has ground to a halt?

Er, what about these peppered moths and drosophila I hear so much about?
(Edited by AchillesSinatra)
3 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "AchillesSinatra:...what about these peppered moths and drosophila I hear so much about?"

Have they become anything other than a moth or a fruit fly??
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Richard Lenski of Michigan State University is in charge of the world's longest-running evolution experiment.

Since 1988, Lenski has been tracking 12 populations of Escherichia coli bacteria in his lab. The bacteria are left to their own devices in storage containers, with nutrients to feed on, and Lenski's team regularly freezes small samples. ...

In 2008, Lenski's team reported that the bacteria had made a huge leap forward. The mixture they live in includes a chemical called citrate, which E. coli cannot digest. But 31,500 generations into the experiment, one of the 12 populations started feeding on citrate. This would be like humans suddenly developing the ability to eat tree bark. ...

When Lenski went back through his E. coli samples, he found that the citrate-eating bacteria had several changes to their DNA that the other bacteria didn't. These changes are called mutations.

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3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Continue the experiment for a few billion years and those bugs might learn to count.
3 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "ghostgeek: Continue the experiment for a few billion years and those bugs might learn to count."

Continue those same experiments for a zillon years & they will still be bacteria--not even a mouse.

If confined & given dog poo for food, you'd likely survive for a time also, but that doesn't mean you'd evolve into any new kind of creature.
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Let us wait and see.
3 years ago Report
zeffur: We'll be gene-splicing new kinds before nature will every make any--which of course requires the application of intelligence--which nature doesn't possess to cause such genetic improvements that would be necessary to go from microbe to mankind.
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: You may be right, but it's still best to see what nature can come up with.
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I had to check, a moment ago, that this thread is supposed to be about aliens. How did it trundle onto the evolution track?
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: If there is life somewhere other than on planet earth, it might be so different that evolution is a total irrelevance in its development.
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Assuming, of course, that evolution is a fact.
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: In the “Budget for America’s Future” for fiscal year 2021, President Donald J. Trump’s Office of Management and Budget outlines wasteful and unnecessary spending. On Page 14 of the document, the document makes reference to funding going towards preparing religions for “discovering extraterrestrial life.”

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3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: The common view among Christians is that Satan and demons from another dimension masquerade as aliens from space. This view claims that these evil spiritual beings are supposedly deceiving us into believing there is life out in the physical universe, when that is not true. Most claim that the UFOs themselves are illusions or simply spiritual manifestations from another dimension that are not actually physical. ...

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You have been warned.
3 years ago Report
AchillesSinatra: "If there is life somewhere other than on planet earth, it might be so different that evolution is a total irrelevance in its development." - ghostgeek

Don't you think that's a contradiction in terms, Ghost? If by "development" you mean development within populations (as opposed to the development of an individual organism, i.e. growth), isn't that just what we call "evolution"?
3 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "ghostgeek: If there is life somewhere other than on planet earth, it might be so different that evolution is a total irrelevance in its development."

My belief is that 'evolution' is an imposter of heredity. I see no basis whatsoever that evolution has ever occurred. What is in the fossil record are whole organisms without any transitional fossils of any kind. All kinds of course have some decendants that are fundamentally the same kind of creature with some natural variations. Evolutioners try to define them as different species to make it seem like a wolf & a chihuahua are so different that they are evidence of evolution--however, they are not evidence of evolution--they are simply evidence of the wide number of variations that are possible in a kind of creature. There is ZERO evidence of any cross-over or branch of any kind of creature ever becoming any other kind of creature. My belief is that different kinds of creatures were likely brought to earth at various times by one or more ETs/God (or what some people think of as gods).

I do not see any evidence that nature can create life from non-life without advanced intelligence. I also see no natural mechanisms that could naturally form a pair of complexed creatures that are capable of reproducing--without the design & creation of such creatures at some point in time. Evolution is a fraud without ANY credible basis whatsoever from what I've seen thus far.

Consequently, I don't believe nature anywhere in the cosmos will ever 'evolve' life of any complex kind. I do, however, think that it is very possible that there is life elsewhere in the universe. I'd be surprised if ETs/God isn't running multiple life projects on many worlds in a universe of billions of trillions of stars.
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
Searchonglostfrndask: Aliens obviously exist most people see skinny green men ..each person with their own vision .. why dont they see orange aliens with orange suits each person's vision has been their own vision* to see skinny green men in a green silky suit*
3 years ago Report
MJ59: Donald Trump is an alien...I mean, just look at him...
3 years ago Report
zeffur: Never seen any skinny green aliens.
DT just wears orange makeup--he's not an alien--but, he is a dumbass, imo.
3 years ago Report
Searchonglostfrndask: I know wendy's burns down and Donald trump is supposed to do something about it * people over the limit and trying to take police guns and tasers resisting arrest and trump's supposed to do something about it and the police officers are punished* and jailed* children stolen and taken far away by social services and its trumps fault Trump cant even have a conversation for 5 minutes with an asian man or Russian man and is accused of conspiracies .. he was never arrested and cleared and noone ever apologised to President Trump * we are all just bored * aliens exist * or its little men in green suits* also they showed alien carcasses that crashed land it maybe fake * its possible it's people pretending to be green guys maybe that's what all you skeptics are saying * tiny men who invented UFOs *
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Not being clued up on "evolution", I was wondering if life could develop by means not stipulated in the theory. No survival of the fittest, no adaption to habitat, no random mutation of genes but by some process that is truly alien.
3 years ago Report
AchillesSinatra: Ghostgeek,

Ah, so what you're asking is : "Could evolution (i.e. development) take place on another planet in a manner inconsistent with our own "theory of evolution?"

It's a good question!

Richard Dawkins, just to name one, insists that anywhere that evolution occurs. it must occur in accordance with natural selection.

My own answer would go something like this:

1. Inasmuch as there is no such thing as "The Theory of Evolution" then the claim that evolution everywhere occurs in accordance with the theory of evolution cannot even be coherently stated. Scientists have all manner of things to say about evolution, not infrequently contradictory, and in a constant state of flux.

"The justification for such claims would be easier if there were one set of propositions (presented preferably in axiomatic form) which could be termed THE theory of evolution. Unfortunately, there is not. Instead there are several, incomplete, partially incompatible versions of evolutionary theory currently extant."

- David Hull (philosopher of biology)

(See my "Niles Eldredge and Punctuated Equilibria" thread for more)

2. Inasmuch as natural selection (survival of the fittest) is a vacuous tautology akin to "dogs are dogs" and "winners win" then, of course, evolution--if it proceeds at all--MUST proceed in accordance with natural selection. This is say nothing of any empirical (i.e. scientific) significance.

You will not find a planet where dogs are not dogs, where winners don't win, and you will not find a planet where organisms less able to survive and reproduce outperform organisms better able to survive and reproduce. You will also not find a planet where it is untrue that all ancestors produce offspring.

So is Dawkins right? Yes, but trivially so. That dogs are dogs is hardly a great discovery, and scarcely the kind of thing we need science to tell us. Same applies to the more fit (i.e. the better adapted, i.e. those better able to survive) outsurviving the less fit.

(See my "Natural Selection, My Ass" thread for more)
(Edited by AchillesSinatra)
3 years ago Report
Searchonglostfrndask: I am trying to make a statement *
that there can be regular human men walking around and abducting humans and animals and cows to have a steak because they have everything up there in space for the UFO drivers just not butcher equipment * and have to use some barbaric equipment *
also the particular human people in green suits to take their victims to space * with these regular short skinny human beings * wearing short suits is what I think the skeptics are saying*they are humans with bad skin abducting people in UFOs *
Or it is alien type creature with terrible skin and wear green suits to cover their terrible skin * because they are aliens in ufos and they are not earthlings * is what earthlings are saying that there maybe * there is so much statement's that are made in this alien chapter * here what we are reading now is also about President Trump and that's what I want to explain to people *

Also my statement about President Trump everyone expects so much for president to do after or while things are going on * President Trump does say words negative to violence then they say he is lieng *
5 minute conversations *
and there is nothing President Trump can do*
the officers were arrested * when the police officer shot the man everyone in usa is arrested* when they shoot someone that's where"
" we have to take you down to the station"
word was invented *
doesn't matter if the person was a burgular * the person's house*
if he shot a person they take him to the station* people say they aren't supposed to*
yet everyone who killed someone for whatever reason is sent to the station*
asked questions and if its unjustified & said murder then they are booked for murder *
how a person killed a burglar can be arrested in certain states and that's the truth * * if they shot in a bad area of the burgular * they can be and have been arrested for shooting a burglar wrong* incorrectly * and do time * for murder *
Certain police officers were arrested *
they were charged for murder *
The others police officers were self defense *
Also had to take certain classes * afterwards as well *
When the men who were over the limit refused to be arrested and tried to take the police officers guns and tasers * the police officers were sent to the station and had to say what happened some were tried for murder*
others were self defense *
It's very important for people to understand * people to have a specific law to go in effect it has to be a bill first * they want law in usa to pass they need 100-500 signatures * then it goes through Congress*
at that that time congress can dismiss whatever people are trying to make a law*
or throw it out reject it stamp * or accepted * if Congress accepts it whatever anyone wants a law to become law* if its accepted by congress it becomes a bill * then it goes to the president * the president can accept it or refuse it * if its accepted it stays a law until we the people vote for it * if we the people vote for it and it is accepted it then is signed as a law by the president of the united states and becomes law * it cant just go to the president by a letter it has to go through congress first *then the president can sighn for it it's called a bill* if the president signs for it can become a law by we the people voting for it * * there is so many things that people must do to make a bill a law* It has to be done that way * The president cannot go over anyone it has to clear those areas first *
3 years ago Report
Searchonglostfrndask: I believe aliens exist * I know no skeptic is going to believe unless a alien sits on a skeptics lap and shows proof * For me I believe it could be alien bodies carcasses shown when a UFO flight crashed and the ufo people took pictures * I believe its possible they are aliens I saw a UFO * it tried to stall my car * I kept my foot on the gas and kept going * I didn't want to be abducted * also * I saw the aliens bodies they seem to be without oxygen and their body shows it * the green suits are cool *
3 years ago Report