Do you believe in Aliens? (Page 154)

Aussiekitty: I am alien a cat alien being l have proof l have fish breath and fleas.
7 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 7 years ago)
Aussiekitty: Hi how are u lm good.
7 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 7 years ago)
Aussiekitty: That's good mate now lm off to sleep as its Thursday 4:30 am in the morning so good night my friend.
7 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 7 years ago)
jakeknight333: show pictures and videos of aliens for proof.
7 years ago Report
7 years ago Report
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xapim: YouTube real ufo video ???
7 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 7 years ago)
mishamigo: personally, i think it's more improbable for aliens NOT to exist than for them to exist. i mean, there are over a BILLION galaxies in the OBSERVABLE universe. what about those we CAN'T see? how many other galaxies and planets are there out there?. i'm just saying i think it would be next to i impossible for there NOT to be life on another planet. well, as you can tell, i definitely believe in aliens.
7 years ago Report
Blackshoes: It Is Improbable for aliens to exit Why ? (Just because there are billions of grains of sand ?
That does not mean any of them have ever visited another planet )
Or have any grains of sand have become a tree .
Does Our Universe Contain life . Maybe ', Maybe not .
Without any "verifiable evidence "at the moment .
It's all just opinion, and assumption
it's a subject of great interest to many, not so much to others
7 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 7 years ago)
Corwin: Well, Bobby... you believe a God exists... is that not also an opinion and an assumption?

I also have an opinion in the matter of extraterrestrial life though... opinions can be fun sometimes.
In my opinion, a mindbogglingly enormous universe such as this one, with its hundreds of billions (possibly trillions ) of galaxies, most of them containing hundreds of billions of stars, just seems like an incredible waste of space if we're the only ones inhabiting it.

It would be a shame really... the night sky is a far more interesting place when we ponder that maybe... just maybe... there's another intelligent being out there somewhere... staring right back in our direction, and wondering just as we are if there's other intelligent life out there.

The following is not my personal opinion, but sound theory with research to support it ---

According to "panspermia" theory, it is possible that life has seeded itself throughout (at least) our own galaxy, by sharing life-contaminated impact material that is thrust into space when planets are bombarded by asteroids and comets.

Evidence to support this was found when they did an experiment on the ISS - they exposed a plethora of various microbes and bacteria to the hard radiation and vacuum of space for a few years... and many of them survived. The reasoning is that their survival might not be an accident, and that certain microorganisms may have evolved to survive such conditions out of necessity. During the early formative years of our planet, it was continually bombarded by debris from space, and life may have taken root many times, only to be annihilated with the next impending impact... but then re-seeded again with Earth's own debris that later fell back to the surface after the surface became habitable again. Only the microbes with the ability to survive conditions in outer space would would survive, and Evolution would favor this ability.

Another possibility is that life was seeded here from debris from a distant planet which harbored life. As our solar system does a complete orbit of the galactic center, something like every 150 million years, basically that is the minimum time it would take for any one planet to share debris with another... so a lot of this may have been going on over the last 13 billion years... life may have first arose on the other side of the galaxy and found it's way here. According to this theory, life could possibly take root on any planet with favorable conditions, and the entire galaxy may very well be "contaminated" with life.

Now... if this is in fact the case, we have to wonder, once life is seeded on a favorable planet, how likely is it for this life to evolve the sort of intelligence that humans possess... the sort of intelligence that permits us to stare at the night sky and wonder if we are alone... the intelligence to ponder our own existence and ask ourselves questions like these... and the intelligence to probe the universe and seek answers to these questions.

This is at the heart of what we refer to as the "Drake Equation"... the astronomer Francis Drake considered life elsewhere to be likely, but sadly, this opinion was based on sheer guesswork, and his conclusion was rather optimistic. Some consider the Drake Equation as a wonderful tool to organize our ignorance in a concise manner.

The flip-side of that argument is what is known as the Fermi Paradox - physicist Enrico Fermi asked the question, "If there is intelligent life out there, then why haven't we detected it?"... that reasoning is based on the fact that we have been listening to the skies with radio telescopes for decades, and haven't heard a damn peep from our supposed interstellar brethren.

I'm optimistic though, and lean towards Drake's conclusion that intelligent life does exist elsewhere, though I'm less optimistic than he was. Drake figured that there may be as many as 10,000 intelligent species littered throughout the galaxy at the present time... when I plug my own guesses into his equation, I figure only one per galaxy. Which means the likelihood of us meeting is astronomically slim.
Still just a guess though... we just don't know enough to make a more educated guess.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that I "believe" there is intelligent life out there... but I "want" to believe there is... I "hope" there is. If this little planet is the only place that harbors life, then the continuing existence of life in this universe is likely doomed to extinction.

But this is all academic... I think the original poster of this forum was referring to those little green men in flying saucers that are buzzing our skies like flies, making crop-circles, mutilating cows, and abducting bat-shit crazy folks who live in isolated rural areas and subjecting them to anal-probes.

I find that concept preposterously unlikely.
7 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 7 years ago)
Blackshoes: "Corwin: Well, Bobby... you believe a God exists... is that not also an opinion and an assumption?"
It 's assumption and opinion to them that know no better .
The evidence of God is* concrete to them that have been given the facts . Those that have not seen , accepted , nor understood the facts cannot Believe what many already know

I have never seen nor witnesses a other world machine or person !
Therefore: I cannot accept many if not all those that claim they have ?
I believe a number of them have seen something ?

* I know that My father God exist', For me to deny this would be a lie !
I don't expect anyone to accept God existence on my Word !
No more than I should have too accept the existence of aliens on the word of others ',
I don 't see any good evidence that Aliens or life exist out side of this planet so far !
Show me where they're parked and I'd like to meet or see for myself !

(Edited by Blackshoes)
7 years ago Report
ghostgeek: We have greater reason to believe that a space alien resides in the White House than that a god has lavished its love and attention on one portion of the human race.
7 years ago Report
Blackshoes: Ghost we already have enough problems ", Do really think Aliens could do any better ?
After all if they stop here', they cannot be very intelligent

I will say this: I've always been very interested in the information about Alien visits .and have read a good amount about them ,and those that claim they had encounters with other worldly beings
(Edited by Blackshoes)
7 years ago Report
mishamigo: lol
7 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 7 years ago)
mishamigo: huh?
7 years ago Report
Blackshoes: Mishamigo

Proxima Centauri
Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf, a small low-mass star, about 4.25 light-years from the Sun in the constellation of Centaurus. It was discovered in 1915 by the Scottish astronomer Robert Innes, the Director of the Union Observatory in South Africa, and is the nearest-known star to the Sun. With an apparent magnitude of 11.05, it is too faint to be seen with the naked eye. Proxima Centauri may form a third component of the Alpha Centauri binary star system, but at a separation of 15,000 ± 700 AU its orbital period is likely greater than 500,000 years.
7 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 7 years ago)
Blackshoes: AbCXYZ1099: *I don't believe that Aliens exist .I wonder if there's even life outside of Earth
Other than God , Jesus ,all that have died ,Angels ,and demons ".

* Therefore: how can something that doesn't exist'. Visit another star or planet !
7 years ago Report