Odds of other life in the Universe (Page 8)

bitemykayak: Most present day humans have neanderthal DNA, turns out modern homo sapiens and neanderthals intermixed
5 years ago Report
kittybobo34: We really don't have any evidence that Neanderthal and human crossbreeds survived. We have no viable copies of their DNA so we cant say if theirs is mixed with ours at all. Since all human DNA is very close, and there is little difference between African DNA and and any one else I would say there is no Neanderthal DNA in our blood line
5 years ago Report
kittybobo34: They have only found 3 crossbreeds of human and Neanderthal, and they were all buried as if the locals were frightened of them, 2 were buried in Spain with large boulders on top. and one was in the Middle east buried extra deep with scorch marks on the ground above.
5 years ago Report
bitemykayak: we do have evidence, modern day humans have neanderthal DNA. They can identify genes that were passed down from neanderthals. They estimate that 10% to 15% of modern humans have neanderthal DNA.
5 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Just wondering how they could do that since we dont have a full rendering of Neandthal dna. and since we come from the same host species, we would have allot of the same DNA. So all you could really see is what is different. Neanderthal had a unique head, arms, legs, feet, nose.. No one to my knowledge has ever exhibited those traits.
5 years ago Report
bitemykayak: They say if you put a neanderthal in a suit and sent him on a train,with a haircut and a shave, no one would notice
5 years ago Report
kittybobo34: That is BS, they had a wierd ratio of forearm shoulder to elbow, elbow to wrist. Ours is equal in length. Their nose would make a wide black mans nose look skinny. Their skull was all in back, larger brain but very little on the top like ours. Their legs like the arms were different too, so they would be short but built wider than Arnold Swarzenegar.
5 years ago Report
bitemykayak: i will check that out
5 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Just guessing on this but I bet they didnt have the defective muscle gene like we do ether.
5 years ago Report
bitemykayak: It looks human, think ernest borgnine or jon belushi
5 years ago Report
Blackshoes: Wrong again Kitty

5 years ago Report
kittybobo34: OK, you have someone with some neanderthal like traits, but he is not a neanderthal. Only the lower part of his face resembles this. , so what, there is a lot of variety out there as you well know. What you are not seeing is the musculature attached to those bones. From the ligament remnants, they must have been very very strong. From their weapons and injuries, they took on their prey head on.
(Edited by kittybobo34)
5 years ago Report
Blackshoes: SURE You just keep telling yourself that Evolutionary evidence doesn't exist .Theories ,Opinion, Assumption ,and Illustration do .

However :that's not Science ..

Even The Speed of Light is being Questioned today. Which could answer a number of major *Questions that have troubled Science for decades about the Universe .



Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson decide to go on a camping trip. After dinner and a bottle of wine, they lay down for the night, and go to sleep.
Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend.
"Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."
Watson replied, "I see millions of stars."
"What does that tell you?"
Watson pondered for a minute.
"Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets."
"Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo."
"Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three."
"Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant."
"Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow."
"What does it tell you, Holmes?"
Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke: "Watson, you idiot. Someone has stolen our tent!"

'Never allow yourself to become Pigeon holed or bias
The truth is often only seen by the openminded, and those that have few absolutes .
Otherwise you may become indoctrinated ,and controlled by the opinions, n' assumptions of others .Question everything 'or as I like too say " Trust God 'everyone else pays $Cash ! "

Bobby Blackshoes

* https://aeon.co/videos/why-the-apparent-flatness-of-space-is-an-enduring-cosmological-mystery

(Edited by Blackshoes)
5 years ago Report
chronology: Trying to explain modern man just with homo sapien development ignores vast amounts of evidence of tampering with humans by some entities. The conehead people is one example.

Coneheads are dismissed by some researchers as just examples of human fashion. Fair enough there is ample evidence humans did shape their skulls in such a way. But just 'who' exactly were they trying to look like? Coneheads examined by some scientists have shown clearly that many were not the result of human fashion, they often have hights of 8 or ten feet tall. Their skulls have thicker bone, and the skull has two plates not three.

There is also a vast amount of writing from around the world of how Coneheads were often cannibals and blood drinkers. Either many religions began being used by Coneheads to feast on human flesh, or ancient man copied Conehead behaviour

Am not insisting Coneheads were Nephilim hybrids. All am saying is the evidence is there, ignore it if you want to. Sure, the evidence is also there for humans copying the Conehead look with skull shaping, no argument about that. But there is also evidence of genuine Coneheads, and their nature was cruel, violent, and destructive.
5 years ago Report
angpd: Hi Kittbobo there is a saying, not sure who coined the phrase, "you can't outsmart someone who isn't thinking" nuf said.
5 years ago Report
MrNoone 0
MrNoone 0: life is a pimple on thr butt
5 years ago Report
Blackshoes: If Evolution wasn't a Pseudoscience and a Lie ! Why doesn't anyone come Up with any evidence ! Oh I know why 'they haven't any !!

No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.

Abraham Lincoln
(Edited by Blackshoes)
5 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Actually there is lots of evidence, but you have to get your nose out of the bible to understand it.
5 years ago Report
angpd: amen kitty, hahaha
5 years ago Report
Blackshoes: Again Kitty you make claims that you never substantiate.. Where's your head at ? IMO; It's certainly not up any real science evidence or facts .
Academia's Assumption ,and opinion will never be anything other than faith and religious dogmas ..

It takes more faith to accept the fairytale of the Evolutionary theory ! Preached by Academia than all the faith Christians, Jews and Moslems have combined !

Hmm : You still trying too find one single process ',or thousands of Process over eons of time 'that can make DNA and Abiogenesis possible
Maybe you'd rather dodge the Question ' about how life began .So/as to make believe it doesn't matter to Evolution" like Academia has convinced the world !
Evolution doesn't need a beginning

Oh that's right ! You don't have prove your assumptions' because academia states there true !

Assumptions and opinions all seem to be the rage .
SETI has been searching for Radio signals, for over 50 years . They come up empty ! Yet many continue to believe ,and assume there's life out there

Because Academia continues to preach lies, and assumptions' that life can form by itself , through unknown processes ,and unknown number of eons .!
FACT Evolution is a Pseudoscience !
(Edited by Blackshoes)
5 years ago Report
chronology: Evolution is a cult. It has always been a cult. It is not just a rejection of the afterlife that evolutionists feel strongly about, anything that exposes their crackhead like dilutions of animals morphing into other shapes sends them crazy.
Erick Von Dineckin said the most vigorous opposition to his 'Chariots of the Gods' book was evolutionists.
5 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Chariots of the Gods had a ton of faked evidence in it.
I can see why you might think evolutionists treat it like a religion, but when you learn the science and how the evidence is built layer by layer, proof by proof. Anyone arguing against it just sounds like a mental case.
5 years ago Report
Corwin: Notice how every Science thread becomes a platform for religious fundamentalists to attack Evolution? Do we have to do this on EVERY Science discussion?

But okay... for the sake of argument, let's say that Scientists have it all wrong, and we instead have this very busy invisible God flitting about the Earth making new species poof into existence out of thin air.

Isn't it possible then that this God is also doing something similar elsewhere in the Universe? I mean, why did He make it so BIG then? Hundreds of billions of galaxies each with hundreds of billions of stars... did God create all that solely as sky-decoration for our amusement, and so we can stare at it through telescopes and say, "Oh wow."?

Seems like a appalling waste of space to me.

5 years ago Report
Blackshoes: Yes it's Possible ! Isn't it also factorial that Atheist fundamentalists " need to understand that the theory of Evolution doesn't follow Scientific Methodology ,and the rules of Observation, n' research !

Also there's nothing religious other than passions 'that cause the truth to be told !

If Life exist off world'. Why haven't we seen any material evidence, or at lease a radio wave ,maybe foot prints on the moon .

My God something other than eye witness accounts of UFO !

ET where are you !

Han Solo and Luke have never even left a card a note "Nothing" !

A Waste of Space . Not in my view , the stars and Universe amazes me " at each and every glance

(Edited by Blackshoes)
5 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Corwin 5 years ago)