Was there a Iisous and a ‘god’ named Theos around somewhere in 500 AD ?

GeraldtheGnome: I know that neither of them were around the Arctic back then, it was uninhabited by humans back then if you exclude the continents, Greenland and Iceland.
1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: The Byzantine Empire was ruled from Constantinople in 500 AD, Medieval Greek was used and so too was the names Iisous and Theos outside of major religious use. Constantinople was the capital of the empire of course in what is now Turkey and in so far as Eastern Christianity went Constantinople was the religious centre for mainstream Eastern Christianity, So yes Iisous was used as was Christos (so far as I think with the latter) and Theos was used too. The thing is though that Iisous was not used when it came to religious practices at the time because Koine Greek was used in all religious manuscripts, writing, painting, etching and carving as well as in the spoken manner in religious practices. With Koine Greek Iesous was used instead for the god of the imaginary Adam. So were the words for any god in Medieval Greek and Koine Greek just like the names Iisous and Iesous or where they different ?

"Byzanteen", not "Bizanteen" with the pronunciation. He can't pronounce a lot of things, the video also has grammatical errors too. Peace is a myth and it always was. I hate the word expound. All religious gods are made up by the way. Iisous, Iesous and Theos were certainly made up. Monetarily isn't a proper word by the way. Coins, not coin.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
1 year ago Report